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ABEBAYEHU.H :(Ass.Prof.)
A Proposal Submitted to in Logistic and Supplies Chain Management in Dire
Dawa University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Masters of

APRIL 2022
ABEBAYEHU.H :(Ass.Prof.)
Table of Contents

Title Pages

GENERAL INTRODUCTION ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Background of the Study ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Questions ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 General Objective ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Specific Objectives ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.5 Significance of the study ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.6 Scope of the Study............................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Organization of the study .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
LITRATURE REVIEW .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1.The cold chain invaccine supply chain management ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 Association betwen .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.1 Freezing ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.2 Allow to get too hot .................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3. Exposed to direct sunlight or fluresent light .............................................................. 8
2.3 Information System .......................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Information System ................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Technical Capacityl .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.9
2.3.3Storage and Capacity ......................................................................................... 10
2.4 The vaccine supply chain and logestic in Ethiopia ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.0
2.5 Cold chain in Ethiopia .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.1
2.6 Availablity of Vaccine in Health Facilties ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2
2.7 Conceptual frame work ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.14

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.14
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Study setting ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3 Sample Design............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.14
3.3.1. Population .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.14
3.3.2. Sample size ............................................................................................................. 15
3.3.3 Sample Techniqe ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4 Sources and tools for data collection ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.15
3.5 Procdure of data collection .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.16
3.6 Pre-testing tool ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.7 Reliabilty and Validity ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.17
3.8Method of data Analysis ..................................................................................................... 17
3.9Ethical Cleance .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.18
Reference ................................................................................................................................. 19
Table 1:- Budgting ................................................................................................................... 24
Table 2:- Time Schedule .......................................................................................................... 25
Chapter One:

1.1 Background of the Study

Vaccination is the intervention used to prevent or eradicate childhood diseases. It is the most
cost-effective health intervention. A set of practice guidelines for different service levels were
created by the World Health Organization (WHO), which include vaccine monitoring,
immunization techniques, cold chain management and reporting systems(WHO1998). Cold
chain is system for storing and transporting vaccines in a potent state (within an acceptable
temperature range) from the manufacturer to users (WHO).Throughout the chain, primary health
care providers must have adequate knowledge to manage the cold chain (Shah J, Agarwal M,
PatelShah J,2015). The cold chain guidelines recommend the following: the vaccine storage
should be maintained in the temperature range of 2–8 °C, the use of minimum/maximum
thermometers, temperature charts, and the shake test Hanjeet K LM, Sinniah M, Schnur1996).

All vaccines are sensitive biological substances that progressively lose their potency (i.e. their
ability to give protection against disease). This loss of potency is much faster when the vaccine
is exposed to temperatures outside the recommended storage range. Once vaccine potency has
been lost, returning the vaccine to correct storage condition cannot restore its potency. Any loss
of potency is permanent and irreversible. Thus, storage and transportation of vaccines at the
correct recommended temperature conditions is vitally important in order that full vaccine
potency is retained up to the moment of administration.
A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. The agent
stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and remember
it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these
microorganisms that it later encounters (WHO, 2015b). Vaccines need specialized storage
because of the very sensitive nature of these biological products. As a result, the type of
equipment used for storing vaccines needs to be specialized according to different temperature
zones, and the service level of storage. Most vaccines need to be stored in a temperature
controlled environment (either in a freezer or a refrigerator) all the time; improper storage
temperatures reduce vaccine potency and result in recipients not being protected against diseases
(Lala & VVM, 2003). Appropriate cold storage equipment is an essential prerequisite in order to
ensure the quality of vaccines administered to the population. Many vaccines lose their
effectiveness if they’re exposed to extreme heat or freezing conditions. Excessive heat, cold, or
light exposure can damage vaccines, resulting in reduced potency. Once potency is lost, it cannot
be restored (CDC, 2014). Eventually, if the cold chain is not properly maintained, potency will
be lost, and the vaccines become useless.

The vaccine cold chain is a temperature controlled environment used to maintain and distribute
vaccines in optimal condition. A proper cold chain is a temperature controlled supply chain that

includes all equipment and procedures used in the transport and storage and handling of vaccines
from the time of manufacture to administration of the vaccine (CDC, 2014). According to World
health organization (WHO) cold chain is a system of storing and transporting vaccine at the
recommended temperature range from the point of manufacture to point of use (Immunization &
Biologicals, 2004). The cold chain relies on three main elements well-trained personnel, reliable
transportation and storage equipment and efficient management procedures. The cold chain
begins with the cold storage unit at the manufacturing plant, extends through transport of vaccine
to the distributor, then delivery and storage at the provider facility, and ends with administration
of vaccine to the patient. Appropriate storage conditions must be maintained at every link in the
cold chain (CDC, 2014)

Vaccine supply chain management has received increasing attention in recent years as both a
priority and a challenge for many countries (Lydon, Raubenheimer, Arnot-Krüger, & Zaffran,
2015).Vaccination is one of the methods that have been proven effective in preventing the
transmission of infectious diseases and hence reduction of infant and child mortality rate in the
world. It is one of the most cost-effective health investments, estimated to avert between 2 and 3
million deaths globally each year, with proven strategies that make it accessible to even the most
hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations(Matthias, Robertson, Garrison, Newland, & Nelson,
2007). To be effective, however, a number of elements in a vaccination program need to be
implemented properly, including cold chain management, vaccine management, logistics
management, and waste management. Failure to properly implement these can reduce the level
of protection that is expected from a vaccination program (WHO, 2008). Therefore, the
availability of a proper cold chain and vaccine and logistics management system from the
vaccine manufacturer to the end user, and follow-up after the vaccination program is finished
must ensured. Without vaccines as well as safe and effective distribution systems and delivery
practices, disease would become more rampant and the public health and the community would
be overburdened with treatment costs and deaths particularly in children. The national
Immunization program in Ethiopia was launched in 1980. At the national level, the maternal and
child health directorate of the Ministry of Health (MOH) coordinates the program (MOH, 2012).
Existing Country Context for Vaccine Distribution shows Cold Chain system for vaccines and
other cold storage requires health commodities consists of five levels, following the Federal
ministry of health (FMOH) administrative structures the current vaccine cold chain system
incorporate Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals & Supply Agency (EPSA) , Regional health bureaus,
Zonal health divisions , woreda health offices and health facilities.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

With few exceptions, vaccine supply and logistics systems around the world are unable to keep
pace with growing immunization programs (WHO, 2014a). According to WHO less than 25% of
countries are operating at even a minimum standard within the criteria of maintenance, stock
management and distribution. Furthermore, only 29% of countries are meeting minimum
standards for temperature control. In 2011 2.8 million Vaccine doses ware lost in five countries
due to cold chain failures (WHO, 2014c). WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF) have estimated overall wastage rates in developing countries of around 50% (Lloyd,
1999). Total cost of vaccine per fully immunized child in a developing country is $38.75/31.64
(WHO, 2014c). Ethiopia has a population of 3 million children which means 116 million USD (
2 billion birr ) is spend on vaccines each year (FMOH, 2013). A huge amount of money is
allocated both by partners and the government of Ethiopia for the procurement of vaccines each
year. In Ethiopia, even though, there are no significant problems in the availability of vaccines at
national level weak vaccine stock and inventory management has been noted at regional and
service delivery levels (FMOH, 2015). The vaccine distribution system in Ethiopia comprises
several distribution steps with average of five levels of inventory holding points that are
considered unnecessary (FMOH, 2013; WHO, 2014c). This kind of system is likely to result in
vaccine wastage and expired vaccine, and that led to overstocks at some distribution points. Each
transfer in a complex supply chain processes could increases the risk of bottlenecks or
breakdowns (Kaufmann, Miller, & Cheyne, 2011). A study done in immunization centers of
Ethiopia revealed that 32.8% of the health institutions used to collect vaccines at intervals longer
than a month. Vaccine storage in the refrigerator was observed to be improper in 73.4% of the
functioning 64 centers and Lack of technicians for refrigerator maintenance was reported by
61.2% of the institutions (Berhane & Demissie, 2000). According to the national cold chain
equipment inventories carried out in 2013, About 38% of the refrigerators/freezers at health
facility level and 36% of refrigerators/freezers at administrative level (woreda to region) were
not functional (FMOH, 2015). In addition, inventory control and vaccine wastage are not
traceable due to lack of a reporting system (JSI, 2015a). The same study from the immunization
centers of Ethiopia shows that a complete record of the vaccines stock was observed only in
59.4% of the health institutions (Berhane & Demissie, 2000). Although, studies are indicating
that such poor management of vaccines could result in overstocking of vaccines at central level
while sub national cold rooms are not storing adequate vaccines, there is no study that shows the
availability of vaccines in the health facilities in Ethiopia (Kaufmann et al., 2011; WHO, 2014c).

There were gaps in following the cold chain management principles such as use of FEFO
principle, recording damaged vaccine, recording temperature twice daily, and recording VVM
status for each vaccine. Also, there was a gap in using requisition form for reporting and ordering
vaccine. the majority of the health facilities did not have a separate room for vaccine storage.
Their storage capacities were insufficient to accommodate all vaccines and its consumable
supplies, even though all storage area had secured windows and doors. Infrastructures were not

fulfilled in room to handle the vaccine properly. This inappropriate handling of the vaccine has a
negative effect on its potency. the availability of the power sources and an alternative source
were not sufficient. The number of health facilities using electricity as their primary power
source predominates but the major challenge of this type of power supply was an irregularity in
the power supply. Availability of necessary spare parts and conducting cold room maintenance
were very low(Hewan Adam Bogale, Abebe Feyissa Amhare2019). Thus this research will
assess the management of vaccine in order to analyze its effect on the availability of vaccines in
service delivery level.

1.3 Research Questions

Based on the previous statement of research problem, the following main research questions will
be formulated

1. How the current vaccine cold chain management practices in Governmental health centers of
Dire Dawa does looks like?

2. How much available are vaccines in governmental health centers of Dire Dawa?

3. How vaccine cold chain management practices influence the availability of vaccines in
governmental health centers of Dire Dawa?

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective:-

The general objective of the research is to assess the Effect of vaccines cold chain management
practices on the availability of vaccines in health centers under Dire Dawa city administration
health bureau.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives:-

 To assess the effect of technical capacity of health centers under Dire Dawa city administration
health bureau on availability of vaccines.

 To assess the effect of information system of health centers under Dire Dawa city
administration health bureau on availability of vaccines.

 To assess the effect of Storage system and facilities of health centers under Dire Dawa city
administration health bureau on availability of vaccines.

 To assess the effect of distribution system of governmental health centers on availability of


1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will recognize the impact of vacine cold chain the board on the accessibility of
immunizations in well being places under Dire Dawa city organization well being department.
The discoveries and suggestions of the review will be valuable for administrative specialists by
way of planning rules and implementation of cold chain norms for consistence. The review will
contribute accommodating data to the accessible writing on immunization Distribution
framework and its capacity rehearses. The review will contribute significant data for
neighborhood wellbeing strategy creators, EPI, medical care suppliers, benefactors and all
partners engaged with cold chain drugs to really plan, oversee and direct the dispersion
framework and capacity practices of Vaccines in Dire Dawa. At last, the examination brings to
the front inquiries to uncover holes that would require further examination.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The researcher has limited the study on the effect of cold chain management practice on
availabilty of vaccines : in case of health centers under dire dawa regional health bureau. The
organizations that will be address for the study are 17 Health facilities Which is 2 hospitals and
15 health centers The study will focus on effect of cold chain management practice on availabilty
of vaccines and also a two years experience from 2019-2021 G.C/ will be cover under this study.

1.7 Organization of the Study

This proposal will critically examine determinants of Available of vaccine. It has structured
into three chapters. Each chapter has its own subunits. The first chapter outlines the
introductory part including background of the study, statement of the problem, general and
specific objectives of the study, scope of the study and the significance of the study. This chapter
also raises questions that will be answer by the study. The second and third chapters will
cover the literature review and theoretical frameworks of Available of vaccine with the latter
dealing about the methodology used for the study. The fourth chapter devoted to the
presentation, analysis and discussion of data and the last chapter consisted of the summary,
conclusion and recommendations of the study.

Chapter Two:

Literature Review
This chapter reviews pertinent writing on the key regions that the review covers. This section
presents the hypothetical underpinnings of the review. With an emphasis on the goals and
hypothetical edges of this review, the part audits related and contemporary writing on the idea of
the cold chain and accessibility of immunization. An endeavor has likewise made to give a
feature on Worldwide viewpoint of immunization dispersion and the executives lastly the
antibody cold chain the executives in Ethiopia. The part looks at different examination studies
and reports done locally (Ethiopia), provincially (Africa) and all around the world. Verifiable
viewpoints and the theoretical system of the review are tended to in this part.

2.1 The cold chain in vaccine supply chain management

A cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain. An unbroken cold chain is an

uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature
range. It is the integrated system of equipment- (e.g., cold rooms, shipping containers,
refrigerators, and vehicles), procedures, records, and activities used to handle, store, transport,
distribute and monitor temperature sensitive products. It is used to help extend and ensure the
shelf life of products such as fresh agricultural produce, seafood, frozen food, photographic film,
chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs (Kohli, 2008). Cold chains are common in the food and
pharmaceutical industries and also in some chemical shipments. Many biological substances
deteriorate when exposed to heat, sunlight, or fluorescent light. When transporting and storing
such biological substances, it is imperative to control environmental conditions, ensuring that
exposure to potentially damaging environmental factors is minimized. One common temperature
range for a cold chain in pharmaceutical industries is 2 to 8 °C. But the specific temperature (and
time at temperature) tolerances depend on the actual product. This is also the recommended
temperature range by WHO for the cold chain system of transporting and storing vaccines
(Health & Council, 2008).

The system used to keep and distribute vaccines in good condition is called the cold chain. The
cold chain has three main components: transport and storage equipment, trained personnel, and
efficient management procedures. All three elements must combine to ensure safe vaccine
transport and storage. The cold chain begins with the cold storage unit at the vaccine
manufacturing plant, extends through the transfer of vaccine to the distributor and then to the
provider’s office, and ends with the administration of the vaccine to the patient. Proper storage
temperatures must be maintained at every link in the chain. Excess heat or cold will reduce their
potency, increasing the risk that recipients will not be protected against vaccine preventable
diseases. To ensure the optimal potency of vaccines, careful attention is needed in handling
practices at all levels of the cold chain (Afsar & Kartoğlu, 2006; Association, 2007). Choosing
the right cold chain equipment is strategically important; as such choices can facilitate changes in

delivery routes and frequencies, which in turn could have an effect on vaccination schedules and
strategies. Make the decision on what type of cold-chain equipment to use on detailed knowledge
of the local situation. The first question to ask is whether or not reliable electricity is available. If
it is available, whether from a grid or a generator, various types of electric refrigerator can be
used, provided they are of known reliability. In areas with an electricity supply of 8 or more
hours during a 24-hour period (whether the source is grid and/or generator), the ice-lined
compression refrigerator is highly suitable because it has a holdover time of 24 hours at +43 °C
ambient temperature; it can therefore prevent vaccines from damage during power interruptions
or regular outages (WHO, 2008). According to WHO, in any temperature-controlled rooms, cold
rooms, freezer rooms, refrigerators and freezers used to store vaccine air temperature and
Humidity monitoring systems and devices should be installed. Electronic sensors should be
accurate to ± 0.5 °C and ± 5% relative humidity or better. Sensors should be located in areas
where the greatest variability in temperature is expected to occur within the qualified storage
volume and they should be positioned so as to be minimally affected by transient events such as
door opening (WHO, 2011).

2.2 Association between vaccine cold chain management and availability of vaccine

WHO recommends the range of temperatures for storing and transporting vaccine should be on
the basis of data supplied by manufacturers. Each vaccine has its own specific storage 10
requirements so it is extremely important to know how long, and at what temperature, each
vaccine can be stored. All vaccines can be stored at positive temperatures (between +2 °C and +8
°C). However, only some vaccines can be stored at negative temperatures (between -15 °C and -
25 °C) (WHO, 2008). Vaccines are delicate biological substances that can become less effective
or destroyed if they are not stored and transported properly. Literatures suggest that vaccines
could be destroyed or become less effective if they are allowed to get too hot, frozen, or exposed
to direct sunlight or fluorescent light (Common wealth of Australia, 2013; Kartoglu & Milstien,

2.2.1 Freezing

Freezing is the most common reason for vaccine damage. Freezing of vaccine refers to situation
whereby vaccines stored at or below 0°C of temperature for type of vaccines which need to be
stored in refrigerator temperature range of +2 °C and +8 °C. Vaccine damage at temperature of
0°C is common although it may not appear frozen (Common wealth of Australia, 2013). Because
the original problem with the cold chain was keeping the vaccines cold enough, most of the
training efforts for the effective management of cold chain were directed at keeping the vaccine
cold enough. But researches are reveling that vaccines are more sensitive to freezing than they
are to heat (Kartoglu & Milstien, 2014). For example, according to the product information
sheets inactivated polio vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine (DTP), diphtheria and
tetanus toxoids vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine (HepB), and tetanus toxoid vaccine (TT) are
seriously damaged at temperatures less than 0°C. A study in Indonesia that monitored the

temperature of HepB vaccine shipped from the manufacturer to the provider found that 75% of
vaccine shipments were being frozen (C. M. Nelson et al., 2004). Studies involving site visits
show that 15% of refrigeration units had temperatures of 34°F (1°C) or lower (Bell, Hogue,
Manning, & Kendal, 2001; Gazmararian et al., 2002).

2.2.2 Allowed to get too hot

When vaccines are exposed to repeated episodes of heat the loss of vaccine potency is
cumulative and cannot be reversed (Common wealth of Australia, 2013). The transport and
storage of vaccines at temperatures higher than 8°C have been reported in the United States and
Australia. In the United States, a temperature study was conducted of refrigerators used to store
11 vaccines in medical clinics. Thermometers were used to measure the minimum and maximum
temperatures for a 24-hour period. The results indicated that 59% reached temperatures higher
than the acceptable range, and 93% were both higher and lower than the acceptable range (Miller
& Harris, 1994; Woodyard, Woodyard, & Alto, 1995) A study in Bolivia that monitored the
temperature of DTP-HepB-Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine throughout its transportation
from the national warehouse to 11 communities in 3 provinces reported that 7 of the 11 routes
from provincial to district warehouses had a temperature higher than 8°C (C. Nelson et al., 2007)

2.2.3 Exposed to direct sunlight or fluorescent light

Vaccines and cold chin equipment should be placed in such a way in the room that they are not
exposed to sunlight any time during the day. Exposure to sunlight will lead to increase in core
temperature of the cold chain equipment, which would break the cold chain by causing an
increase in the temperature of the vaccines (Naik, Rupani, & Bansal, 2013). There have been a
number of reports demonstrating an association between vaccine quality and appropriate vaccine
transport and storage. In Nigeria, the potency of oral polio vaccine (OPV) as well as vaccines for
measles and yellow fever was found to decrease below international standards when they were
transported from the national warehouse to health facilities (Acu, Adedeji, Esan, & Odusanya,
1996). Diphtheria toxoid containing vaccines may change their appearance and lose potency
when frozen due to freezing destroying the gel structure of the adjuvant and could be destroyed
in three to five hours if exposed to 60°C (Kartoğlu, 2012). An estimated 17% to 37% of
providers expose vaccines to improper storage temperatures (Bell et al., 2001) WHO estimates
that in some countries, 50% of all vaccine doses are wasted either before or after a vial is opened
(WHO, 2005). Most closed-vial vaccine wastage can be attributed to supply chain issues
including accidental freezing, expiry, vaccine vial monitor indication, breakage, theft, and
loss(Guichard et al., 2010; WHO, 2005) . Loss of vaccine potency due to improper storage
conditions is a costly mistake. Patients receiving vaccine with decreased potency caused by
improper storage conditions may not be fully protected against the vaccine preventable disease.
Unless these supply chain issues are solved, vaccine wastage will continue to consume much
needed vaccine and unnecessarily inflate the cost of vaccination programs

2.3.1 Information system

Many countries do not have reliable data about past vaccine usage or accurate projections of
target population and their locations. National vaccine forecasting is done using population
estimates, birth rates, infant mortality rates, vaccine waste rates, and prior year estimates of
usage(Kaufmann et al., 2011). Because census data are typically only brought up to date every
ten years, even in the best organized developing countries, the combination of inaccurate
estimates means that incorrect vaccine forecasts are replicated year after year. Unnecessary
incountry logistical burdens and expense are the result when too much or too little vaccine is
ordered as a result of the inaccuracies. Inaccurate or outdated census counts, population
migrations, and unforeseen changes in birth rates all contribute to the problem. Local health
managers may try to counteract these by head counts but they introduce their own biases,
including inflation of numbers to ensure adequate amounts of vaccines and deflation to make
coverage rates look high (FMOH, 2013). There is considerable lack of coordination between
those people and organizations that finance and procure vaccines for shipment to developing
countries and those supply-chain managers and storekeepers responsible for receiving and
distributing the shipments. Financing and procurement stakeholders have limited knowledge of
the constraints faced by vaccine officials in developing countries. Supply-chain planners and
managers are rarely consulted or involved in the plans that ultimately produce incoming vaccine
shipments (Kaufmann et al., 2011).

2.3.2 Technical capacity

Training supply chain personnel is usually focused narrowly on specific activities, such as
storekeeping, maintaining cold-chain records, and providing security for commodities, rather
than the higher order planning, analysis, and performance management skills needed by supply
chain managers. studies done in different countries show that inadequate knowledge and
practices exist regarding cold chain management in primary health care facilities (de Timóteo
Mavimbe & Bjune, 2007). Those who manage the supply chain must be given higher status and a
seat at the planning table, so managers can advise on logistical road blocks and how to overcome
them. People involved in transportation and supply of vaccines need to be trained and have
knowledge of cold chain and how to handle breakage of cold chain. Without pre-requisite
knowledge of how to handle vaccines being transported can seriously affect the vaccine potency
which in turn can result in wastage of vaccines and thus, increase in their price. Cold chain
equipment requires installation and maintenance, which necessitates the availability of properly
trained technicians, replacement parts, a system to monitor equipment performance, and the
capability to rapidly respond to breakdowns and failures. Although existing supply chains should
already have maintenance plans in place, recent cold chain assessments reveal consistent
deficiencies in this area (PATH., 2008 ). Developing, procuring, supplying, and maintaining
shipment and storage materials, including appropriate vehicles, refrigerators, and cold boxes, is
an ongoing challenge

2.3.3 Storage and Transportation

When multiple vaccines become available and are added to existing vaccine regimens, storage
and delivery capacity in many countries can quickly be overwhelmed. Donor support of in
country transportation needs is often limited. The ability in country to analyze and plan efficient
transportation routes, develop and operate transportation schedules and networks, or procure and
maintain the right vehicles to meet transport needs is often lacking. Some countries lack skills,
funding, and equipment to handle incoming shipments, maintain what limited equipment they do
have, or overcome institutional barriers to effectively use and share needed vehicles and
equipment among programs (Kaufmann et al., 2011

2.4 The vaccine supply chain and logistics in Ethiopia

The Federal Ministry of Health has been working to ensure an efficient and high performing
healthcare supply chain that will ensure equitable access to affordable medicines for all
Ethiopians. In past years, significant progress has been made, although various challenges
remain an inadequate supply of quality and affordable essential pharmaceuticals, poor storage
conditions, and weak stock management resulted in high levels of waste and stockouts. The
Expanded Program on Immunization started in Ethiopia in 1980 with the aim of reducing
mortality and morbidity of children and mothers from vaccine preventable diseases. During the
inception of EPI the objective was to increase immunization coverage by 100 % annually but this
target has not been realized even after three decades. Immunization services are being rendered

in most of the health facilities and in outreach and mobile services for the community residing
beyond 5KM from the static health facilities. In the routine EPI program the traditional six
antigens are being given in both the public and private services. Starting in 2007, pentavalent
formulation, DPT-HepB-Hib was introduced into the routine immunization program thus
increasing the number of total antigens given to infants to eight (DPT-HepB-Hib, BCG, OPV
and measles). In addition, 10 valent pneumococcal vaccine was introduced in the October 2011
and increased the total number of antigens in the routine immunization programme to nine. Rota
(FMOH, 2013). For years, staff at the regional, woreda, and health facility staff collected vaccine
supplies from the level above. The journey from the facility to the warehouse can take a day or
longer on tough-to-navigate roads, and trips were frequently made more than once a month to
ensure sufficient supply of vaccine when mothers arrived with their infants. Now, Ethiopian
Pharmaceuticals Supply Agency (EPSA) is delivering vaccines from the central cold room to
their regional hubs, and then to the zones and/or woreda (district) level using refrigerated trucks.
Distributing vaccines to numerous sites presents a logistical challenge. system have been
responsible for picking up vaccine supplies from warehouses and transporting them back to their
locations using cold boxes or vaccine carriers to maintain a safe temperature. Vaccines were
distributed through a complex supply chain involving no fewer than six levels. Starting in 2014,
the responsibility for the routine vaccine supply chain began transitioning from the FMOH to the
EPSA, an autonomous FMOH agency responsible for the entire essential medicine supply chain.

This shift consolidated the national vaccine supply chain with the supply chain for essential
medicines and vaccines used for campaigns, creating potential efficiencies but also bringing new
challenges. EPSA was managing distribution of vaccine for campaigns before the vaccine
transition. By May 2015, three of the 14 Hubs began to manage vaccine for routine
immunization as well. The hubs now receive vaccines in refrigerated trucks each quarter, and are
delivering vaccines to lower levels of the system (JSI, 2015a).

2.5 Cold chain equipment in Ethiopia

National level cold chain equipment inventories were carried In Ethiopia with the objective of
identifying the status of cold chain equipment in the country. The 2002 inventory shows that
35% of equipment was not functional, 83% of the functional equipments were aged 10 and above
14% of the functional equipments were sub-standard equipment. By the end of 2004, there was
only one cold room of about 75 meter cube in internal volume. By the end of 2005, there were
five regional cold rooms in three regions of the country, with a total 150 meter cube internal
volume. By mid-June 2006, nine additional cold rooms were provided at different regions of the
country. A cold room was provided in Tigray, Nekemt, Bahir Dar, Awassa, Dukem, Dire Dawa
and Afar.The 2013 inventory result revels 20,660 refrigerators/freezers were available at
different level of health structure (health post, clinic, health centre and hospital, woreda, zone
and region). About 62% of the refrigerators/freezers at health facility level and 64% of
refrigerators/freezers at administrative level (woreda to region) were functional during the
inventory (FMOH, 2015). Studies indicate that there is a real weakness in the cold chain system
in Ethiopia, which could compromise the potency of the vaccines and the general quality of the
immunization services (Berhane & Demissie, 2000; FMOH, 2013, 2015). A study done in urban
and rural health centers of Ethiopia showed that 32.8% of the health institutions used to collect
vaccines at intervals longer than a month. Completely melted ice packs during transportation of
vaccines were encountered by only three (4.5%) centers. A complete record of the vaccines stock
and up-todate refrigerator temperature records taken twice a day were observed in 38 (59.4%)
and 37 (57.8%) of the 64 functional immunization centers, respectively. In four of the rural
centers, there was no thermometer to regulate the temperature of the refrigerator, and among
those found having any, seven were reading outside the recommended temperature of 0 to +8°C
for vaccine holding refrigerators. Vaccine storage in the refrigerator was observed to be improper
in 47 (73.4%) of the functioning 64 centers (Berhane & Demissie, 2000). Today’s vaccine
management is becoming more complicated, as national immunization programmes prepare to
provide protection against 2.5 times as many diseases, administer three times as many doses per
person, store and transport four times more vaccine volume per fully immunized person, increase
six-fold the spending on vaccines to fully immunize one person and serve a global target
population size that has doubled. It is clear that immunization programmes in developing
countries such as Ethiopia face severe challenges (WHO, 2014c). Vaccine management is a
major challenge currently of concern within Ethiopia. As the FMOH highlighted a number of
areas improved significantly, such as vaccine arrival, cold storage, vaccine vial monitor use, and

proper use of multi-dose open vial policy. However, it also identified continued gaps in vaccine
wastage control, stock management, effective vaccine delivery, and vaccine storage temperature.
The high level of vaccine wastage, and poor utilization of available policies and equipment such
as VVM (Vaccine Vial Monitors), and/or MDVP (Multi-Dose Vial Policy) have also highlighted
the need for better vaccine management practices. Adverse events due to inappropriate vaccine
distribution practices are, partly, also believed to effect negatively on vaccine management
(FMOH, 2013). Immunization is well accepted as one of the most cost-effective of all health
interventions. In most of the prior work this important constraint is either neglected or not given
much importance while generating the optimized supply route. In advent of new and improved
vaccines introduced daily, the logistics systems must be strengthened and optimized.

2.6 Availability of vaccine in health facilities

As (Adida, Dey, & Mamani, 2013) mentioned the two main reasons of why it is difficult to reach
optimum level of vaccine coverage are emergence of operational issues on the supply side and
negative network effects on consumption side. These two reasons are needed to be dealt with to
achieve the optimized solution for vaccine supply. There are many constraints which need to be
considered in vaccine distribution planning, like (Zaffran et al., 2013) mentioned some current
issues include: Effect of vaccine schedules and presentations on cold chain volume requirements,
vaccine transporting with maintain cold chain, immunization related information systems,
technical capacity for vaccine supply chain and Vaccine cost and wastage. These issues need to
be addressed in order to keep logistic systems with pace with growing immunization programs.
According to the researchers from the World Health Organization WHO and PATH, the vaccine
volume requirements compared to the available capacity exceeds by 25 percent (PATH., 2008 ).

As Hewan Adam Bogale, Abebe Feyissa Amhare study conducted on Gojam zone of Amhara
region There were gaps in following the cold chain management principles such as use of FEFO
principle, recording damaged vaccine, recording temperature twice daily, and recording VVM
status for each vaccine. Also, there was a gap in using requisition form for reporting and ordering
vaccine. the majority of the health facilities did not have a separate room for vaccine storage.
Their storage capacities were insufficient to accommodate all vaccines and its consumable
supplies, even though all storage area had secured windows and doors. Infrastructures were not
fulfilled in room to handle the vaccine properly. This inappropriate handling of the vaccine has a
negative effect on its potency. the availability of the power sources and an alternative source
were not sufficient. The number of health facilities using electricity as their primary power
source predominates but the major challenge of this type of power supply was an irregularity in
the power supply. Availability of necessary spare parts and conducting cold room maintenance
were very low.

2.7 Conceptual framework

of vaccine

Storage system and Transportation

Technical capacity system
Information system
- Employee level of - Availability of
training - Cold chain storage
- Inventory control specialized vehicles
space available
– Monitoring
- Employee qualification - Information flow
- Equipment quality devices available
- Quality check control - Quality checks

In order to answer the research question of the study, the researcher identified the following

Hypothesis 1: Storage system has a significantly positive effect on availability of vaccine in the
health centers under city administration of Dire Dawa

Hypothesis 2: Distribution system has a significantly positive effect on availability of vaccine in

the centers under city administration of Dire Dawa.

Hypothesis 3: Technical capacity has a significantly positive effect on availability of vaccine in

the health centers under city administration of Dire Dawa.

Hypothesis 4: Information system has a significantly positive effect on availability of vaccine in

the health centers of Dire Dawa

3, Chapter Three:

Research Methodology

This chapter deals how the research will conduct to achieve the objectives of the study. It
consists of the research design, method of data collection, sampling design, data collection
instrument and method of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study adopted a quantitative methodology with explanatory study design to generate
answers to the research questions. This research design will prefer because it seek to establish
cause and effect relationships from sample of people who have been selected to represent a
defined population, but without experimental manipulation (Burns & Burns, 2008). The data will
collecte all at the same time (or within a short time frame). So that, it can be consider as a cross-
sectional design will use to collect data on relevant variables.

3.2 Study Setting

The Study will conduct in Dire Dawa. Dire Dawa is one of the city of Ethiopia. with a
population of 341,834 according to the 2007 population census out of which the urban
population was 233,224 and that of the rural population, 108,610. Out of the total population in
the Administration, men population comprises the majority (50.2 %.). While, female constitute
the remaining 49.8%. (CSA, 2007). According to Dire Dawa City Administration Health Bureau
there are 17 health centers which are 2 Hospitals and 15 Health Centers

3.3 Sample Design

3.3.1 Population

A population can be defined as all people or items (unit of analysis) with the characteristics that
one wishes to study. The unit of analysis may be a person, individual, organization, country,
object, or any other entity that researchers wish to draw scientific inferences about (Clark
,Kelley, Brown, & Sitzia, 2003). Accordingly, the population of this research consists of all
public health centers in Dire Dawa.

3.3.2 Sample Size

To determine the sample size for selecting health centers in this study the researcher employed a
sample determination formula developed by Cochran in 1963.

n= z2 * p * q / e2 = n = z2 * p * (1 - p) / e2

Where n0 is the sample size, Z2 is the abscissa of the normal curve that cuts off an area α at the
tails (1 – α) equals the desired confidence level, e is the desired level of precision, p is the
estimated proportion of an attribute that is present in the population, and q is 1-p.

Therefore in this research n= 1.962 * (0.5)*(0.5) = 384.16 ̴385


Since the population is 17 health facilities then the sample size can be reduced slightly. This is
because a given sample size provides proportionately more information for a small population
than for a large population. The sample size (n) can be adjusted using the following formula.

n = 385/ (1+ ((385-1)/17)) = 16.32 ̴16

Therefore, using the formula, the sample size of the study with 95 confidence level and 0.5 level
of variability is calculated to be 16

3.3.3 Sampling Technique

Probability sampling (or representative sampling) is most commonly associated with

surveybased research strategies where you need to make inferences from your sample about a
population to answer research question(s) or to meet the research objectives (Saunders, 2011).
For that reason, simple random sampling will used to select samples from the study population.
After determining sample size, will be use a random number table to get the random numbers for
the selected participants list of this research. The sampling frame (complete list of all of 17
functional health centers) was found from Dire Dawa City administration Health Bureau.
According to random number table the research will select 16 health centers from the list to be
included in this study.

3.4 Sources and tools for data collection

Data will collecte from vaccines in-charges personnel or vaccination focal person. For the
study, questionnaire is used as the research instrument. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts with
five point Likert scale and is divided into 4 parts as follows: The first part of the questionnaire is

the demographic information of the respondents. Queries about personal information of the
sample such as gender, age, education and profession were included. The second part of the
questionnaire is cold chain management practices of the health centers questions about storage
distribution, information systems and the technical capacity of the health centers regarding cold
chain management were included in this part. In the third part, questions about the availability of
vaccine in the health centers were included.

3.5 Procedures of data collection

The procedure for the data that will be collected using questionnaires is, first the respondents will
be communicated to get their consent. Once their consent is obtained, the prepared
questionnaires will be distributed to each participant by appreciating their participation and
devoting their precious time for the research. Finally, questionnaires will be collected by
checking the completeness of the data.

3.6 Pre-testing of tools

All information gathering instruments ought to be pretested to check the ease of use of the
information assembled. An examination instrument ought to be tried on a pilot test of individuals
from the objective populace. This interaction will permit the scientist to distinguish whether
respondents comprehend the questions and guidelines, and whether the significance of inquiries
is no different for all respondents. Where shut questions are utilized, steering will feature
whether adequate reaction classesare accessible, and whether any inquiries are efficiently missed
by respondents (Kelley et al.,2003). Pretest is of fundamental significance, Hence, for this
review, the information assortment apparatus will pretested at 1 distinct focuses which won't be
remembered for the example. This assiste the 5 researcher to check the clarity, validity,
ambiguity and readability of the statements and questions and to get a feedback on leading
questions and to know the time that is needed to complete the questionnaire. Through conducting
the pilot, the researcher spotted some vocabularies which were difficult to the participants and
recognized as they were somehow vague. Data collecting tools will modify accordingly upon
completing the pre test.

3.7 Reliability and Validity

The purpose of this stage is to describe on the reliability of the measuring tools employed in this
research. This is important because reliability shows whether or not an instrument’s measures are
free from errors, thus yielding reliable outcomes. The most common technique used in the
literature to assess the scale’s reliability and stability is use of the Chronbach Alpha Statistics,
which identifies to what extent items hang together as one set. Low Chronbach alpha values
mean the items do not capture the same construct, but high values of Chronbach Alpha indicates
the items very well measure and reflect the construct. Ideally , Chronbach Alpha should be over
0.70 to produce a reliable scale (Burns & Burns, 2008). Accordingly, internal reliability of a 8
item scale will be assess by using the Cronbach alpha technique.

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

The data of this study will analyze by computer through package software (SPSS: Statistical
Package for Social Sciences), version --.

Statistical methods employed were:

 The demographic background information of the respondents will analyzed and presented
using descriptive statistics in form of frequency and percentage.

 To assess the cold chain management practices and availability of vaccines measures of
descriptive statistics in form of Mean and Standard Deviation will be use.

 To determine the relationship between cold chain management practices and availability of
vaccines correlation analysis will use in form of Person’s correlation coefficient to investigate
the relation between variables

The effect of cold chain management practices on availability of vaccines will analyze and
presented using regression analysis.

 The scoring of questionnaire will analyze by using five-points rating scale or five– Likert

3.9 Ethical clearance

Any survey should be conducted in an ethical manner and one that accords with best research
practice. Two important ethical issues to adhere to when conducting a survey are confidentiality
and informed consent (Kelley et al., 2003). In this study Permission will see from each regional
health offices. The regional health offices will write support letter for health centers that are
included in the study. Consent will see from participants before enrolling them into the study.
The information that will collectfrom this research project will kept confidential.


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No Description Quantity Unit cost in Total Cost in

Birr Birr

1 Computer paper 1 Reams 150.00 150.00

2 Writing pad 1 75.00 75.00

3 Pen (red and blue) 4 5.00 20.00

4 Flash disk 1 250.00 250.00

5 Typing Draft Paper 60 pages 1 times 1.00 60.00

6 Reprinting Edited Pages 60 pages 1 times 1.00 60.00

7 Per diem for the research data 2individuals for 400 3200.00
collectors from sites. 4day=8

8 Estimated transportation cost 2individuals for 200 1600.00


9 Tea and coffee during interview 15 70x15 1050.00

TOTAL -- -- 6465

CONTINGENCY 10 % 646.5

Total Cost Required 7111.5

Action plan

No Major Activities Time Frame

Apr May May May June June June

1 Preparation of thesis proposal

2 First draft proposal submission

3 Revision of the thesis proposal

4 Submission of final proposal

5 Approval of final proposal and


6 Data collection (Field Work)

7 Data verification and coding

8 Data analysis and report writing

9 Submission of final thesis first draft

10 Submission of final Thesis

11 Handover approved thesis

12 Thesis defense


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