Washer-Extractors: Pocket Hardmount Variable-Speed

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Pocket Hardmount Variable-Speed
PS40 Control
Refer to Page 6 for Model Identification


Keep These Instructions for Future Reference.

(If this machine changes ownership, this manual must accompany machine.)

Part No. F8112201R2

www.comlaundry.com August 2011
Table of Safety Information..............................................................................
Explanation of Safety Messages...........................................................

Contents Important Safety Instructions ...............................................................

Safety Decals ........................................................................................
Operator Safety ..................................................................................... 5
Model Identification ............................................................................. 6
Introduction......................................................................................... 7
Nameplate Location.............................................................................. 7
Replacement Parts ................................................................................ 7
Customer Service.................................................................................. 7
Operation............................................................................................. 8
Machine Familiarization Guide ............................................................ 8
General Operation Instructions............................................................. 10
Operating PS40 Control........................................................................ 10
Maintenance ........................................................................................ 12
Daily ..................................................................................................... 13
Beginning of Day ............................................................................. 13
End of Day ....................................................................................... 13
Weekly.................................................................................................. 13
Monthly................................................................................................. 14
Quarterly ............................................................................................... 16
Care of Stainless Steel .......................................................................... 17

© Copyright 2011, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 1

Safety Information
Explanation of Safety Messages Important Safety Instructions
Precautionary statements (“DANGER,” “WARNING,”
and “CAUTION”), followed by specific instructions, WARNING
are found in this manual and on machine decals. These
precautions are intended for the personal safety of the To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock,
operator, user, servicer, and those maintaining the serious injury or death to persons when
machine. using your washer, follow these basic

DANGER 1. Read all instructions before using the washer.

DANGER indicates the presence of a 2. Install the washer according the
hazard that will cause severe personal INSTALLATION instructions. Refer to the
injury, death, or substantial property GROUNDING instructions in the
damage if the danger is ignored. INSTALLATION manual for the proper
grounding of the washer. All connections for
water, drain, electrical power and grounding must
comply with local codes and be made by licensed
WARNING personnel when required. It is recommended that
WARNING indicates the presence of a the machine be installed by qualified technicians.
hazard that can cause severe personal 3. Do not install or store the washer where it will be
injury, death, or substantial property exposed to water and/or weather.
damage if the warning is ignored.
4. To prevent fire and explosion, keep the area
around machine free from flammable and
combustible products. Do not add the following
CAUTION substances or textiles containing traces of the
following substances to the wash water: gasoline,
CAUTION indicates the presence of a kerosene, waxes, cooking oils, vegetable oils,
hazard that will or can cause minor machine oils, dry-cleaning solvents, flammable
personal injury or property damage if the chemicals, thinners, or other flammable or
caution is ignored. explosive substances. These substances give off
vapors that could ignite, explode or cause the
Additional precautionary statements (“IMPORTANT” fabric to catch fire by itself.
and “NOTE”) are followed by specific instructions. 5. Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
IMPORTANT: The word “IMPORTANT” is used produced in a hot water system that has not been
to inform the reader of specific procedures where used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS
minor machine damage will occur if the procedure IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not
is not followed. been used for such a period, before using a
washing machine or combination washer-dryer,
NOTE: The word “NOTE” is used to communicate turn on all hot water faucets and let the water
installation, operation, maintenance or servicing flow from each for several minutes. This will
information that is important but not hazard release any accumulated hydrogen gas. The gas
related. is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame
during this time.
6. To reduce the risk of an electric shock or fire, DO
NOT use an extension cord or an adapter to
connect the washer to the electrical power

2 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201

Safety Information

7. Do not allow children to play on or in the washer. 16. Do not attach anything to the supply dispenser’s
Close supervision of children is necessary when nozzles, if applicable. The air gap must be
the washer is used near children. This appliance maintained.
is not intended for use by young children or
17. Do not operate the machine without the water
infirm persons without supervision. Young
reuse plug or water reuse system in place, if
children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance. This is a safety
rule for all appliances. 18. Be sure water connections have a shut-off valve
and that fill hose connections are tight. CLOSE
8. DO NOT reach and/or climb into the tub or onto
the shut-off valves at the end of each wash day.
the washer, ESPECIALLY if the wash drum is
moving. This is an imminently hazardous 19. Keep washer in good condition. Bumping or
situation that, if not avoided, will cause severe dropping the washer can damage safety features.
personal injury or death. If this occurs, have washer checked by a
qualified service person.
9. Never operate the washer with any guards, panels
and/or parts removed or broken. DO NOT bypass 20. DANGER: Before inspecting or servicing
any safety devices or tamper with the controls. machine, power supply must be turned OFF. The
servicer needs to wait for at least 3 minutes after
10. Use washer only for its intended purpose,
turning the power OFF and needs to check for
washing textiles. Never wash machine parts or
residual voltage with a voltage meter. The
automotive parts in the machine. This could
inverter capacitor or EMC filter remains charged
result in serious damage to the basket or tub.
with high voltage for some time after powering
11. Use only low-sudsing, no-foaming types of OFF. This is an imminently hazardous situation
commercial detergent. Be aware that hazardous that, if not avoided, will cause severe personal
chemicals may be present. Wear hand and eye injury or death.
protection when adding detergents and
21. Do not repair or replace any part of the washer, or
chemicals. Always read and follow
attempt any servicing unless specifically
manufacturer’s instructions on packages of
recommended in the user-maintenance
laundry and cleaning aids. Heed all warnings or
instructions or in published user-repair
precautions. To reduce the risk of poisoning or
instructions that the user understands and has the
chemical burns, keep them out of the reach of
skills to carry out. ALWAYS disconnect the
children at all times (preferably in a locked
washer from electrical, power and water supplies
before attempting any service.
12. Do not use fabric softeners or products to
22. Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug,
eliminate static unless recommended by the
not the cord. Replace worn power cords and/or
manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.
loose plugs. If the supply cord is damaged, it
13. Always follow the fabric care instructions must be replaced by a special cord or assembly
supplied by the textile manufacturer. available from the service agent.
14. Loading door MUST BE CLOSED any time the 23. Before the washer is removed from service or
washer is to fill, tumble or spin. DO NOT bypass discarded, remove the door to the washing
the loading door switch by permitting the washer compartment.
to operate with the loading door open. Do not
24. Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this
attempt to open the door until the washer has
washer according to the manufacturer’s
drained and all moving parts have stopped.
instructions may result in conditions which can
15. Be aware that hot water is used to flush the produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
supply dispenser. Avoid opening the dispenser lid
while the machine is running.

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 3

Safety Information


manual are not meant to cover all possible
conditions and situations that may occur. Common Never touch internal or external steam
sense, caution and care must be exercised when pipes, connections, or components.
installing, maintaining, or operating the washer. These surfaces can be extremely hot and
will cause severe burns. The steam must
Any problems or conditions not understood should be be turned off and the pipe, connections,
reported to the dealer, distributor, service agent or the and components allowed to cool before
manufacturer. the pipe can be touched.

Safety Decals
This machine must be installed, adjusted,
and serviced by qualified electrical Safety decals appear at crucial locations on the
maintenance personnel familiar with the machine. Failure to maintain legible safety decals
construction and operation of this type of could result in injury to the operator or service
machinery. They must also be familiar technician.
with the potential hazards involved. Use manufacturer-authorized spare parts to avoid
Failure to observe this warning may result safety hazards.
in personal injury and/or equipment
damage, and may void the warranty.

IMPORTANT: Ensure that the recommended

clearances for inspection and maintenance are
provided. Never allow the inspection and
maintenance space to be blocked.

Install the machine on a level floor of
sufficient strength. Failure to do so may
result in conditions which can produce
serious injury, death and/or property

Be careful around the open door,
particularly when loading from a level
below the door. Impact with door edges
can cause personal injury.

4 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201

Safety Information

Operator Safety

NEVER insert hands or objects into
basket until it has completely stopped.
Doing so could result in serious injury.

To ensure the safety of machine operators, the

following maintenance checks must be performed
1. Verify that all warning labels are present and
legible, replace as necessary.
2. Check door interlock before starting operation of
a. Attempt to start machine with door open. The
machine should not start.
b. Close door without locking it and start the
machine. The machine should not start.
c. Attempt to open door while a cycle is in
progress. The door should not open.
If door lock and interlock are not functioning
properly, disconnect power and call a service
3. Do not attempt to operate machine if any of the
following conditions are present:
a. Door does not remain securely locked during
entire cycle.
b. Excessively high water level is evident.
c. Machine is not connected to a properly
grounded circuit.
Do not bypass any safety devices in machine.

Never operate the machine with a
bypassed or disconnected balance
system. Operating the machine with
severe out-of-balance loads could result
in personal injury and serious equipment

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 5

Safety Information

Model Identification
Information in this manual is applicable to these

Medium Speed High Speed

Pound CPC80M IPH370 CPC80H JP080PHN
100 CP100PMQ IPH100M CP100PHQ IPH100H
Pound CPC100M IPH460 CPC100H JP100PHN
125 CP125PHQ1 IPH125H
Not Applicable
Pound CPC125H IPH570
140 CP140PMQ IPH140M CP140PHQ IPH140H
Pound CPC140M IPH640 CPC140H JP140PHN
175 Not Applicable CPC175H IPH790

6 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201

Nameplate Location Replacement Parts
The nameplate is located inside the door and on the If literature or replacement parts are required, contact
upper rear panel. Always provide the machine’s serial the source from which the machine was purchased or
number and model number when ordering parts or contact Alliance Laundry Systems LLC at
when seeking technical assistance. Refer to Figure 1. +1 (920) 748-3950 for the name of the nearest
authorized parts distributor.
2 Customer Service
1 For technical assistance, contact your local distributor
or call:
Alliance Laundry Systems
Shepard Street
P. O. Box 990
Ripon, WI 54971-0990
+1 (920) 748-3121

+32 56 41 20 54
Wevelgem, Belgium

1 Inside the Door

2 On Upper Rear Panel

Figure 1

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 7

Machine Familiarization Guide
Figure 2 and Figure 3 identifies major operational
features of the machine.

6 11 12
5 10 13 14




1 Front Service Panel 9 Chemical Service Connection

2 Door Release 10 Water Service Connections (2 std)
3 Door Handle 11 Lubrication Points for Bearings
4 Loading Door 12 Top Service Panel
5 Control Panel 13 Chemical Signal Control Connection
6 Supply Dispenser 14 Power Service Connection
7 Rear Service Panel 15 Cooling Fan and Filter
8 Steam Service Connection 16 Drain Service Connections (1 std)

Figure 2

8 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201


1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3

4 5 6 PS40
7 8 9



11 10 9 8 7

1 Stop Button 7 Infra-Red Programming Port

2 Start Button 8 Enter Button
3 Main Display 9 Temperature/Toggle Button
4 Program Number/Alarm Display 10 Up Button
5 Emergency Stop Button 11 Down Button
6 Run/Program Mode Key Switch 12 Number Buttons

Figure 3

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 9


General Operation Instructions Fast Advancing a Program:

1. Open door and make sure that machine is empty. 1. Press and hold ENTER button and program time
will advance.
2. Load to capacity. DO NOT OVERLOAD.
2. When program time pauses, release ENTER
3. Close and lock door. button. To continue to end of program, continue
4. FILL dispenser cups with appropriate chemicals. holding ENTER button.

5. Enter number of desired program. When PS40 Control fast advances it will pause
whenever it comes to beginning of a drain or agitation
6. Press START button. routine.
7. Machine door will automatically lock and cycle Display bath temperature and cylinder speed:
will begin.
1. Press TEMPERATURE/TOGGLE button and
8. When program is completed, display will show current temperature is displayed.
message “open door” and door will automatically
unlock and is ready to be opened. 2. Press TEMPERATURE/TOGGLE button again
and target temperature is displayed.
3. Press TEMPERATURE/TOGGLE button again
and current cylinder RPM is displayed.
WARNING 4. Display will revert to program status display after
Never use flammable materials of any a few seconds.
kind in the machine! Never use any
solvent other than water!

Operating PS40 Control

Running a Program:
1. Make sure loading door is closed and locked.
2. Enter 2 digit program number corresponding to
desired program.
3. Press START button.
Stopping a Program:
1. Press STOP button and wait for door to be
2. Open loading door.
3. Close loading door.
4. Press STOP button – program will be aborted.
5. Open and close loading door again and program
will be cleared and aborted. Display will return to

10 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201


Clearing an Alarm: Tips:

1. Note alarm code flashing on program display in • Always load machine to capacity.
order to look it up and correct problem.
• Use appropriate low sudsing detergents and
2. Press ENTER button and display will be cleared. chemicals.
PS40 control will continue running normally.
• If a power failure interrupts machine during a
An alarm code indicates a potential machine problem program, program can be resumed where it was
or condition that should be examined. interrupted when power is restored by pressing
START button on control.
Clearing a Fault:
1. Note fault code flashing on program display in • To add goods after a program has been started,
order to look it up and explain problem to a press STOP button. After machine has drained
qualified technician. and is safe, it will unlock door. Open door and
add additional goods to be processed. Close door
2. Wait until machine has stopped and door is and press START button to restart program
unlocked. where it left off.
3. Open door. • If wrong program number is accidentally entered,
4. Press E-Stop button or disconnect main electrical control will allow you to reenter it and change
service to machine. program being run for up to 3 minutes.

5. Call a qualified service technician.

6. When power is restored fault will be cleared and
PS40 control will attempt to run again.

The PS40’s fault codes indicate
potentially hazardous operating
conditions. If a Fault occurs the machine
should be shut off and locked out until a
service technician can repair the machine.
All fault codes are indicated by a flashing
“Fn” display. Where F indicates a fault
condition, and n indicates the particular
fault number.

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 11

Maintenance procedures described below will prolong
life of machine and help prevent accidents.

Be careful when handling sheet-metal
parts. Sharp edges can cause personal
injury. Wear safety glasses and gloves,
use the proper tools, and provide
adequate lighting.

Replace all panels that are removed to
perform service and maintenance
procedures. Do not operate the machine
with missing guards or with broken or
missing parts. Do not bypass any safety

Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly checklists are

provided at end of this section. Laminate checklists to
preserve them for repeated copying. Operators and
technicians are encouraged to add checks specific to
their machine’s particular application.

12 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201


Daily End of Day

Beginning of Day 1. Clean AC drive filter:

a. Remove plastic cover which contains filter.
WARNING b. Remove foam filter from cover.
c. Wash filter with warm water and allow to air
Do not spray the machine with water. Short
circuiting and serious damage may result.
dry. Filter can be vacuumed clean.
IMPORTANT: The control module cover and fan
1. Check door interlock before starting operation: filter must be in place for the fan to properly cool
the AC inverter drive. Failure to observe this
a. Attempt to start with door open. Machine warning will void the warranty and could lead to
should not start. expensive AC inverter drive repair.
b. Close door without locking it and attempt to
2. Clean door gasket of residual detergent and all
start. Machine should not start.
foreign matter.
c. Attempt to open door while a cycle is in
3. Clean automatic supply dispenser and lid inside
progress. Door should not open.
and out with mild detergent. Rinse with clean
If door lock and interlock are not functioning water.
properly, disconnect power and call a service
4. Clean powder dispenser and lid with mild
detergent. Rinse with clean water.
IMPORTANT: Door lock should be checked daily 5. Clean machine’s top, front and side panels with
to ensure proper operation. Also, check that all mild detergent. Rinse with clean water.
safety and instruction stickers are on the machine.
Replace as necessary. NOTE: Unload machine promptly after each
completed cycle to prevent moisture buildup. Leave
2. Inspect water inlet valve hose connections on loading door open at end of each completed cycle to
back of machine for leaks. allow moisture to evaporate.
3. Inspect steam hose connections for leaks, where
applicable. Weekly
1. Check machine for leaks.
WARNING a. Start an unloaded cycle to fill machine.
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, b. Verify that door and door gasket do not leak.
serious injury or death, disconnect the c. Verify that drain valve is operating and that
electrical power to washer-extractor before drain system is free from obstruction. If water
examining the wiring. does not leak out during prewash segment,
drain valve is closed and functioning properly.
4. Inspect all chemical inlets, lines and connections
for leaks.
5. Verify insulation is intact in all external wires and
all connections are secure. If bare wires are
evident, call a service technician.

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 13


Monthly The grease must have adequate base oil viscosity

with one of the following ratings:
NOTE: Disconnect power to machine at its source • ISO VG 150 (135 – 165 cSt at 40°C or
before performing monthly maintenance 709 – 871 SUS at 100°F)
• ISO VG 220 (198 – 242 cSt at 40°C or
Keep the following lubricants on hand for periodic 1047 – 1283 SUS at 100°F)
maintenance of machine.
• An SAE 40 rating is also acceptable as long as
cSt or SUS values are within specified ranges.
Main Shell Alvania® 71125 Grease

Motor bearings are sealed and do not

require service. Never mix grease types (Ex. Silicon,
Door Petroleum, Lithium, Poly-Urea)! Never use
Silicon Spray Grease any grease other than that specified at the
grease fittings on the machine. Doing so
Silicon Spray Grease may cause premature bearing failure and
Handle void any applicable warranties.

1. Each month or after 200 hours of operation,

lubricate bearings using grease fittings located in If machine is fitted with SKF System 24® automatic
upper rear panel. Pump grease gun slowly, using lubricators, check that they are functioning by noting
full strokes. Use the following schedule to piston position each month. Set them to dispense their
determine number of strokes to use for machine. contents over 12 months for all machine models.
Always mark new lubricators with installation date.
Number of strokes per 2. Inspect drive belts for uneven wear, frayed edges
month or 200 hours of or cracking. Push on belts and make sure motor
Machine operation
Type can move about its pivot point (this ensures belts
Front Rear are automatically being tensioned correctly).
Bearing Bearing
40M, 60M 2 1
40H, 60H, 80M, 100M 2 2
80H, 100H, 125H, 140M 3 2
140H, 175H 4 2

The grease must have the following

• NLGI Grade 2
(Recommended: Shell Alvania® #71125)
• Lithium-based
• Water-insoluble
• Anti-rusting
• Anti-oxidizing
• Mechanically stable

14 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201


3. Verify V-belts are properly aligned by checking 7. Clean inlet hose filter screens:
pulley alignment. Place a straight edge across
a. Turn water off and allow valve to cool, if
both pulley faces. The straight edge should make
contact with pulleys in two places. Refer to
Figure 4. b. Unscrew inlet hose and remove filter screen.
c. Clean with soapy water and reinstall. Replace
1 if worn or damaged.
8. Make sure that all hose clamps are tight and all
hoses are secure
2 3 5 9. Tighten motor mounting bolt locknuts and
4 bearing bolt locknuts, if necessary.
10. Verify that motor plate mounting bolt is tight but
plate is free to pivot.
11. Use compressed air to clean dust and lint from
12. Clean interior of machine by wiping with a
1 Drive Motor water-soaked sponge or cloth.
2 Drive Pulley
3 Belt 13. Open rear electrical enclosure and clean out any
4 Straight Edge dust or lint build up in box with a vacuum cleaner
5 Drive Pulley and a soft brush.

Figure 4 WARNING
4. Check all hoses for leaks, cracking and
deterioration. Do not clean the cooling fans with
compressed air! Doing this spins the fan
5. Check supply dispenser hoses and hose too fast and will cause premature fan
connections for leaks. failures.
6. Check all hoses and temperature probe for leaks,
cracking and deterioration.
14. Remove chemical supply components and check
for residual chemicals. Clean or replace as

F8112201 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT 15


NOTE: Disconnect power to machine at its source
before performing quarterly maintenance
1. Tighten door hinges and fasteners, if necessary.
2. Tighten anchor bolts, if necessary.
3. Verify that drain motor shield is in place and
4. Check all painted surfaces for bare metal.
a. If bare metal is showing, paint with primer or
solvent-based paint.
b. If rust appears, remove it with sandpaper or
by chemical means. Then paint with primer or
solvent-based paint.
5. Clean steam filter, where applicable.
a. Turn off steam supply and allow time for
valve to cool.
b. Unscrew nut.
c. Remove element and clean.
d. Replace element and nut.

16 © Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT F8112201


Care of Stainless Steel • Do not leave sanitizers or sterilizing solutions on

stainless steel equipment for prolonged periods
• Remove dirt and grease with detergent and water. of time.
Thoroughly rinse and dry after washing.
• When an external chemical supply is used,
• Avoid contact with dissimilar metals to prevent ensure no siphoning of chemicals occurs when
galvanic corrosion when salty or acidic solutions machine is not in use. Highly concentrated
are present. chemicals can cause severe damage to stainless
• Do not allow salty or acidic solutions to steel and other components with machine.
evaporate and dry on stainless steel. Wipe clean Damage of this kind is not covered by
of any residues. manufacturer’s warranty. Locate pump below
machine’s injection point to prevent siphoning of
• Rub in direction of polish lines or “grain” of chemicals into machine.
stainless steel to avoid scratch marks when using
abrasive cleaners. Use stainless steel wool or • If stainless steel appears to be rusting the source
soft, non-metal bristle brushes. Do not use of the rust may actually be an iron or steel part
ordinary steel wool or steel brushes. not made of stainless steel, such as a nail or
• Remove discoloration or heat tint from
overheating by scouring with a powder or by
employing special chemical solutions.

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