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The Tableau Workshop: A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau
The Tableau Workshop: A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau
The Tableau Workshop: A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau
Ebook1,049 pages5 hours

The Tableau Workshop: A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau

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About this ebook

Learning Tableau has never been easier, thanks to this practical introduction to storytelling with data. The Tableau Workshop breaks down the analytical process into five steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, interactivity, and distribution of dashboards. Each stage is addressed with a clear walkthrough of the key tools and techniques you'll need, as well as engaging real-world examples, meaningful data, and practical exercises to give you valuable hands-on experience.

As you work through the book, you'll learn Tableau step by step, studying how to clean, shape, and combine data, as well as how to choose the most suitable charts for any given scenario. You'll load data from various sources and formats, perform data engineering to create new data that delivers deeper insights, and create interactive dashboards that engage end-users.

All concepts are introduced with clear, simple explanations and demonstrated through realistic example scenarios. You'll simulate real-world data science projects with use cases such as traffic violations, urban populations, coffee store sales, and air travel delays.

By the end of this Tableau book, you'll have the skills and knowledge to confidently present analytical results and make data-driven decisions.

Release dateApr 28, 2022
The Tableau Workshop: A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau

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    Book preview

    The Tableau Workshop - Gupta Sumit


    The Tableau Workshop

    Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Authors: Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet, and Kenneth Michael Cherven

    Reviewers: Siddharth Pawar and Murari Ramuka

    Development Editor: Aditi Hinge

    Acquisitions Editor: Sneha Shinde

    Production Editor: Salma Patel

    Editorial Board: Megan Carlisle, Heather Gopsill, Bridget Kenningham, Manasa Kumar, Alex Mazonowicz, Monesh Mirpuri, Abhishek Rane, Brendan Rodrigues, Ankita Thakur, Nitesh Thakur, and Jonathan Wray

    First published: April 2022

    Production reference: 1250422

    ISBN: 978-1-80020-765-3

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place, 35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK

    Table of Contents


    1. Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau


    The Importance of Visual Analytics

    The Tableau Product Suite

    Introduction to Tableau Desktop

    Exercise 1.01: Connecting to a Data Source

    Exercise 1.02: Creating a Comparison Chart Using Manual Drag and Drop

    Exercise 1.03: Creating a Comparison Chart Using the Automated Show Me Button Method

    Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop

    Saving and Sharing Your Work

    Exercise 1.04: Saving Your Work as a Static Snapshot-PowerPoint Export

    Exercise 1.05: Saving Your Work as a Tableau Interactive File–Tableau Packaged Workbook

    Activity 1.01: Identifying and Creating the Appropriate Chart to Find Outliers in Your Data


    2. Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop


    Connecting to a Data Source

    Exercise 2.01: Connecting to an Excel File

    Connecting to a Server Data Source

    Various Joins in Tableau

    Different Types of Joins

    Exercise 2.02: Creating an Inner Join Dataset

    Exercise 2.03: Creating a Left Join Dataset

    Exercise 2.04: Creating a Right Join Dataset

    Exercise 2.05: Creating a Combined Dataset Using Union

    Data Transformation in the Data Pane

    Data Interpreter

    Renaming the Data Source

    Live and Extract Connections

    Exercise 2.06: Creating an Extract for Data

    Extract Properties

    The Data Storage field

    The Filters field

    The Aggregation Field

    The Number of Rows Field

    Which Connection Is Better – Live or Extract?


    Exercise 2.07: Adding a Region Filter on the Orders Table

    Data Grid Options

    Custom SQL

    Data Blending

    Exercise 2.08: Creating a Data Blend Using the Orders and People Tables

    Exercise 2.09: Visualizing Data Created from a Data Blend

    Limitations of Data Blending

    Activity 2.01: Identifying the Returned Orders

    Activity 2.02: Preparing Data for Visualization


    3. Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep


    Prep Interface

    Adding Data in the Flow

    Exercise 3.01: Connecting to an Excel File

    Exercise 3.02: Connecting with Multiple Data Sources

    Data Source Profile

    Exercise 3.03: Data Profile for the Orders_South Dataset

    Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split

    Additional Clean Steps

    Cleaning Steps at the Column Level

    Exercise 3.04: Applying a Filter in a Clean Step

    Exercise 3.05: Cleaning a Column in the Workflow

    Grouping Values

    Exercise 3.06: Grouping Values into a Group

    Splitting Values

    Exercise 3.07: Splitting Columns

    Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union


    Exercise 3.08: Identifying High-Value Customers Based on Purchases

    Pivoting Data

    Exercise 3.09: Using a Pivot for Data

    Joining and Union of Data

    Exercise 3.10: Joining Two Data Sources


    Exercise 3.11: Union of Tables

    Script Step

    Flow and Data Exports

    Exercise 3.12: Exporting Data

    Activity 3.01: Finding the Month with the Highest Orders

    Activity 3.02: Data Transformation


    4. Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition


    Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items

    Bar Chart

    Exercise 4.01: Creating Bar Charts

    Exploring Comparisons over Time

    Exercise 4.02: Creating Bar Charts for Data over Time

    Line Charts

    Difference between Discrete Dates and Continuous Dates

    Exercise 4.03: Creating Line Charts over Time

    Exploring Comparison across Measures

    Exercise 4.04: Creating a Bullet Chart

    Bar-in-Bar Charts

    Exercise 4.05: Creating a Bar-in-Bar Chart

    Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts

    Exercise 4.06: Creating a Stacked Bar Chart

    Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts

    Exercise 4.07: Creating a Pie Chart


    Exercise 4.08: Creating Treemaps

    Exploring Compositions for Trended Data

    Area Charts

    Exercise 4.09: Creating an Area Chart

    Activity 4.01: Visualizing the Growth of Passenger Cars in Singapore


    5. Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships


    Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure

    Creating a Histogram

    Exercise 5.01: Creating a Histogram

    Box and Whisker Plots

    Exercise 5.02: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot without the Show Me Panel

    Exercise 5.03: Box Plot Using the Show Me Panel

    Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures

    Distribution with Two Measures

    Creating a Scatter Plot

    Exercise 5.04: Creating a Scatter Plot

    Scatter Plots with Trend Lines

    Exercise 5.05: Trend Lines with Scatter Plots

    Trend Lines and Types

    Linear Trend Lines

    Polynomial Trend Lines

    Polynomial Degree of Freedom

    Logarithmic Trend Lines

    Exponential Trend Lines

    Power Trend Lines

    The Reliability of Trend Lines



    Advanced Charts

    Quadrant Charts

    Reference Lines

    Understanding Reference Lines

    Exercise 5.06: Creating Quadrant Charts

    Combination Charts – Dual axis Charts

    Exercise 5.07: Creating Dual axis Charts

    Activity 5.01: Creating Scatter Plots

    Activity 5.02: Dual axis Chart with Asynchronous Axes


    6. Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data


    Importing Spatial Data

    Data File Types

    ESRI Shapefiles

    GeoJSON Files

    KML Files

    MapInfo Interchange Format

    MapInfo Tables

    TopoJSON Files

    Downloading the Data Source from GitHub

    Exercise 6.01: Downloading the Source Data

    Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources

    Exercise 6.02: Importing a Non-Spatial Data Source

    Data Relationships

    Exercise 6.03: Joining Two Data Sources

    Managing Location Data

    Assigning Geographic Roles

    Editing Locations

    Building Custom Geographies

    Creating a New Geography Using an Existing Role

    Creating a New Geography Using Groups

    Exercise 6.04: Building Custom Geographies

    Creating Maps in Tableau


    Symbol Maps

    Adding Data to Symbol Maps

    Coloring a Symbol Map

    Sizing a Symbol Map

    Using Shapes in a Symbol Map

    Adding Map Tooltips

    Navigating Symbol Maps

    Filtering Symbol Maps

    Creating Groups and Sets from Symbol Map Data

    Exercise 6.05: Building a Symbol Map

    Choropleth (Filled) Maps

    Coloring a Choropleth Map

    Navigating a Choropleth Map

    Filtering a Choropleth Map

    Exercise 6.06: Building a Choropleth Map

    Dual-Axis Maps

    Exercise 6.07: Creating a Dual-Axis Map

    Map Enhancements

    Setting Map Options

    Using Existing Layers

    Adding Mapbox Background Maps

    Exercise 6.08: Adding Mapbox Background Maps

    Activity 6.01: Creating a Location Analysis Using Dual Axis and Background Maps


    7. Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations


    Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations

    Exercise 7.01: Creating an Ad Hoc Calculation to Highlight Loss-Making Sub-Categories

    Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations

    Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Numeric Calculations

    Exercise 7.02: Creating a Numeric Calculation

    Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Logic Statements

    Exercise 7.03: Creating a Logic Calculation

    Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: String Calculations

    Exercise 7.04: Creating a String Calculation

    Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Date Calculations

    Exercise 7.05: Creating a Date Calculation

    Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations

    Creating Calculations across Data Sources

    Activity 7.01: Calculating the Profit Margin

    Activity 7.02: Calculating the Percentage Achievement with Respect to Budget Sales


    8. Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations


    Quick Table Calculations

    Running Total

    Exercise 8.01: Creating a Running Total Calculation


    Exercise 8.02: Creating a Difference Calculation

    Percent of Total

    Exercise 8.03: Creating a Percent of Total Calculation

    Percent Difference

    Exercise 8.04: Creating a Percent Difference Calculation

    Percentile and Rank

    Exercise 8.05: Creating Percentile and Rank Calculations

    Moving Average

    Exercise 8.06: Creating a Moving Average Calculation

    Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning

    Table (across)

    Exercise 8.07: Creating a Table (across) Calculation

    Table (down)

    Exercise 8.08: Creating a Table (down) Calculation

    Exercise 8.09: Creating Table (across then down) and Table (down then across) Calculations

    Exercise 8.10: Creating a Pane (across) Calculation

    Exercise 8.11: Pane (down) Calculation

    Exercise 8.12: Creating a Pane-Level Calculation


    Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations

    Creating a New Table Calculation

    Exercise 8.13: Creating a Table Calculation Using the Calculation Editor

    Removing a Table Calculation

    Activity 8.01: Managing Hospital Bed Allocations

    Activity 8.02: Planning for a Healthy Population


    9. Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations


    Exercise 9.01: Creating a LOD Calculation

    Types of LOD Calculations


    Exercise 9.02: Creating a FIXED LOD Calculation


    Exercise 9.03: Creating an INCLUDE LOD Calculation


    Exercise 9.04: Creating an EXCLUDE LOD Calculation


    LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures?

    Aggregation and LOD Calculations

    LOD Calculation Is Higher than the View LOD

    LOD Calculation Is Finer than the View LOD

    Nested LOD Calculations

    Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations

    Activity 9.01: Identifying the Top-Performing Sales Executives

    Activity 9.02: Performing a Comparative Analysis


    10. Dashboards and Storyboards


    The Who, What, and Why of the Dashboard

    The Who: Audience

    The What: Begin with the End in Mind

    The Why: The Need for a Dashboard

    Designing a Dashboard

    The Basic Layout

    Display Size






    Exercise 10.01: Text Formatting – Workbook versus Worksheet

    Dashboard Objects

    Vertical Objects

    Horizontal Objects

    Text Objects

    Image Objects

    Web Page Objects

    Blank Objects

    Navigation Objects

    Extension Object

    Using Floating Objects

    Exercise 10.02: KPIs and Metrics View

    Exercise 10.03: Map and Parameter Worksheet Views

    Exercise 10.04: Putting It All Together: Dashboarding

    Creating Storyboards

    Exercise 10.05: Creating a Simple Storyboard

    Activity 10.01: Building a Complete Dashboard


    11. Tableau Interactivity: Part 1


    Grouping Data

    Exercise 11.01: Creating Groups


    Exercise 11.02: Creating Hierarchies

    Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau

    Data Source and Extract Filters

    Exercise 11.03: Filtering Data Using Extract/Data Source Filters

    Filters Using Views

    Exercise 11.04: Creating Filters from the View

    Creating Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Exercise 11.05: Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Measure Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Exercise 11.06: Measuring Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Exercise 11.07: Creating Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf

    Quick Filters

    Exercise 11.8: Creating Quick Filters

    Applying Filters across Multiple Sheets/Multiple Data Sources or an Entire Data Source

    Context Filters

    Exercise 11.09: Creating and Using Context Filters


    Static Sets

    Exercise 11.10: Creating Static Sets

    Dynamic Sets

    Exercise 11.11: Creating Dynamic Sets

    Adding Members to the Set

    Exercise 11.12: Adding Members to the Set

    Combined Sets

    Exercise 11.13: How to Create Combined Sets


    Exercise 11.14: Standard Parameters

    Dynamic Parameters

    Exercise 11.15: Dynamic Parameters

    Activity 11.01: Top N Countries Using Parameters, Sets, and Filters



    About the Book

    Learning Tableau has never been easier, thanks to this practical introduction to storytelling with data. The Tableau Workshop breaks down the analytical process into five steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, interactivity, and distribution of dashboards. Each stage is addressed with a clear walk-through of the key tools and techniques you'll need, as well as engaging real-world examples, meaningful data, and practical exercises to give you valuable hands-on experience.

    As you work through the book, you'll learn Tableau step by step, studying how to clean, shape, and combine data, as well as how to choose the most suitable charts for any given scenario. You'll load data from various sources and formats, perform data engineering to create new data that delivers deeper insights, and create interactive dashboards that engage end users.

    All concepts are introduced with clear, simple explanations and demonstrated through realistic example scenarios. You'll simulate real-world data science projects with use cases such as traffic violations, urban populations, coffee store sales, and air travel delays.

    By the end of this Tableau book, you'll have the skills and knowledge to confidently present analytical results and make data-driven decisions.

    About the Authors

    Sumit Gupta is an analytics professional with more than 7 years' experience spanning across marketing, sales, and product analytics. As a consultant and trainer, he has utilized Tableau to build better data-driven teams for his organization. Sumit specializes in translating vast amounts of data into easy-to-understand dashboards which provide actionable intelligence. He is a Tableau Certified Associate and enjoys training data enthusiasts to become better Tableau developers and certified Tableau associates. This book is one such effort to reach masses.

    I would like to thank my family for being incredibly supportive through this book-writing journey, especially my super-mom. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would also like to thank my friends (Piyush and Sheshnath, to name a few) and mentors/leaders/managers who have also pushed me to become better every day. Onwards and Upwards!

    Sylvester Pinto has been using Tableau for almost a decade now for improving business performance for different industries. Sylvester has designed various business solutions using Tableau for different organizations leading to a huge impact to improve their businesses. He has a Tableau certification and as a consultant designs solutions for various organizations.

    Shweta Sankhe-Savale is the co-founder and Head of Client Engagements at Syvylyze Analytics (pronounced civilize), a boutique business analytics firm specializing in visual analytics. Shweta is a Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate and a Tableau Accredited Trainer. Being one of the leading experts on Tableau in India, Shweta has translated her experience and expertise into successfully rendering analytics and data visualization services for numerous clients across a wide range of industry verticals. She has taken on numerous training and consulting assignments for customers across sectors such as BFSI, FMCG, retail, e-commerce, consulting and professional services, manufacturing, healthcare and pharma, ITeS, and more. She even had the privilege of working with renowned government and UN agencies. Combining her ability to break down complex concepts with her expertise on Tableau's visual analytics platforms, Shweta has successfully trained over 1,300 participants from 85+ companies.

    Jean-Charles (JC) Gillet is a seasoned business analyst with over 7 years of experience with SQL at both a large-scale multinational company in the United Kingdom and a smaller firm in the United States, and 5 years of Tableau experience. He has been working with Tableau and SQL for multiple years to share his expertise with his colleagues, as well as delivering SQL training. A French national, JC holds a master's degree in executive engineering from Mines ParisTech and is a Tableau Desktop Certified Associate.

    In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter (to whom he dedicates his work on this book) and playing team handball, having competed in national championships.

    I'd like dedicate this work first and foremost to my wife and two children, who stand by my side every day, through thick and thin. But also to my parents, who taught me my core values, and my managers, especially my mentors and friends Robert and Miguel, who have meant so much to me.

    Kenneth Michael Cherven is a Data Analyst and Visualizer based in Detroit, Michigan, USA. He has worked with Tableau for more than 15 years with a focus on making complex data easily understood through the of interactive dashboards and creative displays. Beyond his work in the automotive sector, Kenneth analyzes data and creates visualizations using open data sources from the baseball, government, music, and craft beer domains. Ken has previously published two titles for Packt – Network Graph Analysis and Visualization with Gephi and Mastering Gephi Network Visualization.

    Who This Book Is For

    This book is for anyone who wants to get started on visual analytics with Tableau. If you're new to Tableau, this Workshop will get you up and running. If you already have some experience in Tableau, this book will help fill in any gaps, consolidate your understanding, and give you extra practice with the key tools.

    About the Chapters

    Chapter 1, Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau, teaches you the basic skills needed to understand data and its visual elements for reporting and creating dashboards.

    Chapter 2, Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop, covers the essential skills you need to create reports in Tableau, such as loading, joining, transforming, blending, and manipulating data.

    Chapter 3, Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep, covers Tableau Prep and how Prep helps in cleaning and joining disparate data sources. You will learn how to perform data manipulation methods such as pivots, grouping, and aggregations, and finally, how to export the transformed data into Tableau.

    Chapter 4, Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition, expands on your Tableau knowledge. You will start creating charts in Tableau, including line, bar, and stacked area charts. You will also learn how to create trend reports.

    Chapter 5, Data Exploration: Distributions and Relationships, covers reference lines and advanced chart types such as Dual Axis and Quadrant charts.

    Chapter 6, Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data, teaches you how to explore geographical data to perform location-based analysis in Tableau.

    Chapter 7, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations, covers calculations, including numeric, string, and date calculations. You will also learn how to write logical statements in calculated fields.

    Chapter 8, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations, touches on table calculations and how they differ from calculated fields, and when to use table calculations versus calculated fields.

    Chapter 9, Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations, covers LOD calculations, with which you will learn how to control the aggregation level in your view.

    Chapter 10, Dashboards and Storyboards, covers the basics of using a blank canvas to build interactive dashboards, including adding branding elements, filters, and web pages. Finally, we will also cover storyboards and how they differ from dashboards.

    Chapter 11, Tableau Interactivity: Part 1, dives deeper into Tableau Order of Operations, Filters, Sets, and Parameters, while reinforcing the other charting and dashboarding skills.

    This is part one of a two-part topic, the latter half of which is available online.


    There are also three bonus chapters (Chapter 12, Tableau Interactivity: Part 2; Chapter 13, Distribution of Dashboards; and Chapter 14, Case Study) which you can find at

    You can also find solutions for all activities in this Workshop online at


    Code words in text form, database and collection names, file and folder names, shell commands, and user input use the following format: There are also other File, Edit, Flow, and Server menu options at the top. The purposes of the File and Edit options are self-explanatory. The Flow menu can be used to run the flow and the Server menu has the option to sign in and publish the flow on Tableau Server. 

    Often at the beginning of chapters, key new terms will be introduced. In these cases, the following formatting will be used: Understanding aggregations is the most fundamental concept you need to keep in mind when working with Tableau. 

    Minimum Hardware Requirements

    For an optimal experience, we recommend the following hardware configuration:

    Processor: Dual core or better

    Memory: 4 GB RAM

    Storage: 10 GB available space

    Minimum Software Requirements

    Unlike hardware requirements, software requirements can be challenging to list because Tableau releases new updates to their software every 3-6 months and there are new features added with these new releases. But considering the exercises/activities planned in this book, we expect the following to be required at minimum:

    Tableau Desktop 2020.1 or above

    Tableau Prep 2020.1 or above

    This book was written and reviewed using Tableau versions 2020.1.x. Though new versions of Tableau are frequently released, the steps used for the exercises and activities in this book are unlikely to change with the version changes. Any known differences at the time of publication will be noted within the text as relevant.

    Downloading the Book/Data Sources Bundle

    GitHub link:

    Download all the folders and data files from GitHub (as shown) or download individual chapter files separately as needed.

    Figure 0.1: GitHub files

    Figure 0.1: GitHub files

    Setting Up Your Environment

    Before you begin the book, you need to set up both Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep. In this section, you will see how to install Tableau Desktop. Once you have followed these steps and installed Tableau Desktop, you will also then need to follow the same steps to download Tableau Prep. The download links are as follows:

    Tableau Desktop 2020.1:

    Tableau Prep 2020.1:

    Installing Tableau on Your System

    From, click on 2020.1 to expand the list. Click on any of the 2020.1.XX links as follows:

    Figure 0.2: Tableau downloads/release notes page

    Figure 0.2: Tableau downloads/release notes page

    Click on 2020.1.20 and on the new page which was loaded. Next, either click on Download Tableau Desktop 2020.1.20 and Tableau will automatically detect your operating system, or else scroll down to the Download Files section and click on the appropriate download link for your operating system (Windows or Mac).

    Figure 0.3: Tableau download 2020.1.20 page

    Figure 0.3: Tableau download 2020.1.20 page

    Once you have downloaded the file, open your downloads folder, and double-click on the downloaded file. You will see the following screen if you are using a Mac (Windows will have a similar workflow):

    Figure 0.4: Tableau Desktop installer: introduction

    Figure 0.4: Tableau Desktop installer: introduction

    Follow the prompt by clicking on Continue and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the software license agreement:

    Figure 0.5: Tableau software agreement prompt

    Figure 0.5: Tableau software agreement prompt

    It might take a minute or two to install the software and you may be asked to restart your system, depending on your computer's configuration.

    Once the files are written, you should see the following success message. Click on Close to finish the installation:

    Figure 0.6: Tableau installation complete

    Figure 0.6: Tableau installation complete

    To verify whether the software was installed, if you are using Mac, press cmd + Space to open spotlight search and type in Tableau. You should see the following on your screen. Similarly, if you are using Windows, click on the Windows button and type Tableau to open the application.

    Figure 0.7: Searching Tableau in spotlight search

    Figure 0.7: Searching Tableau in spotlight search

    You can follow the same steps to install Tableau Prep by downloading the software from the download link above. When you load either Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep for the first time, you might be required to register the software and enter the license key. Depending on your situation, either your organization might be able to provide the license keys, or you can start a 14-day trial to explore the software. Finally, if you are a student or teacher, Tableau offers free 1-year licenses; to learn more, visit

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    1. Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau


    In this chapter, you will learn about Visual Analytics and why it is important to visualize your data. You will connect to data using Tableau Desktop and familiarize yourself with the Tableau workspace. By the end of this chapter, you will be well acquainted with the Tableau interface and some of the fundamental important concepts that will help you get started with Tableau. The topics that are covered in this chapter will mark the start of your Tableau journey.


    At a very broad level, the whole data analytics process can be broken down into the following steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, and distribution. This process typically starts with a question or a goal, which is followed by finding and getting the relevant data. Once the relevant data is available, you then need to prepare this data for your exploration and analysis stage. You might have to clean and restructure the data to get it in the right form, maybe combine it with some additional datasets, or enhance the data by creating some calculations. This stage is referred to as the data preparation stage. After this comes the data exploration stage. It is at this stage that you try to see the composition and distribution of your data, compare data, and identify relationships if any exist. This step gives an idea of what kind of analysis can be done with the given dataset.

    Typically, people like to explore the data by looking at it in its raw form (that is, at the data preparation stage); however, a quick and easy way to explore the data is to visualize it. Visualizing the data can reveal patterns that were difficult to recognize in the raw data.

    The data exploration stage is followed by the data analysis stage, in which you analyze your data and develop insights that can be shared with others. These insights, when visualized, will enable easier interpretation of data, which in turn leads to better decision making. In very simplistic terms, the process of exploring and analyzing the data by visualizing it as charts and graphs is called visual analytics. As mentioned earlier, the idea behind visualizing your data is to enable faster decision making. Finally, the last step in the data analytics cycle is the distribution stage, wherein you share your work with other stakeholders who can consume this information and act upon it.

    In this chapter, we will discuss all these topics in detail, starting with a further exploration of the value of the titular process.

    The Importance of Visual Analytics

    As mentioned earlier, Visual Analytics can be defined as the process of exploring and analyzing data by visualizing it as charts and graphs. This enables end users to quickly consume the information and, in turn, empowers them to make quicker and better decisions.

    In this section, you will learn why data visualization is a better tool for evaluation than looking at large volumes of data in numeric format.

    All of us have at some point heard the expression A picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed, it has been found that humans are great at identifying and recognizing patterns and trends in data when consumed as visuals as opposed to large volumes of data in tabular or spreadsheet formats.

    To understand the importance and the power of data visualization/visual analytics, let's look at one of the classic examples: Anscombe's Quartet. Anscombe's quartet is comprised of four distinct datasets with nearly identical statistical properties, yet completely different distributions and visualizations.


    This was developed in 1973 by an English statistician named Francis John (Frank) Anscombe, after whom it was named.

    Let's take a deeper look at these datasets.

    Figure 1.1: A screenshot showing the datasets used in Anscombe's quartet

    Figure 1.1: A screenshot showing the datasets used in Anscombe's quartet

    As you can see in the preceding figure, each dataset consists of 11 X and Y points. Now, if you were to analyze these datasets using typical descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and correlation between X and Y, you would see that the output is identical.

    Figure 1.2: A screenshot showing descriptive statistics of the Anscombe's quartet data

    Figure 1.2: A screenshot showing descriptive statistics of the Anscombe's quartet data

    Looking at the preceding figure, you can see the following:

    The mean of X for each dataset is 9 (exact accuracy).

    The standard deviation for X for each dataset is 3.32 (exact accuracy).

    The mean of Y for each dataset is 7.50 (accurate up to two decimals).

    The standard deviation for Y for each dataset is 2.03 (accurate up to two decimals).

    The correlation between X and Y for each dataset is 0.816 (accurate up to three decimals).

    So, by looking at the above statistical inferences, you would assume that these datasets are identical until you decide to visualize each of them, the results of which are displayed below.

    The images show how these datasets appear when visualized as graphs. Now, let's compare each of these visualizations side by side so that you can see how different each of these datasets really are.

    Figure 1.3: A screenshot showing a graphical representation of all four datasets of Anscombe's quartet

    Figure 1.3: A screenshot showing a graphical representation of all four datasets of Anscombe's quartet

    The preceding example highlights how data visualization can help uncover patterns in data that it was not possible to see by simply looking at the numbers and/or just analyzing the data statistically. This is exactly why Francis Anscombe created his quartet. He wanted to counter the argument that numerical calculations are exact, but graphs are rough, which, back then, was a quite common impression among statisticians.

    Next, take a look at one more example of how visualizing data helps us find quick insights. Refer to the following figure:

    Figure 1.4: A screenshot of a grid view showing the marketing expense and profitability for products across markets

    Figure 1.4: A screenshot of a grid view showing the marketing expense and profitability for products across markets

    In the preceding figure, you can see a grid view of fields such as Product Type, Product, Market, Marketing, and Profit. In the data that you have used, Marketing is the money that is spent on any marketing efforts to promote products, and Profit is the profit generated after those marketing efforts. Further, these values are broken down by dimensions such as Product Type, Product, and Market. The idea is to evaluate how each product is doing in terms of Marketing and Profit across different markets.

    Now, displaying this information in a grid format, as shown above, results in 84 numbers being shown in the view, and doing any kind of comparison across these 84 numbers is going to be very difficult. So, imagine you want to find out whether there are any products in any specific markets where losses are made even after spending significant money on the marketing efforts. Then you will end up comparing these numbers horizontally as well as vertically, which, honestly, is a bit tedious. However, let's see whether visualizing this data makes any difference. Refer to the following figure:

    Figure 1.5: A bar chart comparing the marketing expense and profitability for products

    Figure 1.5: A bar chart comparing the marketing expense and profitability for products

    In the preceding figure, you can see that the length of the bar is the money spent on Marketing, whereas the color of the bar represents the Profit value. So basically, the longer the bar, the more money was spent on marketing; the darker the shade of blue, the more profitable the product; and the darker the shade of orange, the greater the loss accrued.

    Looking back at that figure, note that the longest bar is Caffe Mocha in the East market. This means that Caffe Mocha has the highest marketing spending, but because the color of that bar is orange, you also know that it is accruing a loss.

    This is another example that demonstrates the power of data visualization.

    Now that you have understood what visual analytics is and why it is important, let's look at some data visualization tools in the next section.

    The Tableau Product Suite

    There are a lot of tools available on the market offering various features and functionalities that you can use to visualize your data. When it comes to business analytics and data visualization, Tableau is one of the leading tools in this space because of its ease of use and drag and drop functionality, which makes it easier even for a business user to start making sense of their data. Tableau has different tools for different purposes, available in the Tableau product suite, which we'll explore in this section.

    The entire suite can be divided into three parts: data preparation, data visualization, and consumption or distribution. Refer to the following figure:

    Figure 1.6: A screenshot showing the Tableau product suite

    Figure 1.6: A screenshot showing the Tableau product suite

    As shown in the preceding figure, you have Tableau Prep in the Data

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