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Dispute resolution and crisis management is a
study involving the understanding, analysis and
applying best strategies in resolving disputeS at the
elementary stage. The restoration of interpersonal
relations among the member Of the parties involved
are its primordial •end. It also covers those devoted
to trace back the origin of conflicted situations and
how it can be measured and prevented in such a way
that promotion of a peaceful resolution is
emphasized. Moreover, the understanding and
application of knowledge on the Incident Command
System es an approach in deal' g with Crisis
Management were significantly featured.
The course is intended to enhance the
student's awareness and competitiveness along with
the pursuit of understanding the nature of conflict
resolution and applying strategic measures and best
practices in the field of crisis management.


The course Dispute Resolution and Crisis Management
entails a very significant contribution in the field of
crimin010U, research, law enforcem t and public safety.
Thus, students will benefit relev_ t knowledge on
activities involving dispute resolution $1d identify
conflicting issues thereby treating them frbm becoming a
worst case which may be occurred in the family,
workplacer community and society in general. Furthermore,
understanding on the different principles
and method010U in conflict resolution, creating
strategic crime prevention and crisis management
efforts will be a contributory factor.

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The promotion of peace and ensuring public
safety requires a deep understanding on how to
promote conflict resolution at the early stage. In
the event of sudden occurrences brought about by
either natural or man-made crisis, the importance
of internalizing and applying knowledge on the
principles and procedures in Crisis Management
will: capacitate •the •learners from being an
instrument of .peace and public safety on the


1. Trace the origin of restorative

justice system;
2. Elucidate the concepts, nature • and pröcedures
governing dispute resolution;
3. Apply the implementing rules and regulations

governing the Alternative Dispute Resolution

System and Amicable Settlement;
4. Identify the best principles and
strategies in dispute resolutions;

5. Explain the concept of crisis management and its

governing principles;
6. Apply the procedures in handling hostage
situation thru a simulated crisis scenario.

7. Identify the role of the .crisis management units and

understand the mandate of the country's approach on
Incident Command System;

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Crime are as old as humankind. According to Dr.
Cesare Lorn>roso in his "Positivist Theory", crime is a
social phenomenon which cannot be treated and checked by
the imposition of penalty but through enforcement of
individual measures. In this premise, the
understanding on crime prevention implies everybody's
business. In order to deal with confronting issues and
conflicts within the family, workplace and in the
community, everyone has to contribute to the general
effort of resolving disputes especially those that are
mostly affected. Simple understanding on the root
cause of conflict and adapting best practices on dispute
resolutions will contribute i?tl the attainment of
restoring peace and promotion of positive
interpersonal relations. Moreover, the knowledge
on crisis management principles and procedures as
well eas the understanding on the concept of
Incident Command System will be a contributing
factor to the Crimin010U students being an
aspiring law enforcement and public safety

In the most recent curriculum for Crimin010U

Education under the CHED Memorandum Order Number
05 series of 2018, the subject Dispute Resolution
and Crisis Management was introduced formally into
the Crimin010U profession. Thus, this book was
crafted in consonance with the framework of the
course stipulated under the. said CMQ.

This book is intended for the undergraduate

students of Criminology Program, organized simply
for an ease in comprehension and retention of
knowledge. Thus, the presentation started with
the introduction on the concept of restorative
justice serving as a preliminary approach to
breach the concept and purpose of alternative
dispute resolution and amicable settlement.

On the other hand, the concepts, principles and

procedures governing crisis management are presented to
provide an understanding on handling hostage'
situations including those actions perpetuated by
terrorist's activities being the common human-induced

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crisis mostly occurring in the locality. The Incident
Command System approach are supplementary in this
book to fulfill the understanding on matters pertaining
to systematized procedures and multi-sectoral
coordination efforts especially when it calls for a
wholewide approach in dealing with crisis situations.

To fulfill the target output, each part of the book i is presented via starting with an
erid •approach. Thus, learning objectives and suggested teaching method010ß. r are
presented at the beginning Of •eåch part while summative evaluations were • featured at
the end to i assess the students best learning experience.


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Learning Objectives
At the end of this part, the students should
be able to comply with the following:
1. Trace the history of Katarungang. Pambarangay and the Alterna.tive
Dispute Resolution System.

2. Comprehend the concepts of alternative dispute resolution and amicable


3. Describe how alternative dispute resolution system differs from amicable

4. Describe the difference between arbitration, conciliation and repudiation.

5. Discuss the different conflict •resolution strategies.

Trace the history of Katarungang. Pambarangay and the Alterna.tive Dispute

Resolution System.
Comprehend the concepts of alternative dispute resolution and amicable settlement.
Describe how alternative dispute resolution system differs from amicable settlement?
. Describe the difference between arbitration, conciliation and repudiation.

5. Discuss the different conflict •resolution strategies.

Teaching Methodology
1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Quizzes
4. Oral Recitation
5. Summary and Feedbacks

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004
came into law for the purpose of promulgating the
prescribe procedures and guidelines for its
implementation along with the policy of the state
to promote party autonomy in the resolution of
disputes or the freedom of the parties to make
their own arrangements to resolve their disputes;
to encourage and actively promote the use of
Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") as an
important means to achieve speedy and impartial
justice and to declog court dockets; to provide
means for the use of ADR: as an efficient tool and
an alternative procedure for the resolution of
appropriate cases; and to enlist active private
sector participation in the settlement of disputes
throhgh ADR.

Applying the principles governing

alternative dispute resolution will
provide the opportunity for the
parties•involved in to settle the
issue in their own expense with the
support of the local community,
authorities of the law and
responsible social organizations
with the aim of restoring
interpersonal relations thereby
contributory to the public safety
and promotion of peace in general.
Amicable settlement on the other
hand, was formally institutionalized
in order to help relieve the courts of
such docket congestion and thereby
enhance the quality of justice
dispensed by •them. In this premise,
the context of restorative justice has
served to reference the objective of
amicably settling disputes at the•
elementary level within the Barangay
Justice system, primarily with the
objective of restoring personal
relations and initiate effort from
those that are mainly affected.
On this part, the learners will be able to
understand the purpose and goal of alternative
dispute resolution, applying the procedures therein

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and identify the factors contributory to the success
of its implementation. Moreover, the learners will be
able to realize based on a practical éxercise on how
the anechanism on settling

y the disputes can be appliecl while
tracing limitations of its

The Concept of Conflict

A conflict is a struggle between
people. The struggle may be physical,
or between conflicting ideas. The word
comes from Latin "confiingere" means to
come together for a battle. Conflicts
can either be within one
person, or they can involve several
people or groups.
Conflict is a natural disagreement
arising between two Or more people. It
exists when they have incompatible goals
and one or more believe that the behavior
of the other preVents them from their own
goal achievement.

Conflict Theories
Conflict theories are perspectives
in soci010U and social psych010U thåt
emphasize a materialist interpretation of
history, dialectical method of analysis, a
critical stance toward existing social
arrangements, and political program of
revolution or, at least, reform. Conflict
theories draw attention to power
differentials, such as class conflict? and

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generally contrast historically dominant
ideologies. It is •therefore• a macro-level
analysis of society.
Karl Marx is the father of the social conflict
theory, which is a component of the four major paradigms of
soci010U. Certain conflict theories set out to highlight' the
ideological aspects inherent• in traditional thought. While
many of these perspectives hold parallels, conflict theory does
noerefer to a unified school of thought, and should not be
confused with, for instance, peace and conflict studies, or any
other specific theory of social conflict.

Conflict theory is most commonly associated
with Marxism, but as a reaction to functionalism and
the positivist method, it may also be associated with
a number of other perspectives, including:

Critical theory
Feminist theory: An approach that
recognizes women's political,
social, and economic equality to
Postmodern theory: An approach that is
critical of modernism, with a mistrust
of grand theories and ideolögies.
Post-structur_al theory
o Postcolonial theory
o Queer theory: A growing body of research
findings that challenges the heterosexual
bias in Western society.
World systems theory
o Race-Conflict Approach: A point of view that
focuses on inequality and conflict
between people of different racial and ethnic

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Charles Wright Mills (1916—1962) an American
sociologist, and a professor of soci010U at Columbia
University from 1946 until his death in 1962. Mills was
published widely .in popular and intellectual journals,
and -is remembered for several books such as The Power
Elite, which introduced that term and describes the
relationships and class alliances among the US political,
military, and economic elites; White Collar: The
American. Middle Classes, .on the.American middle class;
and The Sociological Imagination, which presents a
model•of analysis for the interdependence of sub)ective
exéeriences within a person's biography, the general
social structure, an.d historical development.

Societies are defined by inequality that produces

conflict, rather than which produces order and consensus. This
conflict based on inequality can only be overcome through a
fundamental transformation of the existing relations in the
society and is productive of new social relations.

The disadvantaged have structural interests that run

counter to the status quo, which, once they are assumed, will
lead to social change. Thus, they are viewed as agents of
change rather than objects one should feel sympathy for.

Human potential (e.g., capacity for creativity)

is suppressed by conditions of exploitation and
oppression, which are nebessary in any society with
an •unequal division of labdr. These and other
qualities do not necessarily have to be stunted due
to the requirements of the so-called "civilizing
process," or "functional necessity": creativity is
actually an engine for economic development and

Concept of Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods
arid processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of
conflict and retribution. The term conflict resolution may also be
used interchangeably with dispute resolution, Where arbitration
and' litigation processes are critically involved. • The term
conflict resolution may älso be used intérchangeably withe dispute
resolution, where •arbitration and litigation processes are
critically involved. The concept of conflict resolution can be
thought to encompass t.he use of nonviolent resistance measures by
conflicted parties in an attempt to promote effective resolution.

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group members attempt to
resolve group conflicts by actively
communicating information about their
sonflicting motives or ideologies to the
rest of group (e.g. , Intentions;
reasons for holding certain beliefs)

and by engaging in collective

negotiation. Dimensions of resolution
typically parallel the dimensions of
conflict in the way the conflict is
processed. Cognitive resolution is the
way disputants understand and view the
conflict, with beliefs, perspectives,
understandings and attitudes. Emotional
resolution is in the way disputants
feel about a conflict, the emotional
enerU. Behavioral resolution is
reflective of how the disputants act,
their behavior. Ultimately .a wide
range of methods and procedures for
addressing Conflict exist, including
negotiation, mediation, mediation-
arbitration, diplomacy, and creative
Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann
developed five l conflict resolution
strategies that people use5 to håndle
conflict, inclüding avoiding; defeating,
compromising, accommodating, and
This assumes that people choose how
cooperative and how assertive to be in a conflict.
•It suggests that everyone has preferred ways of
responding to conflict, but most df us use all
methods under various circumstances.

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Conflict Resolution Strategy #1:
Avoiding is when people just ignore or withdraw
from the conflict: They • choose this method when the
discomfort of.confrontation exceeds the potential
reward of resolution of the, conflict. While this
might seem easy to. accommodate for the facilitator,
people aren't really contributing anything of value
to the conversation and may be withholding worthwhile
ideas. When conflict is avoided, nothing is resolved.

Conflict Resolution Strategy #2:

Competing is used by people who go into a conflict
planning to win. They're assertive and not cooperative.

This method is characterized by the
assumption that one side wins and
everyone else loses. It doesn't allow
room for diverse perspectives into a
well-informed total picture. Competing
might work in sports or war, but it's
rarely a good strategy for group problem

Conflict Resolution Strategy #3:


Accommodating is a strateg,r where one party gives

in to the wishes or demands of another. They're being
cooperative but not assertive. This may appear to be a
gracious way to give in when one figures out s/ he has
been wrong about an argument. It's less helpful when one
party accommodates another merely to preserve harmony or
to avoid disruption. Like avoidance, it can result in
unresolved issues. Too much accommodation can result in
groups where the most assertive parties.cpmmandeer the

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Conflict Resolution Strategy #4:
Collaborating is the method used when people are both
assertive and cooperative. A group may learn to allow each
participant to make a contribution with the possibility of
co-creating a shared solution that everyone can support.
A great way to collaborate and overcome conflict is to reach
out and touch them.

Conflict Resolution Strategy #5:

Another strateU is compromising, where participants
are partially assertive and cooperative. The concept is
that' everyone gives up a little bit of what they want,
and no one gets everything they waht. The perception of
the best outcome when working by cpmpromise is that which
"splits the differe9ce." Compromise is perceived as being
fair, even if no one is particularly happy with the final
(Republic Act No. 9285)

Policy of the State

The following statements provides
the Policy of the State as reference
for the sustenance of social justice
and promotion of peace while making
it at the early stage of resolution.
To promote party autonomy in the
resolution of disputes or the
freedom of the parties to make
their own arrangements to resolve
their disputes; v/ To encourage and
abtively promote the use of
Alternative Dispute ReSolu!ion
("ADR") as an important meanS to
achieye speedy and impartiål

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justice and to declog court
To provide means for the use of ADR as an
efficient tool and an alternative procedure
for the resolution of appropriate cases; an

To enlist active private sector participation in the

settlement of disputes through ADR.

Terms to Ponder
o Alternative Dispute Resolution — a means to
achieve speedy and impartial justice to
declog court dockets.
o ADR Provider means the institutions or persons accredited as
mediators, conciliators,•_arbitrators, neutral evaluators or any
person exercising similar functions in any Alternative Dispute
Resolution system. This is without prejudice to the rights of the
parties to choose non-accredited individuals to act as
mediator,) conciliator; arbitrator or neutral evaluator of their
dispute. .1 o Alternative Dispute Resolution System means any process
or procedure used to resolve a dispute

her than by adjudication of

a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a

government agency, as defined in the ADR Act, in which
a neutral third person participates to assist in the
resolution of issues, including arbitration, mediation,
conciliation, early neutral evaluation, mini-trial or
any combination thereof.

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o Arbitration means a voluntary dispute
resolution process in which one or more
arbitrators, appointed in accordance with
the agreement of the parties or these Rules,
resolve a dis.pute by rendering an award. o
Arbitration Agreement means an
agreement by the parties to submit to
arbitration all or certain disputes 'which
afis•éri, or which may arise• between
them in respect Of a defined legal
relationship, whether contractual or
not. An arbitration agreement may be in
the form of an arbitration clause in a
contract or in the form of a separate

o Authenticate means to sign, execute, adopt

a symbol- or encrypt a record in whole of
in part, intended to identify the
•authenticating party and to adopt, accept
or establish the authenticity of a record
or terrn.
o Award means any partial or final decision by an
arbitrator in resolving the issue or

o Confidential Information means any

information, relative to the subject of mediation or
arbitratioh, e*pressly intended by thé source not
to be disclosed, or obtained under circumstances
that would create a reasonable expectation on behalf
of the source that the.information shall not be
disclosed. It shall include:
(a) communication, oral or written, made in a dispute
resolution proceeding, ir,cluding any memoranda, notes or
work product of the neutral party or non-party participant;

(b) an oral or written statement made or which

occurs during mediation or for purposes of

considering, conducting,
participating, initiating,
continuing or reconvening mediation
or retaining a mediator; and
(c) pleadings, motions, manifestations, witness
statements, reports filed or submitted in
arbitration or for expert evaluation.
o CounSeZ means a lawyer duly admitted to

the praetice of law in the Philippines

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and in good standing who represents a
party in any ADR process.
o Court means Regional Trial Court except insofar as
otherwise defined Under the Model Law, o Government Agency
means any governmental 3 entity, office or officer, than a
pourt, that is vested by law with quasi-judici41 power
or the power to resolve or adjudicate disputes involving
the government, its agencies and instrumentalities or
private persons.
o Model Lgw means the Model Law on International
Commercial Afbitration. adopted by. the United Nations
Commission on Infernatiönal Trade Law on 21 June
Proceedings means a judicial, administrative or other
adjudicative process, including related pre hearing or

pdst hearing motions, conferences and discovery.

Record means

Exception to the Application of the ADR Act

The provisions of the ADR Act shall
not apply; to the resolution or
settlement of the following:

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labor disputes covered by Presidential
Decree No. 442, otherwise known as the
"Labor Code of the
o Philippines, as amended", and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations;
the civil status of persons; the
validity of marriage; any ground for
legal separation; the jurisdiction of
courts; future legitime; criminal
those disputes which • by law cannot be
compromised; and disputes referred to court-
annexed mediation.

Liability of ADR Providers/

The ADR providers/ practitioners
shall have the same civil liability for
acts done in the performance Of their
official duties as that of public
officers, upon a clear showing of bad
faith, malice or gross negligence.

What is International Commercial

Arbitration is any arbitration whether
or not administered by a permanent
arbitration institution.
International Arbitration is an arbitration where the
parties to an arbitration agreement have, at the time
of the conclusion of that agreement, their places of
business in different states or one of the following
places is situated outside the Philippines in which
the parties have their places of business wherein -

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a. the place of arbitration if determined in,

pursuant to the arbitration agreement; b. any
place where a substantial part of the obligations
of the commercial relationship is to be
performed or the place with which the subject
matter of the dispute is most closely connected
or the parties have expressly agreed that the
subject matter of the arbitration agreement
relates to more than one country.
For the purpose of International Arbitration, the New York
Convention is the United Nations Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
approved in 1958 and ratified by the Philippine Senate under
Senate Resolution NO.71. The following are important terrns
to consider: 3

Non-Convention Award means a foreign

arbitral award made in a state, which is not a
Convention State.
Non-Convention State means a state that is not a member of
the New York Convention.
Appointing Authority as used in the Model Law shall mean the person or
institution named in the arbitration agreement as the appointing authority; or
the regular arbitration institution under whose rules the arbitration is agreed
to be conducted. Where the parties have agreed to submit their dispute to
institutional arbitration rules, and unless they have agreed to a different
procedure, they shall be deemed to have agreed to the procedure under such
arbitration rules for the selection and appointment of arbitrators. In ad hoc
arbitration, the default appointment of an arbitrator shall be made by the
National President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) or his/her
duly authorized representative.
Arbitral Tribunal (under the Model Law) means a sole arbitrator or a panel
of arbitrators.
Commercial Arbitration means an arbitration that covers matters arising
from all relationships

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of a commercial nature, whether contractual or

not. Relationships of a commercial nature include,
but are not limited to any trade transaction for
the supply or exchange of goods or services;
distribution agreements; construction of works;
commercial representation or agency; factoring;
leasing; consulting; engineering; licensing;
investment; financing; banking; insurance; joint
venture and other forms of industrial or business
cooperation; carriage of goods or passengers by
air, sea, rail or road.
o Convention Award means a foreign
arbitral award made in a Convention State.
o Court (under the Model Law) means a
body or organ of the judicial system of
the Philippines I (i.e., the Regional
Trial Court, Court of Appeals
and Supreme Court).

What is Domestic Arbitration?

Domestic Arbitration is an arbitration that is not international.
The following are impörtant terms to consider:

o Ad hoc Arbitration means an arbitration administered by

an arbitrator and/or the parties themselves. An arbitration
administered by an institution shall- be regarded as an ad
hoc arbitration if such institution is not a permanent or regular
arbitration institution in the Philippines.
o Appointing Authority in Ad Hoc Arbitration means, in the
absence of an agreement, the National President of the
IBP or his/her duly authorized representative. o Appointing
Authority Guidelines means the set of rules approved or
adopted by an appointing authority for the making of a
Request for Appointment Challenge, Termination of the
Mandate of Arbåtrator/s and for taking action


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Arbitration means a voluntary dispute resolution process in which one or more
arbitrators, appointed in accordance with the agreement of the parties or these Rules,
resolve a dispute by rendering an award.
o Arbitral Tribunal means a sole arbitrator or a panel, board
or committee of arbitrators.
Claimant means a person/ s with a claim against another and who commence/ s
arbitration against the latter.
o Court means, unless otherwise specified in these Rules, a Regional Trial Court. o Day
means calendar day.
o InStitutionaZ arbitration means arbitration administered by an entity, which is
registered as a domestic corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'
and engaged in, among others, arbitration of disputes in the Philippines on a regular and
permanent basis.

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o Request for Appointment means the letterrequest to the
appointing authority of either or both parties for the appointment
of arbitrator/ s or of the two arbitrators first appointed by the
parties for the appointment of the third member of an arbitral
o Representative is a person duly authorized in writing by a party to
a dispute, who could be a counsel, a person in his/her employ or
any other person of his/her choice, duly authorized to represent said party in
the arbitration proceedings. o Respondent means the person/ s against whom
the claimant commence/ s arbitration.

o Written communication means the pleading, motion, manifestation, notice, order, awtp-
d and any other document or paper submitted or filed with the arbitral tribunal or delivered to a

What are the Other forms of
Alternative Dispute Resolution?
Early Neutral Evaluation is an ADR
process wherein parties and their
lawyers are brought together early in
the pre-trial phase to present
summaries of their cases and to
receive a non binding assessment by an
experienced neutral person, with
expertise in the subject matter or
substance. of the dispute.
Mediation-Arbitration or Med-Arb
js a two-step dispute resolution
process involving mediation and
then followed by arbitration.

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Mini-tria! is a structured dispute resolution
method in which the merits of a case are argued
before a panel comprising of senior
decisionmakers, with or without the presence of
a neutral third person, before which the parties
seek a negotiated settlement.


The Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution is
an agency attached to the Department of Justice which
shall have a Secretariat and shall be headed by an
Executive Director, who shall be appointed by the
President of the Philippines, taking into
consideration the recommendation of the Secretary of

Powers of the OADR

" To act as appointing authority of
mediators and arbitrators when the
parties agree in writing that •it
shall be empowered to do so.
/ To conduct seminars, symposia, conferences and
other public fora and publish proceedings of said
activities and relevant materials/ information that
would promote, develop and expand the use of ADR.

/ ToestablishanADRlibraryorresourcecenterwhere
ADR laws, rules and regulations, jurisprudence,
books, articles and other information about ADR
in the Philippines and elsewhere may be stored
and accessed.
v/ To establish a training programs for ADR
providers/ practitioners, both in the public and

private sectors; and to undertake periodic and

continuing training programs for arbitration and

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mediation and charge fees on participants. It may do
so in conjunction with or in cooperation with the
IBP, pnvate ADR organizations, and local and
foreign government offices and agencies and
international organizations.
To certify those who have successfully completed
the regular professional training programs
provided by the OADR.
v/ To charge fees for services rendered such as, among others, for tråining and
certifications of ADR providers.
To accept donations, grants and other assistance from local and foreign sources.
To exercise such other powers as maybe necessary and proper to
carry into effect the provisions of the ADR Act.

Functions of the OADR

To promote, develop and expand the use of ADR in the private and
public sectors through information, education and communication.
To monitor, study and evaluate the use of ADR by the private and
public sectors for purposes of, among others, policy formulation.

v/ To recommend to Congress needful statutory changes to develop,

strengthen and improve ADR practices in accordance with
international professional standards.

To make studies on and provide linkages for the

development, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of government and private ADR
programs and secure information about their
respective administrative rules/ procedures,
problems encountered and how they were resolved.
To compile and publish a list or roster of ADR providers/
practitioners, who have undergone training by the OADR, or by such
training providers/ institutions recognized or certified by the OADR as
performing functions in any ADR system. The list or roster shall include
the addresses, contact numbers, e-mail addresses, ADR service/ s rendered
(e.g. arbitration, mediation) and experience in ADR of the ADR providers/
To compile a list or roster of foreign or international ADR providers/
practitioners. The list or roster shall include the addresses, contact

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numbers, e-mail addresses, ADR service/ s rendered (e.g. arbitration,
mediation) and experience in ADR of the ADR providers/

Divisions of the OADR

The OADR has following staffand service divisions: Secretariat — which
shall provide necessary support and discharge such other functions and duties as
may be directed by the Executive Director.
Public Information and Promotion Division — which shall be charged with the
dissemination of information, the promotion of the importance and public
acceptance of mediation, conciliation, arbitration or any combination thereof and
other ADR forms as a means of achieving speedy and efficient means ofresolving
all dispute5 and to help
in the promotion, development and expansion of


the use of ADR.

Training Division — which shall be charged with

the formulation of effective standards for the training
of ADR practitioners; conduct of trainings in
accordance with such standards; issuance of
certifications of training to ADR practitioners and
ADR service providers who have undergone the
professional training provided by the OADR; and the
coordination of the development, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of government and private
sector ADR programs.
Records and Library Division — which shall be
charged with the establishment and maintenance of
a central repositcny of ADR laws, rules and
regulations, jurisprudence, books, articles, and other
information about ADR in the Philippines and


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Composition of the Advisory Council
•t/ Mediation profession v/ Arbitration
profession v/ ADR organizations
IBP v/
Role of the Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is responsible to advise the Executive Director on
policy, operational and other relevant matters. The Council shall meet
regularly, at least once every two (2) months, or upon call by the Executive


Mediation is a voluntary process
in which a mediator, selected by the
disputing parties, facilitates
communication and negotiation, and
assists the parties in reaching a
voluntary agreement regarding a
dispute. The following are important
terms to consider:
o Ad hoc Mediation means any mediation other
than institutional or court-annexed.
o Institutional Mediation means any mediation
administered by, and conducted under the
rules of, a mediation institution.
o Court-Annexed Mediation means any mediation
process conducted under the auspices of the
court and in accordance with Supreme Court
approved guidelines, after such court has
acquired jurisdiction of the dispute.
o Court-Referred Mediation means mediation
ordered by a court to be conducted in
accordance with the agreement of the parties

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when an action is prematurely commenced in
violation of such agreement.
o Certified Mediator means a
mediator certified by the Office
for ADR as having successfully
completed its regular
professional training program.
o Mediation Partymeans a person who
participates in a mediation and whose
consent is neeessary to resolve the dispute.
o Mediator means a person who conducts
mediation. o Non-Party Participant means a
person, other than a party or mediator, who
participates in a mediation proceeding as a
witness, resource person or expert.

.For the purpose of mediatiop, it

shall be applied voluntarily whether
ad hoc or institutional, other than
court-annexed mediation and only in
default of an
agreement of the parties on the applicable rules. It shall also
apply to all cases pending before an administrative or quasi-
judicial agency that are subsequently agreed upon by the
parties to be referred to mediation.
In applying and construing the rule on mediation,
consideration must be given on the need to promote
candor of parties and mediators through confidentiality
of the mediation process, the policy of fostering prompt,
economical and amicable resolution of disputes in
accordance with principles of integrity of determination
by the parties and •the policy that the decision-making
authority in the mediation process rests with the parties.
A party.; may petition a court before which an
action is prematurely brought in a matter which is the
subject of a mediation agreement, if at least one party so
requests, not later than the pre-trial conference or upon
the request of both parties thereafter, to refer the parties

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to mediation in •accordance with the agreement of the
o Selection of a Mediator

The parties have the freedom to select their

mediator. The parties may request the OADR to provide them with a list or roster
or the resumes of its certified mediators. The OADR may be requested to inform the
mediator of his/her selection.

o Replacement of Mediator
If the mediator selected is unable to act as such for any reason, the
parties may, upon being informed of such fact, select another mediator.

o Refusal or Withdrawal of Mediator

A mediatDr may refuse from acting as such, withdraw or may be
compelled to withdraw, from the mediation proceedings under the following


of the withdraw.
The mediator does not have the qualifications,
training and experience to enable him/her to meet the
reasonable expectations of the parties. Where the
mediator's impartiality is in question. If continuation
of the process would violate any ethical standards.
If the safety of any of the parties would be jeopardized.
If the mediator is unable to provide effective services.
In case of conflict o} interest.
In any of. the following instances, if the mediator
is satisfied that:
a. one or more of the parties is/ are not acting in good faith;
b. the parties' agreement would be illegal or involve the
commission of a crime;

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c. continuing the dispute resolution would give rise to an appeararice of
impropriety; d. continuing with the process would cause significant harm
to a nonparticipating person or to the public, or;
e. continuing discussions would not be in the best interest of the parties,
their minor children or the dispute resolution process.


It is not required that a mediator shall have special qualifications by background
or profession unless the special qualifications of a mediator are required in the
mediation agreement or by the mediation parties.


However, the certified mediator

maintain and continually upgracle
his/her professional competence in
mediation skills; ensure that
his/her qualifications, training and
experience are known to and accepted
by the parties; and v' serve only
when his/her qualifications,
training and experience enable
him/her to meet the reasonable
expectations of the parties and
shall not hold himself/ herself out
or give the impression that he/she
has qualifications, •training and
experience that he/she does not
Upon the request of a mediation party, ån
individual who is requested tö serve as mediator
shall disclose his/her qualifications to mediate a

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A mediator shall maintain impartiality. a.
Before accepting a mediation, an individual who
is requested to serve as a mediator shall:
v/ make an inquiry that is reasonable
under the circumstances to determine
whether there are any known facts that a
reasonable individual would consider
likely to affect the impartiality of the
mediator, including a financial or
personal interest in the outcome of the
mediation and any existing or. past
relationship with a. party or
foreseeable participant in the mediation;
v/ disclose to the mediation
parties any such fact known or
learned as soon as is practical
before accepting a mediation.
A mediator shall keep in utmost confidence all
confidential information obtained in the course of
the mediation process.

A mediator Shall discuss issues of confidentiality


with the mediation parties before beginning the mediation

process including limitations on the scope of confidentiality and
the extent of confidentiality provided in any private sessions
or caucuses that the mediator holds with a party.
Consent and Self-Determination
a. A mediator shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that each party
understands the nature and character of the mediation proceedings
including private caucuses, the issues, the available options, the
alternatives to non-settlement, and that each party is free and able to

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make whatever choices he/she desires regarding participation in mediation
generally and regarding specific settlement options.
If a mediator believes that a party, who is not
represented by counsel, is unable to understand, or fully
participate in, the mediation proceedings for any
reason, a mediator may either:
limit the scope of the mediation proceedings in a manner consistent with
the party's ability to participate, and/or recommend that the party obtain
appropriate assistance in order to continue with the process; or terminate
the mediation proceedings. b. A mediator shall recognize and put in mind that the
primary responsibility of resolving a dispute and the shaping of a voluntary and
uncoerced settlement rests with the parties.

Separation ofMediation from Counseling and Legal Advice

a. Except in evaluative mediation or when the parties so request, a
mediator shall:
refrain from giving legal or technical advice
and otherwise engaging in counseling or
advocacy; and

v/ abstain from expressing
his/her personal opinion on
the rights and duties of the
parties and the merits of any
proposal made.
b. Where appropriate and where
either or both parties are not
represented by counsel, a
mediator shall:
recommend that the parties seek outside
professional advice to help them make
informed decision and to understand the
implications of any proposal; and suggest
that the parties seek independent legal
and/or technical advice before a settlement
agreement is signed.

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c. Without the consent of all parties, and for a
reasonable timeundertheparticularcircumstance, a
mediator who also practices another profession
shall not establish a professional relationship
in that other profession with one of the
parties, or any person or entity, in a
substantially and factually related matter.

Charging of Fees a. A mediator shall fully disclose and

explain to the parties the basis of cost, fees and
b. The mediator who withdraws from the mediation
shall return to the parties any unearned fee
and unused deposit.
c. A mediator shall not enter into a fee agreement
which is contingent upon the results of the
mediation or the amount of the settlement.

Promotion of Respect and Control of

Abuse of Process
The mediator shall encourage
mutual respect between the parties,
and shall take reasonable steps,
subject to the principle of self-
determination, to limit
abuses of the mediation process.

Solicitation or Acceptance of any Gift

No mediator or any member of a mediator's
immediate family or his/her agent shall request, solicit,
receive or accept any gift or any type of compensation
other than the agreed fee and expenses in connection with
any matter coming before the mediator.


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Designation of Counselor any Person to Assist Mediation

A party may designate a lawyer or any other person to provide

assistance in the mediation, A waiver of this right shall be made in writing by
•the party waiving it. A waiver of participation or legal representation may be
rescinded at any time.

The Rote of the Counsel

The lawyer shall view his/her role in mediation as a
collaborator with the other lawyer in working together
toward the common goal of helping their clients resolve
their differences to their mutual advantage.
The lawyer shall encourage and assist his/her client to actively participate in
positive discussions and cooperate in crafting an agreement to resolve their
The lawyer must assist his/her client to comprehend and appreciate the mediation
process and its benefits, as well as the client's greater personal responsibility for
the success of

mediation in resolving the dispute. v/ In preparing for participation in

mediation, the
lawyer shall confer and discuss With his/her


client the following:

The mediation process as essentially a negotiation
between the parties assisted by their respective
lawyers, and facilitated by a mediator, stressing its
difference from litigation, its advantages and
benefits, the client's heightened role in mediation
and responsibility for its success and explaining
the role of the lavvyer in mediation proceedings.
The substance of the upcoming mediation, such as: v/ The substantive
issues involved in the dispute and their prioritizatipn in terms of importance
to his/her client's real interests and needs.
/ The study•of the other party's position in relation to the issues with a
view to understanding the underlying interests, fears, concerns and

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/ The information •or facts to be gathered or sought from the other side
or to be exchanged that are necessary for informed decision-making.
The possible options for settlement but stressing the need to be open-minded
about other
The best, worst and most likely alternatives to a
non-negotiated settlement.
Other Matters which the Counsel shaZZ do to Assist
The lawyer:
Y/ shall give support to the mediator so that his/ her client will fully
understand the rules and processes of mediation; v/ shall impress upon his/her
client the importance of speaking for himself/herSelf and taking responsibility
for making decisions during the negotiations within the mediation process; v/
may ask for a recess in order to give advice or


suggestions to his/her client in private, if he/she

perceives that his/her client is unable to bargain effectively;
v/ shall assist his/her client and the mediator put in writing
the terms of the settlement agreement that the parties have
entered into. The lawyers shall see to it that the terms of the
settlement agreement are not contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy.

The following articles shaZZ be considered in the
Conduct of Mediation
A. The mediator shall not make untruthful or exaggerated claims aboüt the
dispute resolution process, its costs and benefits, its outcome or the mediator's
qualifications and abilities during the entire mediation process.

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B. The mediator shall help the parties reach a satisfactory
resolution of their dispute but has no authority to
impose a settlement on the parties.
C. The parties shall personally appear for mediation and may be assisted by a
lawyer. A party may be represented by an agent• who must have full authority
to negotiate and settle the dispute.
D. The mediation process shall, in general, consist of the following stages:
/ opening statement of the mediator; v/ individual narration by the
parties; v'/ exchange by the parties; v/ summary of issues; v/ generation
and evalüation of options; and
E. The mediation proceeding shall be held in private. Persons, other
than the parties, their


representatives ancl the mediator, may attencl only

with the consent of all the parties. F. The mediation
shall be closed:
v/ by the execution of a settlement agreement
by the parties; v/ by the withdrawal of any
party from mediation; and by the written
declaration of the mediator that any further
effort at mediation would not be helpful.

Agreement of Parties on the Place of Mediation
The parties are free to agree on the place
ofmediation. Failing such agreement, the place of
mediation shall be any place convenient and appropriate to
all parties.

Agreement to Submit a Dispute to Mediation by an

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An agreement to submit a dispute to mediation by an institution shall
include an agreement to be bound by internal mediation and administrative
policies of such institution. Fürther, an agreement to submit a dispute to
mediation under institutional mediation rules shall be deemed to include an
agreement to have such rules govern the mediation of the dispute and for the
mediator, the parties, their respective counsels and non-party participants to
abide by such rules.
the assistance of their respective counsels, if
any, and by the mediator. The parties and their
respective counsels shall endeavor to make the terms
and condition of the settlement agreement complete
and to make adequate provisions for the contingency
of breach to avoid conflicting interpretations of the
B. The parties and their respective counsels, if any,
shall sign the settlement agreement. The mediator
shall certify that he/she explained the contents of
the settlement agreement to the parties in a
language known to them.
C. If the parties agree, the settlement agreement may
be jointly deposited byihe parties or deposited
by one party with prior notice to the other party/
ies with the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial
Court (a) where the principal place of business in
the Philippines of any of the parties is located;
(b) if any of the parties is an individual, where
any of those individuals resides; or (c) in the
National Capital Judicial Region. Where there is
a need to enforce the settlement agreement, a
petition may be filed by any of the parties with
the same court, in which case, the court shall
proceed summarily to hear the petition, in
accordance with the Special ADR Rules.
D. The parties may agree in the settlement agreement that the mediator
shall become a sole arbitrator for the dispute and shall treat the

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settlement agreement as an arbitral award which shall be subject to
enforcement under Republic Act No. 876, otherwise known as "The
Arbitration Law", notwithstanding the provisions of Executive Order
No. 1008, s. 1985, otherwise known as the "Construction Industry
Arbitration Law" for mediated disputes outside of the Construction
Industry Arbitration Commission.

Confidentiality of Information
Information obtained through mediation
proceedings shall be subject to the following principles
and guidelines:
1. Information obtained through mediation shall be
privileged and confidential.
2. A party, mediator, or non-party participant may refuse to disclose and may
prevent any other person from disclosing a confidential information.
3. Confidential information shall not be subject to discovery and shall be
inadmissible in 3 any adversarial proceeding, whether judicial or quasi
judicial. • However, evidence or information that is otherwise admissible or subject
to discovery does not bec6me inadmissible or protected from discovery solely
by reason of its use in a mediation.
4. In such an adversarial proceeding, the following persons involved or
previously involved ih a mediation may not be compelled to disclose
confidential information obtained during the mediation:
the parties to the dispute; the mediator or mediators; the
counsel•for the parties; the non-party participants;
any person hired or engaged in connection with the
mediation as secretary, stenographer, clerk or assistant; and
any other person who obtains or possesses confidential
information by reason of his/ her profession.
5. The protections of the ADR Act shall continue to apply even if a
mediator is found to have fajled to act impartially.
6. A mediator may not be called to testify to provide

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confidential information gathered in mediation. A

mediator who is wrongfully subpoenaed shall be
reimbursed the full cost of his/her attorney's fees
and related expenses.

Waiver of Confidentia Zity

A. A privilege arising from the confidentiality of
information may be waived in a record or orally
during a proceeding by the mediator and the
mediation parties.
B. With the consent of the mediation parties, a
privilege arising from the confidentiality of
informatidn may likewise be waived by a non
party participant if the information is provided by
such non-party participant.
C. A person who discloses confidential information shall be precluded from
asserting the privilege under Confidentiality of Information to bar
disclosure of the rest of the information necessary to a complete
understanding of. the previously disclosed information. If a person suffers
loss or damage as a result of the disclosure of the confidential information,
he/she shall be entitled to damages in a judicial proceeding against the
person who made the disclosure.
D. A person who discloses or makes a representation about a mediation
is precluded from asserting the privilege mentioned in
Confidentiality of Information to the extent that the communication
prejudices another person in the proceeding and it is necessary for the
person prejudiced to respond to the representation or disclosure.

Exéeptions to )the Privilege of Confidentiality of

1. There i' no privilege against disclosure in the following instances:


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in an agreement eviclenced by a record
authenticated by all parties to the agreement;
available to the public or made during a
session of a mediation which is open, or is
required by law to be open, to the public
a threat or statement of a plan to inflict
bodily injury or commit a crime of violence;
intentionally used to plan a crime, attempt to
commit, or commit a crime, or conceal an
ongoing crime or criminal activity;
sought or offered to prove or disprove abuse, neglect,
abandonment or 3 exploitation in a proceeding in which a public agency is
protecting the interest of an individual protected by law.; but this exception
does not apply where a child protection matter is referred to
mediation by a court or where a public agency participates in the child
protection mediation;

sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim

or complaint of professional. misconduct or
malpractice filed against a mediator in a
proceeding; or
sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim or complaint
of professional misconduct or malpractice filed against a party,
nonparty participant, or. representative of a party based on
conduct occurring during a mediation.
2. If a court or administrative agency finds, after a hearing in camera, that the
party seeking discovery ofthe proponent ofthe evidence has shown that the
evidence is not otherwise available, that there is a need for the evidence
that substantially outweighs the interest in protecting confidentiality, and
the mediation communication is soyght or offered in: a. a court proceeding
involving a crime or felony; or


b. a proceeding to prove a claim or defense that

under the law is sufficient to reform or avoid a
liability on a contract arising out of the mediation.
c.A mediator may not be compelled to provide
evidence of a mediation communication or testify in
such proceeding.

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d. If a mediation communication is not privileged under an
exception in paragraph (a) or (b), only the portion of the
communication necessary for the application of the exception for non-
disclosure may be admitted. The admission of a particular evidence for
the limited purpose of an exception does not render that evidence, or
any other mediation communication, admissible for any other purpose.

Non-Reporting or Communication by Mediator

A mediator may not make a report, assessment, evaluation, recommendation,
finding or other communication regarding a mediation to a court or agency or
other authority that may make a ruling on a dispute that is the subject of a
mediation, except:
to state that the mediation occurred or has terminated, or
where a settlement was. reached; or as permitted to be
disclosed under the provisions on the Exceptions to the
Privilege of Confidentiality of Information.
The parties may, by an agreement in writing, stipulate that the settlement
agreement shall be sealed and not disclosed to any third party including the court. Such
stipulation, however, shall not. apply to a proceeding to enforce or set aside the
settlement agreement.



Fees and Cost of Ad hoc Mediation
In ad hoc mediation, the parties
are free to make their own
arrangement as to mediation cost and
fees. In default thereof, the
schedule of cost and fees to be
approved by the OADR shall be

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Fees and Cost of Institutional
A. In institutional mediation, mediation
cost shall include the administrative
charges ofthe mediation iristitution
under which the parties have agreed to be
bound, mediatcr's fees and associated
expenses, if any. In default of agreement
of the parties as to the amount and
manner of payment of mediation's cost and
fees, the same shall be determined in
accordance with the applicable internal
rules of the mediation service providers
under whose rules the mediation is
conducted. .1 B. A mediation service
provider may determine such mediation fee
as is reasonable taking into
consideration the following factors,
among others: the complexity of the case;
v/ the number of hours spent in
mediation; and the training, experience
and stature of mediators.


Scope of Application
The rule applies to international commercial
arbitration, subject to any agreement in force between
the Philippines and other state or states and only if
the place or seat of arb)tration is the Philippines
and in default of any agreement of the parties on the
applicable rules and shall not affect any other law of

34 .8

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the Philippines by virtue of which certain disputes may not be
submitted to arbitration or may be submitted to arbitration only
according to provisions other than those of the ADR Act.
Rules of Interpretation
A. International commercial arbitration shall be governed
by the Model Law on International Commercial
B. In interpreting the rule, regard shall be had to the
international origin of the Model Law and to the need
for uniformity in its interpretation. Resort may be
made to the travaux preparatories and the Report. of the
Secretary-Gdneral of the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law dated March 1985 entitled,
"International Commercial Arbitration: Analytical
Commentary on Draft Text identified by reference
number A/ CN. 9/264".
C. Moreover, in interpreting the rule, the court shall have
due regard to the policy of the law in favor of
arbitration and the policy of the Philippines to actively
promote party autonomy in the resolution of disputes
or the freedom of the parties to make
their own arrangement to resolve their dispute,
D. Where a provision of the rule, except the those applicable to the
substance of the dispute, leaves the parties free to determine a certain
issue, such freedom includes the right of the parties to authorize a
third party, including an institution, to make that determination.
E. Where a provision of these rule refers to the fact that the parties have
agreed or that they may agree or in any other way refers to an agreement of
the parties, such agreement any arbitration rules referred to in
that agreement.


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