Winter Live Project Simran

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Submitted By

ERP ID - 0221MBA349
UNIVERSITY ROLL NO. – 220360505201

For the partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of


Under the supervision of:


MAY 2023



This is to certify that this project report entitled “CONSUMER SATISFACTION


to DOON BUSINESS SCHOOL, is a bonafied record of work done by Simran

Sharma under my supervision from “20 February 2023” to “31 March 2023”.

Signature of the Supervisor

Name and Designation



…………………., Area Chair

Name of the Department



This is to declare that this report has been written by me. No part of the report
is plagiarized from other sources. All information included from other sources
have been duly acknowledged. I aver that if any part of the report is found to be
plagiarized, I are shall take full responsibility for it.

Signature of Student

Name: Simran Sharma

ERP ID: 0221MBA349
University Roll No: 220360505201



I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my mentor Miss Tania

Mittal who helped me doing a lot of research and gain some basic knowledge
regarding the topic allotted.

I would also like to thank my Program Coordinator Professor Shivani Aggarwal

for providing us this opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic

I would also like to extend my gratitude to DOON BUSINESS SCHOOL for

giving us the chance of doing a project work as it helped in the better
understanding of the subject matter.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me while doing
the project by providing the facilities that was required while doing it .














Nestle is an internationally renowned MNC which has acquired its

position in the market through rigorous strategy making and

product innovation. It has developed and changed dynamically with

the changing times and the demand, preference and taste of the


This project conceptualizes the major marketing tridents of Nestle

like its overall evaluation of the company’s strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats and helped us in monitoring the external

and internal marketing environment.

The data for the research was collected from their individual experience by

circulating a Google form and collecting their responses henceforth. The

sampling method used in this research is Snowball and convenience

sampling. Sample size taken from the research was 55.


NESTLE's relationship with India dates back to 1912, when it began trading as The
NESTLE Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (Export) Limited, importing and
selling finished products in the Indian market.

After India's independence in 1947, the economic policies of the Indian

Government emphasized the need for local production. NESTLE responded to
India's aspirations by forming a company in India and set up its first factory in
1961 at Moga, Punjab, where the Government wanted NESTLE to develop the
milk economy. Progress in Moga required the introduction of NESTLE's
Agricultural Services to educate, advise and help the farmer in a variety of aspects.
From increasing the milk yield of their cows through improved dairy farming
methods, to irrigation, scientific crop management practices and helping with the
procurement of bank loans.

NESTLE set up milk collection centres that would not only ensure prompt
collection and pay fair prices, but also instil amongst the community, a confidence
in the dairy business. Progress involved the creation of prosperity on an on-going
and sustainable basis that has resulted in not just the transformation of Moga into a
prosperous and vibrant milk district today, but a thriving hub of industrial activity,
as well.

NESTLE has been a partner in India's growth for over a century now and has built
a very special relationship of trust and commitment with the people of India. The
Company's activities in India have facilitated direct and indirect employment and
provides livelihood to about one million people including farmers, suppliers of
packaging materials, services and other goods.

Consumer Focus

They mainly focus to the need of their consumer they buy a brand like Nescafe,
nestle instant soup, Kitkat, Maggie and many others. They mainly focus on quality
of the product and this advantage make nestle one of the largest food company in
the world. They also acquire stakes in many brand .before world war one the nestle
company buying companies mainly in Asia and America. Their product are healthy
for every age group and every religion. Every one of different tradition also buy
and take a nestle product.

About The Products

Nestle is knowing for its understanding of consumer needs. The business of their
food product are grew rapidly.

Some popular brand of nestle

KITKAT- Kit-kat names were trademarks in 1911 by the Roundtree’s company

based in York united kingdom the first Kitkat concept appeared In the 1920s when
Roundtree’s launched a brand of box chocolates named Kitkat which was
discontinued in the 1930s the original four-finger bar was developed after a worker
at the Roundtree’s Factory .

NESCAFE- Nescafe was created in 1939 and since then the brand is gone world-
wide one of the most striking qualities they have as a brand is their resilience when
there sales started to majorly decline in 2009 they Reis tragedies brought
something different to the masses and kept on growing there’s a reason their coffee
is number one. Nescafe coffee has been known to give both a relaxing and a
stimulating feeling as well it increases mental alertness is absorbed by the body in
30 minutes and its effect can last for an average of three and a half hours.

MAGGIE- For more than a century, Maggi has been helping cooks around the
world to prepare fresh food they love. Every time you wonder what you should
cook, Maggi has the answer.

With Maggi we can cook the best meal for us and your loved ones, using a range
of products that add greater flavor to everyday favorites – bringing out the best in
fresh ingredients to deliver great taste in a simple way.

Mission statement

The company is committed to value addition to its food products so as to provide

the best foods. This results from the recognition of the fact that good food acts as a
major source of good health. In addition, the management team is committed to
meeting the consumer’s psychological needs through anticipation and creation of
the solutions. This is achieved by supplying food products that are of high quality
and safe for consumption. The management of Nestle is committed to meeting
diverse consumer tastes and preferences. To ensure the long-term success of the
firm, the management of the firm is committed to improving the firm’s brands.

Vision statement

The management of the firm is committed to increasing the firm’s sales revenue.
This will be attained through transforming the company from a food manufacturing
company to leading health, nutrition, and wellness firm.

Fundamental principles

 In its operation, Nestle is aimed at manufacturing products by integrating the

concept of value addition. The value added is aimed at being sustained in the
long term to the various stakeholders such as the employees, customers,
shareholders, and suppliers.

 Recognition of the fact that the consumers have a legitimate interest in the
operation of the firm. This includes the firm’s actions, beliefs and behaviors
in relation to the firm’s brands since they trust the brands. The company
recognizes the fact that the firm cannot be in existence in the absence of the
 Recognition of the importance of integrating professionalism and social
responsibility by both the management and the firm’s employees in the
success of the firm. To attain this, the management of the firm has
formulated a comprehensive recruitment procedure and a continuous
training program in effort to develop it human capital.
 Incorporation of legislation as the best mechanism of safeguarding and
inducing responsible conduct. In addition, the management also considers
incorporation of voluntary business principles as a strategy of maintaining
the highest business standards in the entire organization.
 The operation of Nestle is not aimed at attaining a high level of profits in the
short term at the expense of its long term survival.
 The management of the firm is committed at ensuring that the firm adheres
to all the local laws in all the markets in which it operates.


There is an increase in the degree of complexity in the consumption patterns of the

consumers which has affected various industries including the food industry. For
instance, consumers are being more quality conscious in purchasing food products.
This is due to the fact that their objective in making a purchase decision is to
maximize on the level of utility they receive upon consuming a product. In
addition, the consumers are becoming more health conscious in consuming food
products. This results from an increment in knowledge of products by the


 Diverse Portfolio: Nestle is the core brand, with more than $10 billion in
brand value. They have a diverse portfolio and own more than 2000 brands
selling over 8000 categories of products. Their product list includes pet care,
instant beverages, healthcare, milk products, cooking aid, confectionery,
water, and many more. Thus, they have successfully served the demand of a
massive number of customers across the globe.
 Worldwide presence: Nestle is a leading name in the packaged food
market. They have customers in more than 186 countries. The brand has the
largest market in America, and they have successfully penetrated large
markets like Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. In
Forbes Global 2000 list 2022, they were ranked at the 46th position, which
identifies them as one of the largest companies in the world.
 Relationship with customers and other brands: Nestle has a positive
brand image which leads them to garner a loyal customer base. Their
customer relationship has helped them survive the highly competitive
packaged food market. They also have good relationships with retailers and
powerful brands like Coca-Cola, Colgate Palmolive, General Mills, etcetera.
 Efficient employees: Over the years, Nestle has got a group of efficient
employees to work for the company’s success. They have a smooth supply
chain that allows them to continue their business internationally. Their
research and development department has more than 5000 experienced
employees working in 21 R&D centers to provide customers with high-
quality products.


 Organizational Structure: Nestle’s organizational structure is product

base, making it difficult for the management to have absolute control over
the quality of products and services. There is no geographical area-based
separation, which may cause delays in decision-making. In the long run, this
can create backlogs, creating hurdles for Nestle to grow.
 Limited advertising efforts: Nestle makes fewer efforts in marketing and
instructions regarding its products. The brand depends heavily on traditional
modes of advertising like print ads and TV ads. For this, they allot a high
budget while risks are associated with the return.
 Over-dependence on some products: Nestle depends on a few products to
generate a massive portion of its revenue. Thus, making them vulnerable to
the change in people’s tastes. For example, their Carnation milk does not
match the modern lifestyle. They are not considering the market demand and
tailoring their portfolio based on customer preferences.
 Social controversies: Though Nestle is a company that has experience
operating for more than 150 years, some scandals have impacted their
business. Their brand image got tainted regarding the issues like
privatization of water, problematic labeling, and lawsuit regarding chocolate
production. After Maggi failed a lab test in India, their business received a
severe blow. Although Nestle claimed zero MSG, the lab tests found lead in
the products. A massive section of Indian customers stopped consuming
Maggi following this.


 Online Retail Business: Since Nestle is an enormous organization with a

wide geographic area to serve, they must categorize their business in terms
of locality for quality control. However, they can concentrate on online
business, which will help them increase their revenue. Nestle has online
stores in some countries and can tie with online retail stores to sell their
products in other countries. It will allow them to reach more customers and
will increase their sales.
 Use of Social Media: Nestle is a global brand. Therefore, they can use
social media to promote their products worldwide. Since a massive group of
people spends a significant portion of their time on the internet, social media
marketing can be a handy tool to reach more people without investing much
 Diversify the Health-based products: Many customers prefer instant
beverages like coffee and tea. Nestle can do thorough market research and
bring on new flavors that are high in demand. As many people are interested
in consuming healthy products, they can add diversities to increase sales.
They can also be transparent about their source of raw materials to win
customer trust.
 Lifestyle changes: Though the social controversies have sometimes
impacted the business of Nestle, their brand recognition still favors their
business. As lifestyle change is occurring worldwide, there are chances of
their growth as well. People have a fast-paced life, thus, increasing their
dependency on packaged products. The lack of time and adequate money in
some economies is causing the popularity of Nestle.


 Product quality: In the past, Nestle’s product quality was questioned and
sometimes failed in quality tests. It caused Nestle to lose many customers.
Many potential customers are still hesitant to buy Nestle products.

 Rising Competition: Since the demand for packaged food and beverages is
increasing, many brands are entering the market. The number of local and
international companies in the market is rising daily. It enhances the risk of
losing customers.
 Economic condition: The economic condition of the world is still
improving after it got impacted by the pandemic situation. Conditions like
unemployment can affect people’s buying habits. They may switch to
necessary yet less expensive products. It can decrease the sales of a few
Nestle products, showing an overall decline in sales.
 Government policies and taxation: In some countries, tax amounts are
high. It can decrease the brand’s profit margin. Due to government policies,
trade laws, and labor laws, the production cost can also increase, leaving a
low-profit margin for the company.


The political factors in the Nestle PESTLE Analysis can be explained as follows:

According to recent reports, Nestle operates across 190 countries and thus several
political factors affect the day to day operations of the organization are many. A
major task that the organization needs to perform is to keep a track of the various
changes that are made in the various policies related to import, export, taxation,
environmental regulations, etc. in these countries. These changes may sometimes
be in favor of the organization, but sometimes are major bottlenecks to production
in certain countries. For. e.g. The change in labor laws, which prohibit/shun the use
of child labor in cocoa farms are getting stringent, which according to reports will

affect the operations of the company indirectly. Multinational companies like
Nestle, perform well when the global scenario is stable. An unstable phase
happened during the Brexit period, where Nestle faced a high-pressure situation.
The situations forced the company to rethink its decision of continuing in the
country, in fact, the giant even thought of relocating to a new region such as
Poland. When such a move will happen, it will leave behind a lot of people jobless,
further creating a tensed environment. When certain food regulations change, the
organization must undergo rigorous brainstorming and extensive testing to recreate
the product in newer forms and still meet customer demands. This was witnessed
in the case of Maggi, which has resurfaced with the same issue of lead content
being present in it. A positive for Nestle happened when India reduced its
corporate tax in its latest budget. This gives the group an advantage to produce
more and better-quality products at a lower cost and serve the society better.

Below are the economic factors in the PESTLE Analysis of Nestle:

With the Nestle group operating across multiple countries, it becomes a mandate to
create various economic policies, relating to the economic conditions prevailing in
that country. With affordability being a major factor, providing quality foods for
all in a market where the prices of the raw materials keep fluctuating due to various
political and environmental factors is a major challenge. The cost of the raw
materials for Nestle has been increasing, with trade wars continuing between China
and the US creating further unrest between suppliers. The lower rise in disposable
incomes, posed by the difficulty of producing and supplying quality food for the
same price is a major hurdle. With deflationary period continuing across Western
Europe, there was a 0.7% decline in pricing. Such situations are common when the
rate of the exchange rate of currency drops or increases or there is some political

unrest in the region. Nestle has taken various initiatives to promote local-level
production of raw materials to increase the efficiency of the various agricultural
sectors across its countries of operation. With the US and China being its major
markets, improved economic activity in this region will lead to better performance
as well as higher sales and profits.


Following are the social factors impacting Nestle PESTLE Analysis:

Any company that works on such a large scale, gets affected by even the slightest
change in trends created by the consumers. Working towards trends related to
improved health, the group has decided to work on products with low sugar,
sodium, and saturated fats. The Group has policies, processes, controls and regular
monitoring systems that ensure high quality products thus preventing health risks
arising from handling, preparation, and storage throughout their value chain. The
success of the Nestle depends on their ability to anticipate the needs of the
customer, and be able to offer high quality, competitive, relevant and innovative
product. In context to growing awareness among the millennial generation
regarding sustainability, the group has inaugurated the largest ground-mounted
solar plant in UAE. With increasing concerns regarding the consumption of canned
and precooked food, the company has strived to eradicate these beliefs by investing
into research and development, so that a scientific basis can be created through
which the public can be convinced. In context to satisfying the growing customer
demand, the group decided to role out custom made Nestle KitKat in the UK
market. With continuous efforts like these to keep everything and everyone
covered, Nestle is working towards a brighter, more profitable and innovative

The technological factors in the PESTLE Analysis of Nestle are mentioned below:

The Nestle group believes in the integration of digital solutions, services, and
models, both internal and external. With increasing cyber-attacks disrupting the
reliability, security, and privacy of data, a contingency plan needs to be developed
to avoid major mishaps while trying to expand into the digital segment. With real-
time data being proposed for water quality, the company has invested in a start-up
to turn this dream into reality. With real-time data of its water use, its operations
will become more efficient in terms of water consumption. With trials undertaken
in using block chain for better transparency between the consumers and the group's
supply chain, Nestle is willing to change the way the game is being played.
Implementation of various portals, to check the nutritional information of its
various products, Nestle has partnered with various governments. In the United
States, Nestlé has joined the SmartLabel® transparency initiative, and provides
online information about nutrition, ingredients, and allergens for around 87% of its

Following are the legal factors in the Nestle PESTLE Analysis:

The legal requirements across various countries need to be analyzed and complied
with accordingly. A team of experts needs to be in constant check for compliance
related to the changes brought about. The laws related to health and safety of the
employees, quality and hygiene of its products and labor laws established in
different countries need to be followed. Apart from these, trademark and IPO rules
need to be kept under constant watch, along with environmental laws. A major
issue that the company has faced over the years, is preventing its unique chocolate
designs from other competitors. A case that surfaced was when Nestle was denied

legal protection in Europe for its one of a kind wafer chocolate KitKat. Though not
in Europe, Nestle has managed to secure a trademark for the KitKat shape in
countries including Australia, Canada, and France. Nestle has been facing the heat
in India for supporting research for breast milk substitutes which is proclaimed to
be against the local as well as international laws. These cases make it very critical
a segment that Nestle needs to keep a tab on. Once a legal compliance is violated,
the entire group faces the shame of it.

In the Nestle PESTLE Analysis, the environmental elements affecting its business
are as below:

Nestle believes in creating shared value and strive for zero environmental impact
via its operations. The group's efforts to reduce the use of plastic in its products
and their target to make 100% recyclable plastic in all its packaging material is a
major feat towards environmental sustainability since its one of the four major
groups that are responsible for production of 6 million metric tons every year. With
major countries moving towards sustainability, the need to keep a track of all these
changes across its various countries of operations is primal. If any of these policy
changes are missed the group faces major setbacks. This fact was evident when
Nestle was suspended by RSPO when it failed to submit palm oil sustainability
reports. Nestle group's efforts, though not completely bleak are seen as a part of
their annual review.

The report boasts a 2.6% reduction in indirect greenhouse gas emissions per tonne
of product produced, along with 293 companies claiming zero-waste production.
The group proposes to be developing plant-based offerings and promoting
sustainable nutrition worldwide. A major project that they have undertaken is to

promote water efficiency and sustainability across the various operations as well as
promote these policies and stewardship.


 Ganesan et al. (2012), have explained consumer behavior and brand
preferences of noodles. In this study the brand preferences of Nestle Maggi
noodles by the consumers and it also evaluates the quality of nestle Maggie
noodles availed by consumers, the media influences in consumption, the
effect of the pricing policy in customer satisfaction. This study tries to find
out measure customer satisfaction as well as T. Unnamalai and R. Gopinath
efficiency. It will help the company run their business in a successful way in
a long term.

 Bhanupriya Khatri (2015) in her study on Consumer Attitude & Behavior

towards Instant Noodles Especially Maggi in India has explained that Due to
fast moving cooking process instant noodles today have occupied an
important position in almost every Indian kitchen. The basis reason for the
successful of the industry is its reasonable price, ease, new flavor &variants.
The study concludes that the products are consumed by every category,
gender &age.

 Kailash Patendra Amatya, (2019) has elucidated the Consumer Preference

on Instant Noodles in Kathmandu City. This study attempts to measure
customer preference on instant noodles in Kathmandu City. The study is
Descriptive and causal research in nature. 100 samples were taken through
on convenient sampling technique. This study reveals that the brand, price,
quality, taste, easy and fast and availability are the major factors to purchase

 Shubhendu Shekher Shukla and Sandhya Sinha (2020) in their paper on
Consumer’s Awareness towards Instant Noodle Brands: On the basis of taste
and preferences explained that, Over the few years, the noodles have been a
fasten food in many parts of the world. Now a day the change of consumer
preference, taste and eating habit also is being changed due to the
modernization. As per my analysis Consumer buying behaviour mainly
depend on the knowledge about the product and consumer is one of the
important factor for every organization to increase the market share, If
consumer wouldn’t aware about the product then it is hardly possible to
increase the sales. The study finds out Television advertisement make the
customers to availability of the products. The study concludes that company
can use for the poster and handbill for these area instead of high budget TV
advertisements. As per the study rural people brand loyalty and brand
recognition is so high which help to the company to increase the market
share and market growth.

 Usharani and Gopinath (2020 b) inferred that Customer Perception on

Organized Retail Stores and Gopinath (2011) concluded that demographic
factors and purchase pattern factors do not have significant influence on the
buyer’s choice of retail outlet. In ranking by customers, the quality factor
occupies the first position: Colour and design, Comfort and style are
securing successive ranks respectively. Kavitha and Gopinath (2020)
Confirmed that study brought within its ambit the perceptions of only retail
banking customers, and the perceptions of wholesale banking customers.


Research methodology is a way of explaining how a researcher intends to carry out

their research. It's a logical, systematic plan to resolve a research problem. A
methodology details a researcher's approach to the research to ensure reliable, valid
results that address their aims and objectives. It encompasses what data they're
going to collect and where from, as well as how it's being collected and analyzed.


The primary data were collect from the consumers of the Nestle Company
through structured Questionnaire.

The secondary data was collect from publishing by search engine, newspapers,
books, magazines, journals, websites and other relevant information.
Sampling is a method that allows researchers to infer information about a
population based on results from a subset of the population, without having to
investigate every individual.
 The sampling method used in this research is convenience and snowball
A convenience sample simply includes the individuals who happen to be most
accessible to the researcher.

This is an easy and inexpensive way to gather initial data, but there is no way to
tell if the sample is representative of the population, so it can’t
produce generalizable results. Convenience samples are at risk for both sampling
bias and selection bias.

The sample size is defined as the number of observations used for determining the
estimations of a given population. The size of the sample has been drawn from the
population. Sampling is the process of selection of a subset of individuals from the
population to estimate the characteristics of the whole population. The number of
entities in a subset of a population is selected for analysis.
 Sample size taken from the research was 55.
In this research the target are basically from social median in the city of Dehradun,
Kolkata, Asansol, Adra, Ludhiana.
The tool used for data collection was Google form.


A survey is conducted online in order to understand the preference and
consumption of Nestle products.




Student Business Service Other


15.4% MALE

84.6 OTHER


BELOW 20000

18.8% 20000 - 40000

40000 - 60000
68.8% 60000 OR ABOVE

4. AGE


26-35 13.5%

18-25 73.1%

<18 13.5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

5. How did you first hear about Nestle Maggie?

Through an advertisement
35.3% From a friend or family member
Through an online search
From a professional or contractor

6. Have you used Nestle products before? If so, which

products have you used?

25% Coffee

7. Is price of Nestle Maggie is justified to its quantity

and quality?

Extremely satisfied
Not satisfied

8.How long you are consuming Nestle Maggie?

More than a month
More than a year

9. Did you ever face any issue with Nestle products? If

yes how was issued resolved?

Yes, the issue was resolved

44.2% 42.3% Yes, the issue was not resolved
No, I have never face an issue

10. Did you recommend Nestle product to your friends

and family members?




11. Which factors influence your decision to choose
Nestle Product over other brands?

Quantity and quality
Sustainability and eco friendly

12. Are you satisfied with the quality of Nestle maggie?

14% No

68% May be

13. Is Nestle product contains any toxic substances?

36% Yes
May be


14. Are you satisfied with packaging of Maggie?




15. Over all how likely are you continue using Nestle
products in the future?
1.95% 1.95%

Very likely
39.2% Likely
Very unlikely

1. 63.5 percent of the respondents prefer Maggie of Nestle product.
2. 63.5 percent of the respondents have tasted nestle Maggie noodles instead of
other nestle product.
3. 68 percent of the respondents purchase Nestle Maggie noodles for its quality.
4. 42.2 percent of the respondents extremely satisfied and 46.2 percent of the
respondents were satisfied by the price of Nestle Maggie is justified to its
quantity and quality.
5. Television advertisements are a major factor in purchase decision compared
to other Medias.
6. The foremost influencer in purchase decision of the respondents is teenager
between 18-25.
7. Out of 55 respondents, 51.9% of the respondents are consuming Maggie for
than a month and 48.1 percent of the respondents are consuming Maggie
more than a year.
8. 11.8 percent of the respondents wanted a change in the packaging of the
Maggie noodles.
9. 44.9 percent of the respondents feel that prices are cheap.
10.49 percent of the respondents are moderately satisfied with the quality and
quantity of nestle Maggie noodles.

The following are the suggestions made on the finding of the analysis and
information’s are collected from respondents.
1. Some of the respondents felt that manufacture may improve the quality of
Maggie noodles.
2. Some of the respondents suggested that the product may be better taster by
adding rich flavor.
3. Some of the respondents feel not to add toxic chemicals.
4. For attracting those advertisements may be focused on the want, needs
and pleasure of children.
5. Manufacture should focus on distribution channels and use of the
distribution channel to expand its market to rural India with products
targeted to the market. It is the way it could increase its volume of sales.
6. Manufacture should launch health awareness campaign to educate
consumers about the benefits of healthy food. It could sponsors health
camps, publish health information.
7. To enlarge its domain, manufacture should enlarge its product segment. It
would spread economies of scale to customers in the form of price.


The points to be considered by marketers while designing the marketing

strategies are the psychology of how customer thinks and feels the brand product.
In the modern world, consumer taste and preferences are changing day-by-day
because of rapid changing technology in the food production. A satisfied consumer
will soon change to other product but a loyal consumer will not. The success of
manufacturing depends on creation of new customers and retaining the existing
customers. Several factors are influencing the customers while they purchase a
particular product.





1. Occupation
a) Student
b) Service
c) Business
d) Other

2. Gender

a. Male
b. Female

3. Monthly income

a) Below 20000
b) 20000-40000
c) 40000-60000
d) 60000 and above

4. Age

a) Below 18
b) 18-25
c) 26-35
d) 36-50

5. How did you first hear about Nestle Maggie?

a) Through an advertisement
b) From a friend or family member
c) Through an online search
d) From a professional or contractor

6. Have you used Nestle products before? If so, which products have you used?

a. Maggie
b. Coffee
c. Yogurt
d. Others

7. Is price of Nestle Maggie is justified according to its quantity and quality?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Not Satisfied

8. How long you are consuming nestle Maggie?

a. More than a month
b. More than a year

9. Did you ever face any issue with Nestle products? If yes how was issue resolved?

a) Yes, the issue was resolved satisfactory

b) Yes, the issue was not resolved satisfactory
c) No, I have never face an issue

10. Did you recommend Nestle product to you friends and family members?

a. Yes
b. No

11. Which factors influence your decision to choose Nestle product over other brands?

a. Price
b. Quantity and quality
c. Sustainability and eco friendly

12. Are you satisfied with the quality of nestle Maggie?

a) Yes
b) No
c) May be

13. Is Nestle product contains any toxic substances.

a. Yes
b. No
c. May be

14. Are you satisfy with packaging of Maggie?

a. Yes
b. No

15. Over all how likely are you continue using Nestle products in the future?

a. Very likely

b. Likely

c. Neutral

d. Unlike

e. Very Unlikely


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