KB 1unit 1 Test A

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Unit 1 test A

3 He left the front door unlocked. (lock)

Grammar / 20 marks He _____________________________________ .
4 We would visit my grandparents every summer.
1 Complete the text with the correct forms of the (to)
verbs in brackets. (4 marks) We ____________________________________ .
In 1969 Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ____________________________________________ .
(1) __________________ (walk) on the Moon.
/ 20 marks
Nobody (2) ________ ever ________ (do) that before. Vocabulary
As they took their first steps on the Moon, millions of
people (3) __________________ (watch) the event on 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
live TV hundreds of thousands of miles below. go, get, make or do and a word from the box.
Armstrong famously (4) __________________ (say), (4 marks)
‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for
a course a fortune climbing married

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of 1 Prince William and Catherine Middleton
the verbs in the box. Use the present perfect ____________________ in April 2011.
simple or the past perfect simple. (4 marks)
2 Mark Zuckerberg has ___________________
since he invented Facebook.
drive not finish ride see
3 Some teenagers decide to ___________________
at college instead of going to university.
1 __________ you ever __________ a 3D film?
4 I ___________________ in the mountains this
2 They didn’t go to the circus last week because they
weekend. Do you want to come?
_____________________ their exams.
3 He ____________________ 50 kilometres before 2 Choose the correct options. (4 marks)
he realized that he was going the wrong way. These days teenagers’ lives can be quite stressful.
4 I ____________________ a horse many times, but Studying for exams and then waiting for the results
not one as big as this! can be very (1) worried / worrying. It can often leave
students feeling (2) exhausted / exhausting. If they
3 Choose the correct options. (4 marks)
feel they’re not doing well enough at school, they
1 Before the invention of washing machines, people
might get quite (3) depressed / depressing, so it’s
used to wash / were washing all their clothes by
important for them to make sure that they do
something fun and (4) relaxed / relaxing in their free
2 Servants would / used cook and clean for wealthy
3 When we were children, we had gone / used to go 3 Complete the adjectives in the sentences.
to the seaside every summer. (4 marks)
4 We would enjoy / used to enjoy reading comics 1 The horror film was too f________________ for
when we were younger. young children to watch.
2 Jason was really e________________ when he
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the
slipped and fell in front of his new girlfriend.
same meaning as the first sentence. Use the
words in bold. (8 marks) 3 It’s very a________________ when you miss your
bus and have to wait half an hour for the next one.
1 He failed his driving test. (pass)
4 The lesson was very b________________ today –
He ______________________________________
I almost fell asleep.
____________________________________________ .

2 Is this your first time in an aeroplane, Mary?

Mary, ____________________________________
____________________________________________ ?


Unit 1 test A
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a 1 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the (6 marks)
words in bold. (8 marks)
1 What must you have if you want to go backpacking
1 My dad returned to the same restaurant. (back) around Australia?
My dad _______________ to the same restaurant. A a friend to go with you
2 Jake’s started swimming to improve his fitness. (fit) B a job in Australia
Jake’s started swimming ____________________. C some money
3 Hannah got good grades in her music exams. (well) 2 How do many backpackers feel when they arrive in
Hannah _________________ in her music exams. Australia?
4 I’ve decided not to eat chocolate for a month. A a bit scared
(without) B confident
I’ve decided ____________________ chocolate for C lonely
a month. 3 What form of transport does the author say is the
best for exploring Australia’s countryside?
/ 20 marks
Reading A bus
B car-sharing
Backpacking in Australia C camper van

A If you want a life-changing experience, then backpacking 2 Read the text again and write true or false for
around Australia could be for you. It’s an exciting country with sentences 1–4. Correct the false sentences.
(8 marks)
amazing cities, beaches and deserts. It’s true that getting there
1 It’s essential to get a job if you want to stay in
isn’t easy and it’s not cheap. That’s why backpacking is the best
choice, as you can camp or stay in hostels. Some backpackers
even get a job to make extra money. Australia is great if you’re
2 Australia is a good place to go backpacking if
not a native English speaker, because you’ll improve your English
English isn’t your first language.
by meeting locals and other travellers.
B Backpacking is also a good way to improve your 3 Backpacking can help you if you are a shy person.
confidence and social skills. Many backpackers set off alone, and _____________________________________________
naturally feel quite nervous when they first arrive on the other
4 The author thinks it’s best to travel around Australia
side of the world. One of the most important, and rewarding,
on your own.
things about backpacking is making friends with other travellers.
You’ll probably get lonely travelling on your own, but if you stay in
hostels, you’ll find it easy and fun to make new friends. 3 Find words and phrases in the text which match
the definitions. (6 marks)
C To travel between Australian cities, there are buses, 1 affecting you forever (paragraph A)
trains and even planes. However, to explore the countryside ________________
properly, you’ll need to share a car or, better still, buy or hire a 2 decision (paragraph A) ________________
camper van with friends. That way, you can drive wherever you 3 people from a particular place (paragraph A)
want and also sleep in the van, which will help you to save a lot of ________________
4 enjoyable and offering lots of benefits
(paragraph B) ________________
D Australia is a fantastic country and backpacking is a fun 5 pay to use something for a short period
way to see it and make friends. It’s a huge place though, so you (paragraph C) ________________
need several weeks or months to explore it properly. This is 6 in a way that is correct or appropriate
(paragraph D) ________________
difficult to do when you’ve got a family or a permanent job, so if
you get the chance while you’re young, it’s certainly something to
think about!


Unit 1 test A
7 What were the bride and groom most nervous
Writing / 20 marks about?
A Forgetting their vows.
Choose one of the tasks. Write 100‒150 words. B Jumping out of the plane.
1 Write a biography of someone who has had an C Landing on the ground.
unusual life. This could be a famous person or 8 For how much longer will the couple be in New
somebody that you know. Zealand?
2 Imagine that you went to your favourite restaurant A two weeks
for a special occasion, but the food and the service B six weeks
were terrible. Write a formal email to the restaurant C a few months
manager complaining about your experience and 9 Who was on the ground after the flight?
asking for a refund. Begin your email ‘Dear Sir or A just the people from the plane
Madam’. B the people from the plane and lots of
newspaper photographers
/ 20 marks C some TV crews
10 What does Karen think about the skydiving
 5.4 You are going to listen to a conversation
between two friends, Karen and Matt, about an A She’d love to do it.
unusual wedding. Read the questions below, then B She doesn’t want to do it.
listen to the conversation and choose the correct C She’d like to get married in New Zealand, but
answers. not in a plane.
1 Where does Karen learn about the unusual
wedding? Speaking / 20 marks
A on Facebook
B on TV Describe the photo and say whether this is
C in a newspaper something you’d like to do. Why? / Why not? What
2 Which part of the wedding didn’t happen inside the other extreme sport would / wouldn’t you like to
A When the couple exchanged rings.
B When the couple signed the register.
C When the couple kissed.
3 Who is Lester Oakes?
A the groom
B the photographer
C the person who conducted the wedding
4 How many times had Lester Oakes skydived
A many times
B once
C never
5 How did the couple do the jump?
A They both jumped alone.
B The bride was with an instructor and the groom
was alone.
C They both jumped with instructors.
6 Why did the couple choose to get married in New
A They’d met there five years ago.
B They’d always wanted to go there.
C Skydiving weddings aren’t allowed in Germany.


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