CGCSA GFSI GMP General Guidelines

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© 2016 CGCSA-FSI
DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
ASSESSMENT CATEGORY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme’s NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 17
ASSESSMENT PROVIDERS............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Phase 1: Self-Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Phase 2: Assessment with Assessment Provider: Basic Level................................................................................................................................................ 21
Phase 3: Assessment with Assessment Provider: Intermediate Level ................................................................................................................................... 23
Phase 4: Certification against a GFSI recognized scheme .................................................................................................................................................... 25
ASSESSMENT VALIDITY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
ASSESSOR/AUDITOR, TRAINER, MENTOR/CONSULTANT FEES ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
LAUNCH OF THE CGCSA-GFSI GLOBAL MARKETS ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME............................................................................................................................. 26
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CGCSA TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
DISCLAIMER.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28

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For the purpose of this document the following definitions shall apply:
Term Definition
Accreditation A process by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition of the competence of a certification body
to provide certification services against an international standard.
Accreditation Body An agency having jurisdiction to formally recognize the competence of a certification body to provide
certification services.
Appeal An official request by a supplier to an Assessment Provider to review decision(s)/ activities made/conducted
during an assessment.
Assessment A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating the objectivity to
determine the extent to which the assessment scopes are fulfilled. Assessment in this case refers to an
assessment conducted using the GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic Level and Intermediate Level
Assessment Provider An accredited Certification Body conducting a GFSI Basic Level/Intermediate Level assessment.
Assessor An Auditor (as defined in these General Guidelines) appointed by the assessment body, who is assigned to
perform alone or as part of a team, a GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic Level or Intermediate Level

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Audit A systematic and functionally independent examination to determine whether activities and
related results comply with a conforming scheme, whereby all the elements of this scheme should
be covered by reviewing the supplier’s manual and related procedures, together with an
evaluation of the production facilities.
Auditor A person qualified to carry out an audit for or on behalf of a certification body.
Benchmark A process by which a food safety scheme and food safety related schemes are compared to the
GFSI Guidance Document to determine equivalence.
Catering The preparation and provision of food, which is consumed outside the home, within a defined
Certification A process by which accredited certification bodies, based on an audit, provide written assurance
that food safety requirements and management systems and their implementation conform to
Certification Body A provider of certification services, accredited to do so by an Accreditation Body.
Competent Person A person who is capable, experienced, knowledgeable and/or received the relevant training
Complaint A legal document that is an expression of displeasure or dissatisfaction, but is not an appeal.
Complainant A person, organization, or its representative making/submitting a complaint.
Conflict of Interest Where either a Certification Body or an individual is in a position of trust requiring them to exercise
judgment on behalf of others and also have interests or obligations (whether financial or
otherwise) of the sort that might interfere with the exercise of that judgment.
Corrective Action An action to eliminate the cause of a detected non conformity or other undesirable matters.
Equivalence A condition of being similar or identical or essentially equal.
Evaluation An examination of production facilities or services in order to verify that they conform to
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Expert A person appointed by GFSI who has demonstrable specific knowledge and expertise with respect
to food safety or management systems.
Food Any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended
to be, or reasonably expected to be, ingested by humans and animals. “Food” includes drinks,
chewing gums and any substance, including water, intentionally incorporated into the food during
its manufacture, preparation or treatment.
Food Safety Food which will not harm the consumer so long as intended use guidelines are followed when it
is prepared or eaten.

Food Safety Scheme A systematic plan, which has been developed, implemented and maintained for the scope of food
safety. This shall consist of a standard and a food safety system in relation to specified processes
or a food safety service to which the same particular plan applies. The food safety scheme should
contain at least the following items:
► a standard
► clearly defined scope
► a food safety system
Food Safety Standard A series of defined requirements developed to ensure the safety of food when effectively
Food Supply Chain A defined sequence of activities in relation to the provision of food from primary production to
consumption. In relation to GFSI this involves activities associated with the Food Industries.
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point - A system which identifies, evaluates controls and monitors
hazards relating to food safety.

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High Risk Areas Areas where high risk foods are exposed and the subsequent processing does not include a step
that effectively eliminates all harmful microorganisms or areas where high risk foods are exposed
after they have undergone a processing step that effectively destroys harmful microorganisms.
Impartiality The actual and perceived presence of objectivity.
Incident Management Process of identifying and managing any event where, based on the information available, there
are concerns about threats to the food safety of product that could require intervention to protect
consumers’ interests, such as isolation and removal from the supply chain.
Mentor/ consultant An individual deemed competent to provide effective guidance and advice to suppliers to
implement the GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic and Intermediate Level requirements.
Mentoring/ consulting The ability to advise, guide and convey knowledge and expertise to individuals who do not have
the knowledge and/or experience that is required.
Monitoring A planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess conformance with requirements
Non-conformity A deviation of product or process from specified requirements, or the absence of, or failure to
implement and maintain, one or more required management system elements, or a situation
which would, on the basis of available objective evidence, raise significant doubt as to the
conformity of what the supplier is supplying.
Normative Documents Referenced documents which are indispensable for the correct application of a scheme.
Outsourcing A firm, company or individual carrying out a process on products on behalf of the site audited.
Primary Production Those steps in the food chain up to and including but not limited to, harvesting, slaughter, milking,
fishing, production of agricultural plant/tree crops and agricultural animal livestock. The resulting
food products are similar to their natural state, but may have been packed, washed, trimmed (not
cut into pieces), or otherwise undergone any process not defined under the definition of
‘processed food’.

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Process A set of interrelated or interacting activities which result in an outcome.
Processed Food A Food product, which has undergone any of the following processes, changing the nature of the
► Aseptic filling
► Hot Filling
► Baking
► Irradiation
► Bottling
► Microfiltration
► Brewing
► Microwaving
► Canning
► Milling
► Coating/Breading/Battering
► Mixing/Blending
► Cooking
► Packed in Modified Atmosphere
► Curing
► Pack in Vacuum Packing
► Cutting/Slicing/Dicing
► Pasteurisation
► Dismembering
► Pickling

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► Distillation
► Purification
► Drying
► Roasting
► Extrusion
► Salting
► Fermentation
► Slaughtering
► Freeze Drying
► Smoking
► Freezing
► Steaming Sterilisation
► Frying
► Quick Freezing
Product A result of a process.
Product categories A grouping of products, which have a like origin or processing technology involved in the
production of the product.
Product recall The removal by a supplier of product from the supply chain that has been deemed to be unsafe
and has been sold to the end consumer, or is with retailers or caterers and is available for sale.
Retail The sale of food to the consumer, which is not consumed within defined premises.
Review The systematic, documented process undertaken by GFSI to assess the conformance of a scheme
against the requirements of the GFSI Guidance Document.

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Scheme A documented food safety scheme, which has specified requirements, specific rules and
Standard A normative document and other defined normative documents, established by consensus and
approved by a body that provide, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics
for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given
Supplier An organization supplying food.
Trainer An individual deemed competent to provide effective training to convey the basic and
intermediate level food safety assessment requirements and training modules to all stakeholders.
Training Planned and organized vocational or practical teaching, as well as activities and deliverables
designed to impart skills, techniques, methodologies, tools and enlightened behaviour and to
develop attitudes and knowledge to end users to enable them to efficiently and effectively perform
professional tasks and duties. This can be done through instruction, observation or practice, with
the primary goal being to transfer teaching into workplace behaviour.
Wholesale The sale of food to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional, or other professional company
users, or to other wholesalers and related subordinated services.

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Abbreviation Term
AP Assessment Provider
CB Certification Body
CGCSA Consumer Goods Council of South Africa
CAMS Centralized Assessment Management System
DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
DoH Department of Health
DSA Dairy Standard Agency
FSI Food Safety Initiative
GMCBP Global Markets Capacity Building Program
GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative
GMPs Good Manufacturing Practices
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
HAS Hygiene Assessment System (Meat Safety Act 40 of 2000)
IAF International Accreditation Forum
ISO International Standards Organisation
IRCA International register of certificated auditors
NRCS National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications
SABS South African Bureau of Standards
SAAFoST South African Association of Food Science and Technology
SAATCA Southern African Auditor and Training Certification Association
SACNASP South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals
SANS South African National Standard

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The CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme is based on the following GFSI objectives:

 Reduce food safety risks by delivering equivalence and convergence between effective food safety management systems, as outlined in the GFSI
Guidance document

 Manage cost in the global food system by eliminating redundancy and improving operational efficiency

 Develop competencies and capacity building in food safety to create consistent and effective global food systems

 Provide a unique international stakeholder platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange and networking

This Programme has been developed to guide food suppliers in South African through the GFSI Global Markets Programme. It should be applied as an indicative
user guide in relation to the following four key phases of the GFSI Global Markets Programme:

Phase 1 - Self- Assessment: A self-assessment by the company against t h e B a s i c L e v e l and/or Intermediate Level Checklist to allow the company to
decide its status level or as prescribed and/or accepted by the Retailer/Wholesaler or client to the company. Subject to the outcome of the self-
assessment, the company should pass to either, phase 2 (Basic Level Assessment), phase 3 (Intermediate Level Assessment), or phase 4 (certification against
a GFSI recognised scheme).

Phase 2 - Assessment with an Assessment Provider: Basic Level: An unaccredited assessment of a supplier is carried out against the requirements specified in
the Basic Level Checklist and Guidance Document. The technical requirements at this level are comprised of 35% of the key elements of the GFSI Guidance
Document, which include Food Safety Management Systems, Good Manufacturing Practices and Control of Food Hazards.
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Phase 3 - Assessment with an Assessment Provider: Intermediate Level: An unaccredited assessment of a supplier is carried out against Intermediate Level
Checklist and Guidance Document, which include the Basic Level requirements, a further 65%of the GFSI Guidance Document element which include Food
Safety Management Systems, Good Manufacturing Practices and Control of Food Hazards.

Phase 4 - Certification against a GFSI recognized scheme: The official accredited certification against one of the GFSI recognized schemes. Information can be
found at

The CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme provides guidance to Suppliers and Assessment Providers regarding the requirements and key elements for the
production of safe food or for service provision in relation to food safety.
The scope includes:
a) All Food, liquor and Pet Food Categories not listed below
b) Red Meat and Game Abattoir and/or processing and/or deboning
c) Poultry Abattoir and/or processing and/or deboning
d) Ostrich Abattoir and/or processing and/or deboning
e) Primary animal production
f) Produce packed in field
g) Produce, grower & pack house (no processing)
h) Produce, grower & pack house (processing)
i) Produce: pack house only (no growing and no processing)
j) Produce: pack house (no growing, but processing)
k) Milk sheds
l) Dairy
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At this stage the scope of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme excludes distribution centres and storage areas outside of direct responsibility and control
of the company.

The CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme assessments incorporate GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic Level and Intermediate Level Assessment food
safety requirements.
It is recommended that the following relevant documents are considered and applied by the supplier when implementing the programme:

1. All Acts and Regulations pertaining to the type of food products produced, processed and/or manufactured.
2. All applicable Compulsory Specifications.
3. All food related National and/or International Standards, i.e.:
a) SANS 241-2, SANS 241-1: 1 Drinking water Part 1: Microbiological, physical, aesthetic and chemical determinants and SANS 241-2: Drinking water Part
2: Application of SANS 241-1.
b) SANS 10049 - Food safety management — Requirements for prerequisite programmes (PRPs).
c) SANS 10330 - Requirements for a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system (Intermediate Level).
d) ISO 22000 –Food Safety Management System
e) Relevant parts of ISO /TS 22002 standards
f) SANS 289 – Labelling requirements for pre-packed products.
g) PAS 96 of 2010 Defending Food and Drink.

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Suppliers can apply for assessment under the following options as agreed with their clients:
Category Assessment Document Links to Documents
All Food, liquor and Pet Food Categories not listed below Basic Level Assessment
Intermediate Level Assessment
Integrated Production of Wine (IPW audit)
Basic and IPW / Intermediate and IPW for wine
Red Meat and Game Abattoir and/or processing and/or Basic Level Assessment and HAS
deboning Intermediate Level Assessment and HAS
Poultry Abattoir and/or processing and/or deboning Basic Level Assessment and HAS
Intermediate Level Assessment and HAS
Ostrich Abattoir and/or processing and/or deboning Basic Level Assessment and HAS
Intermediate Level Assessment and HAS
Primary animal production SA Livestock G.A.P
Produce packed in field Local G.A.P. (Foundation Level/Intermediate
Produce, grower & pack house (no processing) Local G.A.P. (Foundation Level/Intermediate
Level) and add on GMPs
Produce, grower & pack house - processing Local G.A.P. (Foundation Level/Intermediate
Level ) and Intermediate Level Assessment
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Produce: pack house only (no growing and no processing) Basic Level Assessment
Intermediate Level Assessment
Produce: pack house (no growing, but processing) Intermediate Level Assessment
Milking sheds Basic Level Assessment
Intermediate Level Assessment

 Organic certified suppliers must comply with the above requirements in addition to organic certification.
 All other certified schemes (i.e. registered with DAFF) must comply with the above requirements.
 Any other audit/certification maintained by suppliers must be discussed with their retail clients for acceptance.
 The CGCSA is not involved in any assessment, certification or accreditation activities.

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The following CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme normative documents (and any other documents released as normative) are relevant:

a) CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme General Guidelines (this document)

b) GFSI Basic Level & Intermediate Level Checklist
c) CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme User Guidelines

Only accredited Certification Bodies can conduct assessments against the GFSI Basic and Intermediate Level Checklist as Assessment Providers
for the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme. The accreditation can be by any of the members of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).


CGCSA-FSI  Ensure continued maintenance and management of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme by:
o Obtaining current GFSI and all other relevant documentation and communications
 Update and collate all Normative Documents relating to the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme and make them
available on the CGCSA-FSI website.
 Facilitate the review of CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme documentation as required
 Convene technical and management forums relating to the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme
 Liaise with all relevant stakeholders

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 Provide reports to regulators on the progress of the programme in promoting food safety within the Republic of South

APs  Conduct GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic Level and Intermediate Level assessments for the purposes of the CGCSA-
GFSI Global Markets Programme
 Ensure sector-specific assessor competency and monitoring through assessor calibration sessions for the consistent
application of decision making criteria, conformance, major, minor or critical findings.
 Ensure retailer/client rules are adhered to. The company rules are obtained from the respective retailer/client.
Training Provider  Conduct training for mentors/consultants, assessors and suppliers

Mentors /  Mentor/Consult / assist suppliers with implementation of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme

Suppliers  Pay for assessments or audits

 Ensure the food safety system is planned, implemented, maintained, monitored and assessed at the frequency determined
 Schedule an assessment/audit within at least 3 months in advance of the assessment/audit being due or required
 Ensure processes are fully operational at the time of the assessment/audit
 Include all products and processes in the scope of the assessment/audit
 Inform the assessor/auditor of any changes to contact details, product or process changes, scope operations and major
changes to the food safety management system.
 Determine and initiate corrective action based upon the assessment/audit report findings
 Ensure compliance to all relevant legislation
 Attend supplier information days
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Technical Working  Review of all CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme documentation when required
Group  Ensure effective communication between CGCSA, Food Directors and Technical Teams.
 Abide by the Competition Law Caveat
 Participate in regular meetings
 Resolution of escalated appeals and complaints on assessment results
Retailer/Clients  Maintain own Company Rules
 Obtain CGCSA-FSI membership
 Abide by the Competition Law Caveat
 Assist suppliers in determining the appropriate assessment level (Basic, Intermediate or Certification)

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Phase 1: Self-Assessment

Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

1. Download relevant Company 1. All the necessary information on the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets
documentation Assessment Program is available and can be downloaded free of
charge from .
2. Scope: Manufacturing and storage of processed foods and
preparation of primary products (excluding wholesale, distribution
and storage outside of direct responsibility and control of the
company and agriculture). Scope extensions will, where appropriate,
be made available on
3. It is up to the company to decide at which assessment level they will
start or as prescribed by the registered client:
 Phase 1 Self-Assessment
 Phase 2 Basic Level Assessment
 Phase 3 Intermediate Level Assessment
 Phase 4 Certification against a GFSI recognized schemes
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Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps
2. Self-Assessment Voluntary Company (Voluntary) Conduct a self-assessment by using the GFSI Basic or Intermediate Level
Checklist. The GFSI Intermediate Level Checklist incorporates the Basic
Level Checklist. This voluntary step is intended to allow the company to
carry out its own gap analysis process and develop a remedial action
plan where applicable, prior the formal assessment.
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps
3. Assessment Level Decision Company The scope of the assessment shall be the entire facility, operations and
products within the control of the company.
Phase 2: Assessment with Assessment Provider: Basic Level
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

4. Schedule assessment with Company and 1. To ensure the integrity of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets
Assessment Provider Retail/Industry/Food Programme, an Assessment Provider conducting assessments against
Service the GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic Level Checklist must be an
accredited Certification Body.
2. Companies may appoint any accredited Certification Body as an
Assessment Provider.
3. The Assessment Provider shall be responsible for providing the
necessary documents in order to conduct the assessment.
4. The GFSI Basic Level Checklist and CGCSA-GFSI User Guidelines are
available on the CGCSA-FSI website at……..

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Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

5. Assessment Basic Level Assessment Provider 1. The Assessment Provider will carry out an unaccredited assessment
(Unaccredited) against the GFSI Basic Level Checklist. The duration of the
assessment depends on the nature and complexity of the company
and typically takes 1 - 2 days (including reporting).
2. The Assessor will assess conformance with the requirements of
Basic Level. The company shall demonstrate full conformance to a
requirement in order for the Assessor to mark the requirement as
meeting requirements. All requirements shall apply and be
assessed. Where exemptions are made, these need to be justified
by a risk assessment.
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

6. Assessment Result Assessment Provider Scoring:

 Each critical non conformity is a 100 points deduction
 Each major non conformity is a 10 points deduction
 Each minor non conformity is a 2 points deduction
 Pass- 70 out of 100 points with no critical non conformities
 Fail - 1 or more critical non conformities and less than 70 points out
of 100
NOTE: Refer to Scoring System

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Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

7. Assessment Provider provides Assessment 1. The GFSI Global Markets Programme Checklist serves as an
report to company and company Provider/Company assessment report
implements actions 2. If the company is successful, a letter of conformance may be issued
by the Service Provider.
3. The company should implement corrective action and make
provision to progress to the next level, in accordance with the
retailer/client business rules.
Phase 3: Assessment with Assessment Provider: Intermediate Level

Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

8. Schedule Assessment with Company and 1. To ensure the integrity of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets
Assessment Provider Retail/Industry/Food Programme, an Assessment Provider conducting assessments
Service against the GFSI Global Markets Programme Intermediate Level
Checklist must be an accredited Certification Body.
2. The Assessment Provider shall be responsible for providing the
necessary documents in order to conduct the assessment.
3. The GFSI Intermediate Level Checklist and CGCSA-GFSI User
Guidelines are available on the CGCSA-FSI website.
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps

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9. Assessment Intermediate Level Assessment Provider 1. The Assessment Provider will carry out an unaccredited assessment
(Unaccredited) against the GFSI Basic Level and Intermediate Level Checklist. The
duration of the assessment depends on the nature and complexity of
the company, and typically takes 1 - 2 days (including reporting).
2. The Assessor will provide guidance on conformance with the
requirements of Intermediate Level. The company shall demonstrate
full conformance to a requirement in order for the Assessor to mark
the requirement as meeting requirement. All requirements shall
apply and be assessed. Where exclusions are made, these need to be
justified by a risk assessment
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps
10. Assessment Result Service Provider Scoring:
 Each critical non conformity is a 100 points deduction
 Each major non conformity is a 10 points deduction
 Each minor non conformity is a 2 points deduction
 Pass- 70 out of 100 points with no critical non conformities
 Fail - 1 or more critical non conformities and less than 70 points out
of 100
NOTE: Refer to Scoring System
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps
11. A Service Provider provides a Assessment 1. The GFSI Global Markets Programme Checklist serves as an
report to company and company Provider/Company assessment report
implements actions

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2. If the company is successful, a letter of conformance may be issued by
the Service Provider.
3. The company should implement corrective action and make provision
to progress to the next level, in accordance with the retailer/client
business rules.

Phase 4: Certification against a GFSI recognized scheme

The company would need to refer to the retailer/client business rules for the requirement to be certified against GFSI recognized schemes.
Process Step Step Description Responsibility Information to the Process Steps
12. Select one of the GFSI recognized Company The company shall select one of the GFSI recognized schemes. The
schemes recognized schemes can be found on
13. Operational Pre-assessment Company This is a voluntary step where the company may wish to approach a
Certification Body or service provider to undertake a pre-assessment
evaluation against one of the GFSI recognized schemes.
14. Schedule Certification Audit with Company/Certification The company should select a Certification Body approved by the selected
Certification Body Body GFSI recognized scheme owner.
The company shall have a formal agreement with the Certification Body,
which specifies operating terms and conditions. The company should
agree to the scope of certification.

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Each client (Retailer or Wholesaler) maintains their own specific assessment validity period, which will have to be obtained from them in order
to determine the timeline in which they will have to be reassessed or move onto the next level. This will be based on the score of the assessment
and the associated risks.


The CGCSA and its clients will not prescribe the costs for the above mentioned services to companies.
The fees for the assessment, training or mentoring will be determined by each individual party.
The company is responsible for choosing its own service provider.. Payment must be made directly to the service providers, and payment
disputes must be taken up directly with the service provider.


The CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Assessment Programme will be launched in two phases:

1. Phase 1 marks the launch of the GFSI Global Markets Programme Basic and Intermediate Level Checklist as well as the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets
Programme User Guidelines for application within South African by companies supplying food to participating retailers.
2. Phase 2 will mark the launch of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme Central Assessment Management System (CAMS), which is the database
that will host all information relating to the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme.

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Each participant in the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Assessment Programme (“user”) shall comply with the General Terms and Conditions.

In particular, users must:

 comply with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013 (“POPI”)

 promptly comply with all reasonable directions given by CGCSA and/or the appointed service provider;

 promptly comply to the CGCSA terms and conditions so far as it is relevant to the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme;

 not post, send or otherwise make available any material that:

o infringes CGCSA and/or the particular Initiative’s Intellectual Property, or any third parties’ intellectual property rights;

o is defamatory, harassing or obscene;

o damages the CGCSA and/or all stakeholders involved in the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme;

o is illegal, fraudulent, misleading or deceptive;

 not interfere with the normal operation of the CGCSA-GFSI Global Markets Programme.

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The CGCSA and the Food Safety Initiative (FSI) publishes information and express opinions in good faith, but accepts no liability for any error or omission in
any such information or opinion, including any information or opinion contained in the material available to be downloaded or read on this website.

In particular, the information in this document and on the CGCSA and FSI websites in relation to the Global Markets Capacity Building Programme is provided
for general information purposes only, with the goal of seeking to increase the food safety skills of companies throughout the food value chain and while the
CGCSA and FSI undertake to keep the information up to date and correct, it makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about
the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics
contained on the website for any purpose.

The information provided in this document and on the CGCSA and FSI websites should not be used as a substitute for obtaining specific legal advice in relation
to conformance with the relevant legal Food Safety requirements in your jurisdiction. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your
own risk. In no event will the CGCSA and FSI be liable for any damages, including without limitation damages for pure economic loss or loss of company or
loss of profits or depletion of goodwill or otherwise in each case, whether direct, indirect or consequential, or any claims for consequential compensation
whatsoever (howsoever caused) arising in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, in
connection with this publication or any information contained in it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of reading this publication or any such

Users of the information in this document and on the CGCSA and FSI websites in relation to the Global Markets Capacity Building Programme shall not imply
or assert any association with, or endorsement by, the CGCSA and FSI or any members or partners without the express written consent of the CGCSA and FSI
and its members or its partners. In particular, the CGCSA and FSI have no control over the nature of assessments carried out in the basis of these documents,
and any of the assessments against any of the requirements set out in these documents does not imply a recommendation or endorsement by the CGCSA
and FSI.
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Version 1 - May 2016

© 2016 CGCSA-FSI

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