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1. SMS DOCUMENT HIERARCHY ........................................................................ 2
2. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................... 2
3. SCOPE ............................................................................................................. 2
4. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS...................................................................... 2
5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................ 3
5.1 QUU EXECUTIVE .................................................................................. 3
5.2 MANAGER........................................................................................... 3
5.3 SUPERVISOR/PICOW........................................................................... 3
5.4 WORKER............................................................................................... 3
5.5 CONTRACTORS ................................................................................... 3
5.6 QUU SAFETY TEAM .............................................................................. 4
6. QUU RELATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................... 4
7. PROCEDURE .................................................................................................... 4
7.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................. 4
7.2 HEAD PROTECTION ............................................................................. 4
7.3 EYE PROTECTION................................................................................. 5
7.4 HEARING PROTECTION ....................................................................... 5
7.5 HAND PROTECTION ............................................................................ 5
7.6 FOOT PROTECTION ............................................................................. 5
7.7 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ................................................................ 6
7.8 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ...................................................................... 6
7.9 DISPOSABLE PPE.................................................................................. 7
ACTIVITIES ..............................
8. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 7
9. REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 7
10. FURTHER INFORMATION ........................................................................... 8

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) approach to the management of
personal protective equipment (PPE). The purpose of this procedure is to outline the requirements of selecting, use,
maintenance and management of PPE to adequately manage and to minimise the risk of injury or harm to workers and
This SOP applies to all QUU employees and contractors when undertaking work on behalf of QUU.
Attenuation – The reduction of a noise level from a source by shielding, distance or ground effects.
Explosive atmosphere – area where flammable or combustible materials are handled. These areas pose a danger of an
explosion or fire occurring.
Hazardous area – an area in which an explosive atmosphere is present, or may expected to be present, that requires special
precautions to be taken to eliminate potential ignition sources. The explosive atmosphere may be caused by a) the presence
of a flammable liquid, gas or vapour; b) the presence of combustible dust in suspension or in layers; or c) a combination of
explosive gas and dust atmospheres.
HSR – Health and Safety Representative.
Manager – as per QUU naming conventions, the Manager who has direct responsibility for the activity being performed
or the area the activity is occurring in.
Officer – as per section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is a person who makes, or participates in making decisions
that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the organisation’s activities. Specific to QUU, a QUU officer has been
defined as Board Members; Chief Executive Officer (CEO); Executive Leadership Team Members; Operational General
Personal Protective Equipment – anything used or worn by a person to minimise risk to the person’s health and safety,
including air supplied respiratory equipment.
PPE – acronym used for personal protective equipment.
Supervisor/PICOW – term used for any QUU employee who acts or is appointed as a Supervisor, Coordinator or
Team Leader within QUU.
WHS – acronym used for Work health and safety.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
WHSQ – acronym used for Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.
Worker – employees, contractors, subcontractors, outworkers, apprentices and trainees, work experience students, volunteers
and PCBUs who are individuals if they perform work for the business
Outlined below are responsibilities specific to operational plant management requirements at all QUU-controlled
QUU Executive and Senior Management (CEO, ELT, General Managers – Officer and Non-Officer Appointed) are
responsible for overseeing and ensuring the implementation of the requirements of this SOP and related procedures within
their respective functional areas. This includes:
Ensuring all tasks are assessed to identify the required PPE; and
Ensuring appropriate management practices are implemented to make sure that PPE is a) available, used and
maintained and b) regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure effectiveness.
Managers in all operational areas and QUU worksites are responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP. This
Facilitating adequate resourcing to ensure the provision of PPE is sufficient; Ensuring all
applicable employees are aware of this procedure;
Ensuring personnel are trained in the selection, use and maintenance of PPE for all work environments;
Ensuring that workers are made aware of this SOP and meet the expectations of QUU to comply with this SOP.
Supervisors and Team Leaders in all operational areas and QUU worksites are responsible for ensuring that the following is
undertaken to minimise exposure to hazards and risks including:
Ensuring sufficient PPE is available for all work environments and is correctly used and maintained; Ensuring all
workers are familiarised with the relevant parts of this SOP;
Documenting and retaining records of inspections; and
Providing appropriate training, instruction and supervision for workers.
All workers must ensure that they:
Do not interfere or alter any PPE;
Follow the requirements detailed in this SOP and associated documents; Wear PPE in the
manner instructed, which is supplied by QUU; and
Report any PPE defects/damage immediately to their supervisor; and complete a QUU WHS
Incident Report (in QPulse) in accordance with QUU WHS incident reporting procedures.
At all times when performing work on a QUU site or for/on behalf of QUU, contractors must meet or exceed this or other
related procedures. This includes satisfying the roles and responsibilities detailed in this section (i.e. as a worker) and:
Providing adequate PPE that is specific to the task requirements to ensure implementation of the requirements of this SOP
in a timely and effective manner in all areas where work is undertaken.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
Complying with this SOP and all relevant legislation, codes of practice, standards and licensing requirements that
apply to their respective scope of work.
QUU Safety Team will work with the business to ensure:
The establishment, review and continual improvement of management systems, arrangements and related
procedures relating to the management and use of PPE; and
The provision of advice to assist in the active management and resolution of hazards and risks that require PPE
and to ensure these are managed in accordance with QUU SMS and relevant legislative requirements.
WHS Hazard and Risk Management Standard (STD136) WHS
Hazard and Risk Management Procedure (PRO363)
WHS Hygiene Maintenance SOP Standard Operating Procedure (PRO423) WHS
Signage Standard Operating Procedure (PRO422)
WHS Noise Standard Operating Procedure (PRO421)
PPE is the least preferred control method to reduce the risk of exposure to a hazard. PPE shall be used when no other risk
control methods are available or practicable, where required by legislation or to increase protection in conjunction with
other control methods.
The PPE requirements are to be selected after reviewing the hazards and risks for each site and activity. PPE selected must
comply with Australian Standards. Signage in the work area must reinforce the PPE requirements. Refer to WHS Safety
Signage Standard Operating Procedure PRO422 for further details.
PPE must be used, maintained and stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and/or relevant
Australian and New Zealand Standards.
PPE must only be used in the manner for which it is intended and must not be modified in any way. PPE must be
visually inspected before each use and any damaged PPE must not be used.
PPE needing repair must be removed from use and appropriately tagged as unserviceable until it is suitably repaired
or replaced. Reusable PPE must be cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain a high
level of hygiene.
Workers requiring PPE shall be trained in its correct use, maintenance, fault detection, disposal and storage
PPE shall be stored in a dedicated, readily accessible area free from contaminants;
Sites must document and monitor any necessary PPE maintenance or replacement schedules;
Workers and contractors undertaking work on behalf of QUU at a non-QUU site shall comply with the PPE
requirements of the non-QUU site, providing that they meet the minimum QUU PPE requirements.
All workers shall ensure PPE is in serviceable conditions at all times. PPE
must only be selected from the Preferred Supplier List.
All hard hats used on QUU sites must comply with AS/NZS 1800:1998 – Occupational Protective Helmets –
Selection, Care and Use. Hard hats are required for all QUU workers, contractors and visitors in designated
“Safety Helmet Areas” and during overhead works.
Only 50+ SPF orange snap plastic brims are to be used.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
Hard hats must be replaced every 2 years from issue date.
Caps and other non-religious apparel must not be worn under hard hats.
All eye protection must comply with Australian Standard AS/NZS1336:1997 – Recommended Practice for
Occupational Eye Protection.
Safety spectacles with side shields must be used in areas where the risk of eye damage from flying particles exists.
Goggles must be used when extra eye protection is required.
Face shields are considered additional protection for high temperatures, high density / impact particles or against
chemical splashes and are not an alternative to goggles.
Employees requiring prescription safety glasses will be required to supply them for their own use. Eye protector
side fames or over-glasses will be provided by QUU and must be worn and comply with AS/NZS 1337:2010 –
Personal Eye Protection – Eye and Face Protectors for Occupational Applications.
Contact lenses must not been worn during welding or near welding activities, or whilst handling or working near dry
or wet chemicals.
Eye protection worn at night must be clear (non-tinted).
Tinted safety glasses that offer UV protection are recommended when working outside during daylight hours.
QUU will establish and maintain a Hearing Conversation Program.
All hearing protection must comply with Australian Standard AS/NZS1269:2005 – Occupational Noise
Management-Acoustics (series including AS/NZS 1269.3).
Selection of hearing protection must be on the basis of attenuation of the different frequency component of the
offending noise. WRAPs must include the required hearing protection.
All QUU workers must conduct a personal fit check of the hearing protection device before each use to ensure it is
appropriately fitted. QUU workers must be deemed competent to conduct a personal fit check.
Hearing protectors must be worn throughout the period of exposure to noise above 85 dB(A) as per the WHS
Noise Standard Operating Procedure PRO421.
All hand protection must comply with AS/NZS 2161.1:2000 – Occupational Protective Gloves – Selection, Use
and Maintenance.
Gloves are available in many different materials depending on the protection required (e.g. cotton, rubber, PVC,
stainless steel mesh, Kevlar, leather etc.). Selection must be based on the protection required for the particular
hazards involved. They may be of wrist or elbow length. The type of glove to be used shall be identified in the risk
Foot protection must comply with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2210 Series including AS/NZS 2210.1:2000 –
Occupational Protective Footwear, Guide to Selection, Care and Use;
Safety Footwear – QUU approved laced ankle high boots are compulsory at all work site locations except where the
risk of foot injury has been assessed as being low (e.g. in an office environment). Boots must be worn in the manner
instructed by the manufacturer.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
All respiratory protection must comply with Australian Standards: AS/NZS1716:2012 - Respiratory
Protection Devices; and AS/NZS1715:2009 – Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective
Devices. The risk assessment of the respiratory hazard must be made to ensure the correct degree of protection
is provided (e.g. full face, half face, correct filters etc.).
All asbestos removal tasks must document in the SWMS the requirement of Respiratory Protective Equipment
All QUU workers and contractors required to wear respiratory protection must undertake a facial fit test to identify the
appropriate make and size of respirator for their face shape. Fit testing of QUU workers is to be conducted by a
competent person. Fit checks ensure the respirator is sealed over the bridge of the nose and mouth and that there is no
gap between the respirator and the face.
All QUU workers must conduct a personal fit check of the respiratory device before each use to ensure it is
appropriately fitted. QUU workers must be deemed competent to conduct a personal fit check prior to the
commencement of work.
To perform a fit test:
1. Place respirator on the face;
2. Place headband or ties over the head and at the base of the neck;
3. Compress the respirator to ensure a seal across the face, cheeks and bridge of the noise;
4. Check the positive pressure seal of the respirator by cupping the facial vents and gently exhaling. If air
escapes, the respirator needs to be adjusted;
5. Check the negative pressure seal of the respirator by gently inhaling. If the respirator is not drawn in
towards the face, or air leaks around the face seal, readjust the respirator and repeat the process, or
check for defects in the respirator.
QUU workers and contractors are to be cleanly shaven when wearing half-face or full-face respirator. It is
essential that an adequate face seal is achieved to prevent harmful particulates from being inhaled as outlined in
AS/NZS1716 and AS/NZS1715.
QUU workers are to wear the uniforms provided.
Those workers who work with or near electricity must wear appropriately rated clothing.
All QUU workers, visitors and contractors are to ensure that they wear button cuffed long shirts and long trousers to
provide 50+ SPF sun protection. Cotton-only uniforms must be worn when performing welding or flame cutting tasks
or in work areas where there is a risk of fire.
High-visibility retro-reflective protective clothing must be worn at night, in conditions where visibility is poor (such
as at dawn and dusk) or where there is a high risk of interaction between personnel and vehicles or mobile plant and
Workers undertaking welding tasks must wear task-specific eyewear, gloves aprons and other PPE as identified by
risk assessment.
Workers involved in laboratory work are required to wear task-specific PPE, including lab coats, high protection
safety glasses, enclosed footwear, high-temperature heat-resistant gloves and dust masks as identified by risk
Workers working in designated hazardous areas (i.e. areas where an explosive atmosphere is or may be present)
must ensure they wear cotton-based high visibility PPE only (i.e. no reflective strips), and must not carry on their
person any potential ignition sources (e.g. power tools, mobile phones, grinders etc.).
Chemical protective clothing may be required when handling chemicals (refer to Safety Data Sheet for chemical
being used) and should be identified in the risk assessment.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
To prevent the potential transmission of communicable, infectious and parasitic diseases, all employees
working in the belt press or around sewage must wear the following:
○ P2 disposable masks;
○ Disposable coveralls;
○ Disposable boot covers;
○ Occupational Protective gloves; and
○ Face shields where splashing may occur.
For further information on staff hygiene maintenance, please refer to WHS Hygiene Maintenance Standard
Operating Procedure PRO448.
For all workers involved in asbestos removal, appropriate disposal PPE will be provided on site. Please refer to
WHS Hazard and Risk Management Standard Operating Procedure PRO363 for further details.
When working outdoors, QUU workers must wear:
Wide brim hats;
Long sleeve shirts (where appropriate by risk assessment); Long
trousers (where appropriate by risk assessment);
Enclosed footwear;
Regularly applied 50+UV sunscreen;
Insect repellent (where required); and
Tinted safety glasses or equivalent or personally supplied sun glasses as appropriate to the activity.

The following references contain information used in the preparation and development of this PPE SOP:
Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011;
Queensland Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011;
AS/NZS 1800:1998 – Occupational Protective Helmets - Selection, Care and Use;
AS/NZS1336:1997 – Recommended Practice for Occupational Eye Protection AS/NZS 1337:2010 – Personal eye
protection – Eye and Face Protectors for Occupational Applications;
AS/NZS1269:2005 – Occupational Noise Management-Acoustics (series including AS/NZS 1269.3) AS/NZS
2161.1:2000 – Occupational Protective Gloves – Selection, Use and Maintenance;
AS/NZS 2210 series including AS/NZS 2210.1:2010 – Occupational Protective Footwear – Guide to Selection,
Care and Use;
AS/NZS1716:2012 - Respiratory Protection Devices;
AS/NZS1715:2009 – Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Devices.

The PPE SOP is to be reviewed every 2 years or earlier if:
There is an identified risk to business;
A significant safety or unplanned event occurs;

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure
Incident investigation or audit results show that application of the standard fails to deliver the required outcomes;
There are changes in associated legislation;
There is evidence that the standard is not having a positive impact on safety-related KPIs.
For further information, contact your Health and Safety Representative or the QUU Safety Team.

PRO424 Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Operating Procedure

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