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Department of Information Technology



Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

ULAF: University Lost and Found with Image Search and ID Scanner

A Capstone Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Information Technology

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course ITCAP 3200

IT Capstone Project 1


Batara, Jezreel A.

Bagarra, Patricia Ann E.

Gamino, Erwin S.

March 2023


The Central Luzon State University recently has been hearing about the students’

belongings that are being forgotten and was found inside and outside the University Campus.

Most of the found items are being posted in the Central Luzon State University Facebook

group which is called ‘CLSU SILESYUANS 2021’ where the finder searches for the owner

of the missing items. But despite of the help of the CLSU Facebook group, it can be hard if

the items are already found or if it is not because of many of the students are also posting

inside the Facebook Group. Because of the unorganized process on posting the lost items

inside the CLSU Facebook Group, the researchers had an idea to make the University Lost

and Found App (ULAF) to help those lost items owners to find their belongings and to those

who are finding the owner of the items they have found.

The University Lost and Found App (ULAF) is a mobile and web application created

for Central Luzon State University (CLSU) to assist students and staff members in reporting

and tracking lost and found items on campus. The development, implementation, and

potential advantages of the app for the university environment are the subject of this thesis


The application is being developed in response to the university's increasing lost and

found inventory. Students and employees frequently lose their possessions, including wallets,

phones, laptops, and other valuable items, which can be inconvenient and frustrating.

Additionally, many items go unclaimed or remain lost forever due to the current system for

reporting and reclaiming lost items, which is ineffective and time-consuming.

CLSU's University Lost and Found App (ULAF) aims to address these issues by

offering a more streamlined and user-friendly system for reporting and tracking lost and

found items. Users can easily report lost items, provide detailed descriptions, and receive
updates on the status of their lost items using the app. Users can also search through a

database of found items and claim items that belong to them.

In this research paper, we will go over the various stages of app development, such as

the design and implementation of the user interface, database management, and integration

with existing university systems. We will also conduct user testing and evaluation to assess

the app's usability and effectiveness.

Overall, the ULAF has the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the

university's lost and found system while also reducing the difficulties and distress

experienced by students and staff members who have misplaced valuable items. This app will

be essential to the university's technological infrastructure and significantly benefit the CLSU



The current system for reporting and tracking lost and found items at Central Luzon

State University (CLSU) is manual and time-consuming. This system creates a cluttered and

disorganized lost and found office, and it frequently results in lost items going unclaimed or

remaining lost indefinitely. Furthermore, students and staff members frequently experience

inconvenience and frustration when reporting lost items and retrieving them.

People nowadays have always misplaced their valuable things like smartphone,

school ID, wallet and etc. And they don’t know when and where they lost it. The only things

they will remember are where did they go before losing their things. Finding your lost things

can lose your minds in searching everywhere.

Specific problems in finding your lost items

- Broad searching area

- specific time and place where it happened

- Someone might find it and take it

- The person can own the item or search for the owner (it always depends on the


- The value of the items that have been lost


The primary objective of this study is to design, develop, and implement the

University Lost and Found (ULAF) app, which will provide a more efficient and effective

way of reporting and tracking lost and found items at CLSU. This study specifically seeks to:

 Identify the current problems and challenges of CLSU's lost and found system;

 Design and develop the ULAF, including the user interface, database management

system, and integration with existing university systems.

 Conduct user testing and evaluation to determine the app's usability and effectiveness.

 Determine the effect of the ULAF on the efficiency and effectiveness of CLSU's lost

and found system.

 Analyze the ULAF app's potential benefits to the university community, including

students, faculty, and the lost and found office in the USF.

By achieving these objectives, we aim to provide a more streamlined and user-

friendly lost and found system at CLSU, reducing the inconvenience and frustration of losing

valuable items within the campus. We also hope to contribute to the development of

innovative and efficient technological solutions for universities and other institutions.


The scope of the thesis paper is to design, develop, and implement the University Lost

and Found (ULAF) app for Central Luzon State University (CLSU). The study will focus on

identifying the current problems and challenges of the existing lost and found system at

CLSU and creating an app that will provide a more efficient and effective way of reporting

and tracking lost and found items within the campus. The ULAF will be designed to cater to

the needs of CLSU students, staff members, and the lost and found office in USF.

The ULAF will have the following features:

1. User-friendly interface: The app will have a simple and intuitive user interface that

makes it easy for users to report lost items, search for found items, and track the status

of their lost items.

2. Lost item reporting: The app will allow users to report lost items by providing basic

details such as item description, location of loss, and contact information.

3. Found item searching: The app will allow users to search for found items by

providing basic details such as item category, location, and date found.

4. Administrative dashboard: The app will provide an administrative dashboard for lost

and found office personnel to manage the lost and found items, including updating

item status, generating reports, and communicating with users.

5. Analytics and insights: The app will generate reports and data analysis that can be

used to identify patterns and trends in lost and found items, such as frequently lost

items, popular locations of loss, peak times of loss, and indefinitely unclaimed items.

6. Integration with existing systems: The app will be integrated with existing systems

within CLSU, such as the student and staff databases, to ensure the accuracy and

consistency of user information.

By providing these features, the ULAF aims to provide a more efficient and effective way

of reporting and tracking lost and found items within CLSU, reducing the inconvenience and

frustration of losing valuable items within the campus.


While the ULAF aims to provide a more efficient and effective method of reporting and

tracking lost and found items at CLSU, the study has some limitations, which include:

 The research is limited to the creation and implementation of the ULAF at CLSU and

may not be applicable to other institutions or organizations.

 The study is limited to CLSU students, staff, and the lost and found office using the

ULAF app. External parties, such as visitors or unaffiliated individuals, will not be

able to use the app.

 Limited user adoption: The app's success will be determined by the willingness of

CLSU students and faculty to use it. Some users may be wary of new technology,

while others may prefer to use traditional lost-and-found methods.

 Limited network coverage: The app will require internet connectivity to function

properly. However, some areas within the campus may have limited network

coverage, which could affect the app's usability. 

 The study is constricted by the timeframe and resources available for research, which

may affect the study's completeness and comprehensiveness.

It is important to consider these limitations during the development and

implementation of the ULAF to ensure that its functionality and usability meet the needs of

CLSU users while managing their expectations.


The ULAF significantly improves efficiency, user experience, data analysis, security,

privacy, and reputation for Central Luzon State University's lost and found process.

This app will enable lost items to be recovered and returned to their owners more quickly and

will also make it easier to report and track lost and found items, enhancing the user

experience and increasing user satisfaction.

The ULAF will generate data analysis and reports to help CLSU identify patterns and

trends in lost and found items. This data can be used to make educated decisions about how

to improve the lost and found process, such as identifying problem areas and implementing

targeted solutions.

In addition, the ULAF can also lead to cost savings for CLSU by reducing the need

for manual processes and paperwork. With an automated system, staff can focus on other

essential tasks, and the app can provide a more accurate and reliable record of lost and found

items. This app can lead to better resource allocation and decision-making based on data


Finally, implementing the ULAF will enhance CLSU's reputation as a technologically

advanced and user-friendly institution. This app will attract more students and staff to the

university and improve its overall image.




The review of related literature plays a crucial role in any research study as it provides

a foundation for the development of the research question, identifies gaps in the existing

literature, and helps to establish the significance of the study. The literature evaluation will

serve as a guide for the development of a complete and successful lost and found system that

can cater to the demands of the university's community in the context of the Lost and Found

App for Central Luzon State University.

In a study by Suchana, K., et. al. (2021), every day, people become disoriented, which

is a pretty normal occurrence in contemporary culture. Every day, children, the elderly, and

those with mental illnesses go missing. This article describes the creation of web apps that

can give information and services to both a missing person's loved ones and individuals who

discover the lost person. Those who have lost a loved one may use this built online

application to register using their email address and upload all information about the missing

individual, including images, in the lost area. Individuals who locate someone may also

register using their email addresses and submit whatever information they know about the

found person, including images, in the found area.

There is a search window where individuals may look for a lost or found person by

name, age, height, location, skin color, and other criteria. There is also a contact mechanism
that allows you to contact the person who has lost or found someone by phone, email, or by

connecting with their social media profile. People nowadays report missing or found persons

to the police, place advertisements on television or in newspapers, and post information on all

social media sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Yet, this web tool offers a more efficient

and improved method of locating and connecting with lost and found individuals.

According to Chin, Y. (2020), the UTAR lost and found management system project

was established in order to offer a uniform, centralized method of handling lost and found

goods at UTAR. The project objectives are to examine the existing lost and found difficulties

at UTAR as well as the features of similar systems, and to design a cross-platform lost and

found management system to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of handling and

organizing lost and found goods at UTAR. According to the results of the poll, the user

preference for online applications and mobile applications is about similar. As a result, a

cross-platform application was created that users may access via a web browser or mobile


The system for lost and found by iNetTutor (2021) will transform the laborious

procedure of looking for missing items into a totally digital one. Because there is a chance

that a manual search or transaction would create a delay or, in the worst case, fail, the manual

process is viewed as inefficient. There is a good chance the consumer won't be able to get

their possessions back. The system may be used by users to seek for missing properties.

Businesses in the hotel and travel industries as well as other customer-facing firms can

benefit greatly from this approach. By this technique, their clients may quickly ask them

about their lost property, and they can subsequently return the missing items to their owners.

According to Abdulah, A., et. al. (2021), lost and found management is a system for

managing and tracking goods that have been discovered and lost. Although anybody can use

it, this website was created with university students, professors, and visitors in mind.
Frequently, we hear about many situations when someone has misplaced a valuable item and

someone else has discovered it. Typically, those who recover anything give it to the

department head, who then places it in waiting for the individual who lost it, however

occasionally the person who lost their item is unaware of this. As there is no proper platform

available, the department head wishes to restore lost objects to their owners but is unable to

do so. This makes it difficult for the students, staff, and visitors to locate their missing

belongings. An online and mobile application of a lost and found management system has

been created by us specifically for these types of problems.

In the study of Castro, E., et. al. (2022), when someone loses their possessions, they

are always anxious, and looking for the goods may be quite demanding and difficult,

especially for students. Notifications about missing objects are frequently posted on notice

boards in each department, but because the messages are updated frequently, they don't stay

up for very long, thus many ignore them. By recording and managing its data, lost and found

systems may assist with these types of problems thanks to modern technology. A survey on a

7-Point Likert Scale was presented to students and administrators to gauge the effectiveness

of the AUFound system. The system will significantly assist the area by raising awareness,

providing correct data, and enhancing the manual method, it has been determined after

analysis of the data gathered and the survey findings.

Some of us may have forgetfulness, while others may experience robberies, in which

case it might be challenging to recover lost items. Important papers, diplomas, cell phones,

tablets, computers, wallets, keys, baggage, and jewelry are just a few examples of lost objects

that can be stressful and inconvenient. The degree of suffering also increases when a person

comes into closer touch with the lost item. When valuables, especially expensive ones, are

lost, choosing to follow customary procedures, such as submitting a formal form to the court
or visiting a missed and found office, may not be sufficient to ensure the return of the lost

item Harburg, K., et. al. (2015).

It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to locate and recover lost and stolen property

Ahmad, Z., et. al. (2015). According to a 2013 survey, annual losses from missing items were

estimated to be $176.9 109. The poll also revealed that people search for abandoned property

for about 0.5 hours every week Mac (2017). Fraud losses in the UK topped £ 1.2 billion in

2018, according to research by a UK finance firm. According to the business, 14% of all card

fraud losses in 2018 were attributable to missing and stolen card incidents Saed (2019).

Scholars came up with a number of solutions to the issue. Consequently, the emphasis

of this effort is on developing a straightforward graphical user interface with clear

information and enabling all users to post complaints (without restriction). Because of this,

the research seeks to quickly register a complaint on the registry without actually calling a

police center (saving subscribers' time) and to quickly connect owners with lost and found

things on a single platform, speeding up their search for missing items.


University lost and found applications have grown in popularity in recent years, since

they provide a convenient way for students and teachers to report and search for lost things

on campus. Many studies have been undertaken to investigate the efficacy and usability of

such apps, as well as the factors that influence their adoption. This section investigates five

existing lost and found systems. The primary characteristics of these systems will be

explained and evaluated.

RepoApp Primary Features

 Power Search - Search using keywords, categories, storage date ranges and other

options to quickly find lost & found items.

 Manage Lost & Found Items - Easily add and update items. Release items to

customer and capture the customer's information. Release expired items that have

gone un-claimed.

 Integrate With Your Website - Allow customers to view available lost & found

items or allow customers to submit a lost item claim from your website. Customize

the content of the page.

 Manage Customer Claims - Capture and manage customer claims. Add notes and

flag claims for follow-up.

 Capture Photos - Use your webcam to capture photos of items.

RepoApp Evaluation

The RepoApp is a web-based lost and found system that allows users to view lost and

found information, send email notifications, auto-match items, and release unclaimed items.
The system aims to provide a more efficient and user-friendly way to connect lost items with

their owners.

One of the benefits of RepoApp is its user-friendly interface, which allows users to

search for lost and found items using a variety of criteria. Furthermore, the auto-match

feature saves users time by matching items based on the criteria provided. The email notice

tool is particularly important for immediately contacting probable owners, which can lead to

a higher possibility of recovering lost things with their owners.

One of the potential disadvantages of RepoApp is the reliance on email notifications to

contact potential owners. Some individuals may not check their emails frequently or may not

have access to email, which could lead to missed opportunities to reunite lost items with their

owners. Additionally, the system's reliance on expired dates to release unclaimed items could

potentially lead to lost items being removed from the system before their owners have a

chance to find them.

Overall, the RepoApp has several useful features that can assist in reuniting lost items

with their owners. However, the reliance on email notifications and expired dates to release

unclaimed items may pose potential limitations. Nonetheless, the system's user-friendly

interface and auto-match feature make it a promising tool for managing.

ReclaimHub Primary Features

 Image Upload - Upload photos of lost & found items to help return items to their

owners as soon as possible. Spend less time searching for an item and finding

specific details, with item images right where you need them.

 Custom Categories - Whether you run a small shop, music festival, or international

airport, you can choose the right categories for all types of items that maybe lost or

found at your venue. We've curated a list of many commonly lost & found item

types, to get you started.

 Self-Service Widget - By placing our widget on your website, your customers can

simply and easily report their items to you, reducing time spent by your staff on the

phone, email, or face to face. But should your customer still contact you directly,

you can simply add a new lost item through your control panel.

 ReclaimHub auto-matching system - The quicker an item is returned to it's owner

means less time and stress for all. We make it easy for you to match items with their

owners, and notify them you've found their precious lost item.

 Powerful Reporting - Produce quick reports across all your lost and found data.

Discover which locations or events produce the most lost items. Find out which
items are due to be disposed, or find out the percentage of items returned to their


 Instant Notifications - We save you the digging around looking for a newly reported

lost item. If you've already found it, we'll match the items so all you have to do is

confirm the match, and the owner will be notified to collect their lost item.

ReclaimHub Evaluation

ReclaimHub is a web-based system that provides numerous features to help with lost

and found items management. Image upload, custom categories, a self-service widget, an

auto-matching system, robust reporting, and rapid notifications are among the features


One of the most important elements of ReclaimHub is the image upload tool. This

enables for the rapid detection of missing things, which can aid in the swift reconnection

of those items with their owners. Custom categories enable businesses and events to

quickly categorize lost and found goods based on their own requirements. Another

important feature is the self-service widget, which allows consumers to report lost

products and reduces staff burden.

One potential disadvantage of ReclaimHub is that it relies on users to report lost items

using the self-service widget. Some clients may be technologically illiterate or lack

computer access, resulting in ignored reports. Also, the auto-matching technology may

not be accurate and may match objects wrongly, causing delays in recovering missing

items to their owners.

In Conclusion, ReclaimHub provides various useful services that can assist

businesses and events in successfully managing their lost and found things. While there
may be some disadvantages, such as depending on customers to use the self-service

widget and the danger of inaccurate matches, the overall benefits exceed the risks. 


FoundHero Primary Features

 Item Management: The app allows users to manage their lost items by creating

a detailed description, uploading images, and providing other relevant details.

Users can also add and track multiple lost items in the app.

 Search and Retrieval: The app has a powerful search feature that allows users

to find their lost items by searching based on keywords, locations, and other

relevant criteria. The app also provides a way for users to retrieve their lost

items by contacting the person who found them.

 Reporting and Notifications: The app has a reporting system that allows users

to report lost items, and a notification system that alerts users when someone

finds their lost items.

 Community-based: The app is community-based, which means that users can

help each other find lost items by posting about them in the app. Users can

also offer rewards to encourage people to return their lost items.

 Social Sharing: The app has social sharing features that allow users to share

their lost items on social media platforms to increase the chances of finding


 User Profile: The app has a user profile feature that allows users to manage

their lost items, rewards, and other information. Users can also connect with

other users through the app.

 Security: The app has robust security features to protect users' personal

information and lost item data. The app also verifies the identity of people

who find lost items before allowing them to contact the owner.

FoundHero Evaluation

The lost item management website FoundHero is an ideal solution for people who

frequently misplace their items. Users can manage their lost belongings, search for them

using various criteria, report them to the community for assistance, and communicate

with individuals who recovered their lost stuff using the platform's capabilities. The

platform's community-based approach also fosters user togetherness, encouraging people

to assist one another in locating missing belongings.

The FoundHero platform offers various benefits to users. The platform's excellent

search feature is a big asset, allowing users to locate misplaced things using a variety of

search parameters. Users can also contact the person who recovered their lost belongings

to reclaim them, making the platform's retrieval process simple and quick. Furthermore,

the platform's community-based approach provides customers with a network of people

who can assist them in locating their misplaced belongings. The platform's social sharing

tool is also useful, allowing users to share their misplaced goods on social media sites,

boosting the likelihood that they will be found. The platform's security measures are

particularly important, as they ensure that users' personal information and lost item data

are kept secure.

The FoundHero platform's reliance on the community to locate lost objects is one

possible downside. Although this method fosters community and encourages people to

help one another, there is no guarantee that users will receive aid. Also, the platform's

social sharing capability may be ineffective for users who do not have a huge social

media following or do not utilize social media.

Overall, the FoundHero platform is a fantastic option for people who frequently

forget their belongings. The platform's capabilities allow users to manage their lost

belongings, locate them using various search parameters, and retrieve them in a simple

and effective manner.

Furthermore, the platform's community-based approach and social sharing

capabilities foster solidarity and inspire people to help one another. The platform's

security features also secure users' personal information and lost item data. Although the

platform's reliance on the community and social media may be a hindrance, its benefits

make it a great tool for individuals wishing to manage and retrieve lost items.

CrowdFind Primary Features

 View lost and found information - From the site, users may view all lost things. The

list only includes item photos and item categories. Users can look for a specific item

by date or keyword.

 Automated reporting - The system may automatically create reports from the

dashboard. These reports can include the number of things that have been matched,

the most frequently lost goods, and other information.

 Email notification - The users will receive a confirmation email once a claim form is

submitted. If they receive a message from the admin or their claim is accepted, they

will receive an email notification from the system.

 Customized claim forms - After submitting a claim form, consumers will receive a

confirmation email. They will receive an email notification from the system if they

receive a message from the administrator or if their claim is accepted.

 Chat function - Administrators can directly contact with customers in the system for

further information or to schedule pickup time and place.

CrowdFind Evaluation

CrowdFind is a lost and found software that offers a simple and easy-to-use platform

for users to report missing things and administrators to manage the lost and found

process. The software includes various features that make it a valuable tool for both users

and administrators.

The advantage of CrowdFind is that users can browse all lost items on the

homepage, making it easier for them to find their lost item. The software also includes an

automated reporting feature that creates reports from the dashboard, including the

number of items matched and the most often lost goods, among other things. The email

notification tool keeps customers up to date on the status of their claim, and the

customizable claim forms encourage users to give unique information that can assist

administrators in verifying their lost item. Finally, the chat feature enables administrators

to contact directly with consumers for further information or to coordinate pick-up.

Nevertheless, CrowdFind's downside is that it is primarily reliant on human input. If

users fail to submit sufficient information, administrators may be unable to effectively

match their missing item. Also, there is the potential of false claims, which could result

in administrators squandering time and resources on non-existent missing things.

CrowdFind is an excellent tool for managing lost and found things. Its features make

it simple for users to report lost items and administrators to handle the lost and found
process. While there are some possible limitations, including as dependency on user

input and the chance of false claims, the app's benefits outweigh the drawbacks.


FidoFinder Primary Features

 Pre-registration - While the canines are still safe, users can pre-register them. The

system will update the dogs in the safe list. If their canines go missing, users can

mark the status as "lost." The person who located the dogs can change the status to

"safe" and contact the owners of lost dogs directly.

 Verification - Some users may share their phone number so that others can reach

them right away. The phone number can be viewed by clicking the "View Phone

Number" button.

 View lost and found information - Users can view all lost and found canines with

images. The listings will only display photos. Viewers should zoom in on the image

to see more details like as color, breed, gender, and so on. People can look through

the dog listings by qualities as well as postal code.

 Notifications - To receive instant notifications, users are recommended to use mobile

applications. After installing the mobile application, they should sign in to their

account and select "Allow Notifications" when prompted.

FidoFinder Evaluation

FidoFinder is a platform that offers canine pre-registration, contact information

verification, and a display of lost and found information. It also sends reminders to help

dog owners rapidly locate their lost dogs. This system contains advantages and

disadvantages that must be weighed in order to establish its effectiveness and use.

One of FidoFinder's main advantages is its pre-registration feature. Owners can have

piece of mind knowing that their dogs are classified as safe, and if their pets go missing,

the status can simply be changed to "lost," saving time and making it easier for those

who find lost dogs to contact the owners directly.

The ability to verify contact information is another benefit of FidoFinder. This

verification ensures that the correct contact information is provided to those who find

lost dogs, increasing the likelihood of the dogs being reunited with their owners.

FidoFinder has one downside in that it relies on users to update their dog's status. If

the owner forgets to update the status of their dog or does not have internet connection,

the dog's information may be inaccurate or out of date, leading to delays in locating the

missing pet.

Another downside is that in order to receive alerts, users must authorize notifications

on their mobile devices. Some consumers may be hesitant to authorize notifications or

may prefer not to download a separate program to get alerts.

FidoFinder is a great platform for dog owners to pre-register their pets, verify their

contact information, see lost and found information, and receive notifications about the

status of their pets. Although there are certain drawbacks, the platform's benefits exceed

them. Overall, FidoFinder is a great tool for dog owners looking to secure their pets and

boost the likelihood of locating them if they go missing.


The literature analysis and alternative research on Lost and Found applications for

universities have provided useful insights into the design and functionality that can make

such apps efficient in reuniting lost things with their owners. The necessity of user-friendly

interfaces, photo uploading capabilities, and automatic matching algorithms to improve the

user experience and raise the likelihood of successfully recovering lost things are among the

key conclusions from the literature review. The research also revealed the need for strong

marketing strategies and collaborations with relevant stakeholders to boost the visibility and

acceptance of Lost and Found apps among university students.

The implications for future study in this field include the need for more detailed

investigations on the specific needs and preferences of university students, faculty, and staff

about Lost and Found apps. Future study can also look into the potential integration of

artificial intelligence and machine learning technology in Lost and Found apps to improve

matching capabilities and return item accuracy. Furthermore, investigations on the potential

hurdles to the adoption and usage of Lost and Found apps in universities and how these might

be addressed to improve their effectiveness can be done.

In conclusion, the literature analysis and alternative studies have provided significant

insights into the design, functionalities, and potential issues of university Lost & Found apps.

The findings and implications can be used to design a personalized Lost and Found app for
Central Luzon State University that can efficiently reunite lost things with their owners

while also improving the general experience of the university community.


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