Sentiment Analysis SRS Document

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SRS Document Template

Revision History
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1. The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements
for the sentiment analysis.
2. The intended audience includes all stakeholders in the
potential system.
3. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following.
 Manager
 Application
 Users
4. Developers should consult this document and its revisions as
the only source of requirements for the project.
5. They should not consider any requirements statements, written
or verbal as valid until they appear in this document or its
1.2 Document Conventions
 The document is prepared using Microsoft Word 2010 and has
used the font type ‘Calibri’. The fixed font size that has been
used to type this document is 16pt with 1 line spacing. It has
used the bold property to set the headings of the document. All
pages except the cover page are numbered, the numbers
appear on the lower right hand corner of the page.
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
 The intended audience of this document would be the mmanager and
users with the objective to refer and analyze the information.
 The SRS document can be used in any case regarding the requirements
of the project and the solutions that have been taken. The document
would final provide a clear idea about the system that is building.
1.4 Project Scope
 The proposed software product is Sentiment Analysis.
 In this project we are going to design and build a fully
functional Machine Learning based Sentiment Analysis nlp
technique .
 The aim of this project is to create text recognizer.
 Customers can be able to give reviews based on their opinions
anywhere in the world via application.
 Managers can be able to view the reviews of the product and
learn their ups and downs of their product.
 We need to store the data in the database and Administrator
have access to the website and able to change information.
1.5 References
 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specifications. IEEE Computer Society, 1998.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
 Sentiment analysis is a ML based nlp technique that allows
users to get better opinions of the customer reviews.
 Various users and applications are involved in this system.
2.2 Product Features
 Provide an application that enables users to post review based on
their emotions.
 Managers and customers can view the reviews and get better
idea of the product.
 The text given by users is considered and analysed by dividing the
lexicons into 3 categories.
 Positive
 Neutral
 Negative
 Based on the text the review is considered as good or bad.
 This will give clear idea of how users think of the product.
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
 The technique will be used in an application.
 The manager and users will be the main users.
 The application acts as interface for users and manager.
 The database is required to store the information of reviews.
 The system designed to be user-friendly.
 It uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Manager: The people who want the customer feedback.

Users: These are the people who provides the reviews.
Database Administrator: They are responsible for maintaining
and overseeing the database of the system.

2.4 Operating Environment

Software requirements
● Windows 7 or above operating system.
 Android operating system above 6.0.
 IOS 7
● JRE 1.8
● Php server
Hardware Requirements
● Core i3 processor
● 2GB Ram
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
 User needs user_id and password to log in to his/her account.
 System checks in the database if data is available.
 Database is password protected.
 Should use less RAM and processing power.
 Only administrator can access the whole database.
2.6 User Documentation
 As a part of the system itself a user documentation is provided to the
customers which gives an overview of the system.
 It will include the full description about the product and complete
orderly followed steps to install the software.
 The users will get the opportunity to use the system without having any
 The user manual will include the email addresses to contact us in need.
 Tasks are listed alphabetically or logically grouped often using cross
referenced indexes which helps the users to know exactly what sort of
information they are looking for
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies
 It is assumed that IBM compatible computers will be available
before the system is installed and tested.
 It is assumed that the Hospital will have enough trained staff to
take care of the system.

3. System Features
3.2 System Feature 2
Actors Customer, System.
Goals 1) To check Customer Feedback.
2) To check text analysis.
3) Check the reviews.
4) System trains itself with the help of sentiments and emotions.
Steps 1) Customer enters the feedback.
2) Analysis the text analysis.
3) Text analysis using NLP Technique.
4) NLP Technique sends the data to Application.
5) Reviews are sent to Application.
6) System stores the data from Application.
Result 1) Customer Feedback is stored.
2) Text analysis using NLP Technique, Sentiments and Emotions are used to train the
3) With the help of the sentiment analysis the system enhance the performance and results
of the product .

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces
 [1]There will be no API for this application because there will be
no additional software planned to be added to the program.
4.2 Hardware Interfaces
 Laptop/Desktop PC (or) mobile
Core i5 processor
4.3 Software Interfaces
 [1]Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 or Linux.
 [2]Any version of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc.
 [list software interfaces]
 [1]PHP, symphony
 [2] postgres
4.4 Communications Interfaces
 Network Interface Card - It is a computer hardware component that allows a
computer to connect to a network. NICs may be used for both wired and
wireless connections.
 CAT 5 network cable- for high signal integrity
 TCP/IP protocol- Internet service provider to access and share information
over the Internet
 Ethernet Communications Interface- Ethernet is a frame-based computer
network technology for local area networks (LANs)
 Ubiquitous, easy to set up and easy to use. Low cost and high data
transmission rates
5. Other Non-functional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
 The system must have a good response time.
 The system should be able to achieve a lot in a specified
amount of time.
 The system must run error free while operating with a huge set
of data.

5.2 Safety Requirements

 The system should maintain a good back up.
5.3 Security Requirements
 All external communications between the system’s data server
and clients must be encrypted.
 The access permissions for system data may only be changed
by the system’s data administrator.
 All system data must be backed up every 24 hours and the
backup copies stored in a secure location which is not in the
same building as the system.
5.4 Software Quality Attributes
 AVAILABILITY: The system shall be available all the time.
 CORRECTNESS: A bug free software which fulfil the correct
need/requirements of the client.
 MAINTAINABILITY: The ability to maintain , modify information and
update fix problems of the system.
 USABILITY: software can be used again and again without distortion.
 ACCESSIBILITY: Administrator and many other users can access the
system but the access level is controlled for each user according to their
work scope.
6. Other Requirements
6.1 Usability Requirements
 The Doctor appointment booking system provides medical practitioners
to have appointments well scheduled.
 The only requirement is to have computers with Internet connection.
 The program provides doctors to see their weekly appointments while
they are not at their offices.
 Accessibility of the information and usability of the program is easy,
with few clicks the user can reach the destination information.
Appendix A: Glossary
1. Accident and emergency service: Unplanned services provided to
patients who are not admitted to the hospital
2. Acute: A medical condition that comes on suddenly, and lasts for a
limited time.
3. Admission: The administrative process of becoming a patient in a
4. Aged care unit: This is a specialised facility providing nursing home care
5. Bed days: The total number of days for patients who were admitted0
6. Cardiology clinic: Hospital facility for non-admitted patients providing
services relating to the heart.
7. Dialysis clinic: Hospital facility for non-admitted patients providing
artificial kidney function.
8. ED: See Emergency department.
9. Elective surgery: Elective surgery is planned surgery that can be booked
in advance
10.Eye surgery: Surgical specialty relating to the eyes and optic nerve.
11. Local Hospital Network (LHN): A Local Hospital Network (LHN) is an
organization that provides public hospital services in accordance with the
National Health Reform Agreement.
12.Orthopaedic clinic: Hospital facility for non-admitted patients providing
Services relating to the musculoskeletal system.
13.Overnight admission: A hospital stay in which the patient spent at least
one night in hospital.
14.Pre-admission and pre-anaesthesia: Hospital facility for non-admitted
patients providing care to patients before surgery. 15. Removal date: Date
on which a patient is removed from an elective surgery waiting list.
16. Same day admission: A hospital stay in which the patient is discharged
on the same date as they were admitted.
Appendix B:
Analysis Models:
Analysis Model is a technical representation of the system. It acts as a
link between system description and design model. In Analysis Modelling,
information, behaviour, and functions of the system are defined and
translated into the architecture, component, and interface level design in
the design modelling
Requirements of Customer:
● Proper network connections
● Queries to ask the management

Appendix C: Issues List

 The system shall require the customer to give their email so a response
can be sent.
 The system shall require a comment to be entered, describing whatever
issues the customer will like to know

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