Lesson One: God'S Plans - A Just Community Hook

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Andrea G.

Gr. 11 (STEM) – St. Dominic de Guzman
CLE-11 Module Output


1. What is your own idea of a wonderful world?
For me, a wonderful world is a world where in people live peaceful lives. It’s when
people don’t mind social status, race, physical appearances, or any other material things
other than the essential necessities. In this kind of world, people can live harmoniously
and create a community of love and peace.

2. Do you consider our world still a place to live in? Explain your answer.
Our world is still a place to live in, for me. Many problems emerged through the years, it
can become too much of a burden to still see hope in this world of hate, chaos, and
discord but looking at the silver lining, we can still turn things around and make this
world a better place to live in. As generations pass, they become more aware and more
active in building the new world. Because as long as there’s hope for a better change, this
world is still a place worth living in.

ENGAGE : Human Being

1. How can you reflect the image and likeness of God’s in your life?
As beings created in His image and likeness, we are made with His love and we must live
our lives loving both Him and the rest of His creation for we are tasked with the
responsibility of caring and nurturing them. His love is an example for us to live a life of
harmony with the rest of the world and we must do so to achieve His plan of a just

2. What is the social implications of being created in the image and likeness of God’s in
your life?
Being created in His image and likeness, we are considered the highest form of His
creation and are responsible for the other creations. This means we are held accountable
of creating a community where everything is in harmony. Our intelligence and skills as
humans give us the capabilities to know better and help other creatures so we must put
these gifts to use especially today as problems continue to arise.
CLE-11 Module Output

ENGAGE : Article Analysis

1. What do you mean when Pope Francis says that “Evolution, Big Bang do not
contradict belief in God.”?
It means that in the story of creation, things came to be through a reasonable process.
God did not made animals or the sky out of magic. None of His creations came out of
thin air but it was more like things evolved to become what we see and know today.

2. Why did God create man and world?

God created the world out of His love and with this same love He created man in hopes
of having them spread this love to the other creations. He wished for us to take care of the
world, be the stewards of His creations and share His love to all.

1. If God created the world out of love, then why is it full of injustice, oppression and
Although God created us out of love, we are not forced into anything because God
respects our decision but because of our decisions, we sometimes go to the wrong
direction and this leads to sin and destruction of the principles. We are given freedom by
God and yet, at times, we choose the wrong choice.


How do the People of Israel respond to What is the new commandment of love in
God’s communication of Himself? the New Testament?

The people of Israel responded through The new commandment goes like, “You
following the Ten Commandments. The shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
commandments served as their guide in This reassures that we will only do good
fulfilling God’s plan for them. upon our neighbors. Today, this is known
as the golden rule.
CLE-11 Module Output


Because of our social nature, we
depend on being part of a
Why does the church community to build a just social
have social doctrine? order. We learn from each other’s
actions on what is just and what is
They serve as our guide and set the
What are the specifications of social justice as
purposes of social mentioned in the Bible. It condemns
doctrine? unjust acts may it be social,
economic, or political.
The whole church is involved in
determining what is within the
social doctrine through our actions
Who determines and observations on what is
what the social
doctrine is? happening but it is the Magisterium Powerpoint Presentation
(Pope and the bishops) who makes
everything official and guides the
Because the Church should no
longer be private and should help
How did the people outside their bubble.
Church’s social
Especially now that the world is
doctrine come into
being? suffering from many social
problems that affects everyone, not
only the Church.
As mentioned before, we have a
Why is the Church social nature and we thrive in living
interested not only in in communities. We cannot live
the individual? alone, because we depend on each
other to live.

1. What do you mean by Church Social Doctrine?

The Church Social Doctrines are the set of beliefs that the Church has about the issues of
our society they propose as guidelines for us. These are what the Church uses to define
what is just in the happenings of today; socially, economically, and politically.
CLE-11 Module Output

ACQUIRE : The 7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

The main principle that talks about how all human life is
Life and Dignity of the
sacred and deserving of dignity, how every person is precious
Human Person
in the eyes of God.
Call to Family,
Talks about the union of humanity and how we have the right
Community, and
to participate and seek the common good for all.
Rights and All people have rights as a human and it is our responsibility
Responsibilities to protect each other’s rights.
Option for the Poor and Prioritizing the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable
Vulnerable people since they are in need of help the most.
The Dignity of Work
Protecting worker’s right and dignity as they are entitled to
and the Rights of
have so and are essential in helping God’s creation.
Solidarity We are all one family, united even though we are diverse.
Showing respect to His creation by protecting and nurturing
Care for God’s Creation
them while having the future generation in mind.

1. How about the 7 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching?

The Catholic Social Teaching is a foundation of our roles in society and what we must do
to protect all people since it is our responsibility.

ENGAGE : See - Judge - Act

1. How are social doctrine and faith are connected ?
Although people who involve themselves in politics and social issues are not all
Christians, Christians should take part in these issues for the greater good of the
community. Written within the Gospel are the stories that can lead us to living a life of
love, peace, justice and freedom. Through our faith in these stories with principles, we
are guided to become a community that aim for peace and justice.

2. Read and understand the article and base it on See-Judge-Act.

What is happening – The President, Rodrigo Duterte, has reinstated the Death Penalty.
The idea of death penalty itself is against the very principles of Catholic Social Teaching
that is why many people, especially Christians, are against its resurfacing.
Why is it happening – Its return as a punishment was meant to deter criminals and reduce
crime. With his campaign on the war on drugs, many have died and many not by the
death penalty at all. He thinks that the execution of criminals will cause a significant
effect on the overall crime of our country.
What can be done – As the citizens of our country, it is our duty to help our government
make reasonable decisions. We should voice out our opinions and make sure they are
heard, let them know that this way of “ridding” the country of crime is ineffective and

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