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1st Quarter 2020-2021
Productivity Tools: Application Technique(Mail Date:
Merge Utilization) Week: 2 Lesson 1
At the end of the lesson, the learners CAN…

1. Discuss Common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application


1.1 Setting Emotional Climate

Hello! How are you today let us do an activity to keep you alert while doing this activity sheet,
just follow the steps and you’ll be great.

Step 1. Stand up
Step 2. Pat your head with your right hand.
Step 3. Rub your stomach with your left hand.
Step 4. Switch hands
Step 5. Do it twice

1.2 Refreshing of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Write the words below to the pictures of your choice.


Google Calendar

Noise Generator

What common productivity tools have you used? In today’s lesson we will be discussing about
different Common productivity tools and advance application technique Using Mail Merge.


1.3 Summary of Essential Concept


Mail Merge is a software toolkit that is used to produce multiple documents with a given
template, editing the basic information that is supplied by a structured dataset. A sample output are
certificates of attendees in a seminar. Instead manually and individually inputting information, it is
automatically generated when using Mail Merge. The template of the certificate should, of course,
be uniform but the names should be customized for every individual.

Steps in using Mail Merge:

1. Create a dataset with title headings on a spreadsheet application.
2. Create the template of the letter or documents that will receive the dataset in a word
3. Insert the label of customized detail in the word processor and insert the label that
corresponds to the spreadsheet.
4. Select the option preview in the word processor to generate all of the pages with different

Mail Merge Utilization

1. Create a spreadsheet containing your information and make sure that the labels are written in
the first row. (Figure 2.1)

Figure 2.1
2. Indicate the Source of information in your word processor ( Figure 2.2)
a. On the upper part of the word processor, click the mailing tab.
b. Under the mailing tab, click the Select Recipients option.
c. Then under the Select Recipients option, click Use Existing List.

Figure 2.2
3. Select the spreadsheet file you’ve created in step 1.
a. Browse the directory where you can saved the spreadsheet file containing the
information you are going to use (figure 2.3).
b. Select the spreadsheet file.
c. Click open.
Figure 2.3

4. Select which sheet in the file contains the information.

a. Select the sheet that you are going to use as your reference for the information.
b. Click OK after highlighting the sheet.

5. Start writing on creating the template that you are going to use.
a. To include the customized field, select the mailing tab.
b. Under the mailing tab, select the Insert Merge Field option.
c. From the Insert Merge Field option, select the column name that you want to insert.

Figure 2.5
6. Check the result of label placement.
a. After assigning the labels, you can check the result by clicking the Preview Results
option under the Mailing tab (figure 2.6)
b. Beside the Preview Result option, a text box with number is displayed. Press the Next
Record and Previous Record button to browse between pages.
Figure 2.6

7. Implement Rules
a. There are instances wherein a customized text should match a certain label value. The
Rules option can be useful.
b. On the Rules drop-down box, Select the If…Then…Else option (figure 2.7)

Figure 2.7
8. Set up the rule.
a. In the window that will appear, select the column name from the spreadsheet that will be
subjected to the rule. Then write the rule at the Compare To Text Box (Figure 2.8).
b. Fill up the Insert This Text Box with the text that will appear if the condition is met.
c. Fill up the Otherwise Insert This text box with the text that will appear if the condition is
not met.

Figure 2.8
9. Print the finished product.
a. In the middle tab, click the Finish and Merge option (figure 2.9)
b. Under the Finish and Merge option, click Edit Individual Documents.

Figure 2.9

10. Create a new document

a. A small window will appear. Select the button All and click OK (Figure 2.10)
b. A new document will appear with multiple similar pages where the labels positions are
c. The generated document can be saved or printed depending on your preference.

1.3 Testing of Knowledge

Instructions: Write your answer below

What are the steps in using the Mail Merge? Give atleast 4 steps.


1.5 Productive Teamwork

STEP 1: By pair, Create a worksheet that has Mail Merge Utilization using the MS Word
STEP 2: Pairing was determined by me and was sent to the beadle of the class. Take note that the
partner you have will be you partner till the end of the semester.

STEP 3: paste your output here! Or you can submit it through my Google Account.

1.6 Knowledge Scanning

Directions: Explain your answer briefly

1. What are the advantages using Mail Merge?

1.7 Integration of Learning

Give atleast 5 common examples of productivity tools with advanced applications technique that
could help you as a student.


Directions: Explain your answer briefly

What are the advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and software
applications in developing ICT content?

Directions: Explain your answer briefly

What projects have you done before wherein Mail Merge could have been useful or applied?

TechFactors, Inc.
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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Subject Teacher

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