Đọc Báo Chí W4

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Vocabulary Review.

Choose the words to complete the sentences.

delicate quizzical advocates dictate clientele timings concealed

reluctant inherited subsidiary jurisdiction unveiled
1. The eye is one of the most ______________ organs of the body.
2. I'm taking history as a______________ subject (= one that is not studied in as great depth as a main subject).
3. Please check your flight_______________ carefully.
4. Those charged should be represented by trained, qualified legal _____________.
5. He gave me a ______________ look when I ordered champagne.
6. The facilities appeal to an international __________________.
7. She ______________ a fortune from her father.
8. She was ________________ to admit she was wrong.
9. The paintings were_______________ beneath a thick layer of plaster.
10. The Queen _______________ a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.
11. The English court had no ________________ over the defendants.
12. What right do they have to ___________________ how we live our lives?
Passage 1. Nuclear power industry feels the wind at its back.

shun verb /ʃʌn/ shun somebody/something to avoid somebody/something

renaissance noun /ˈrenəsɑːns/ [singular] the period in Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries when
people became interested in the ideas and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and used these influences in their own art,
literature, etc./ a situation when there is new interest in a particular subject, form of art, etc. after a period when it was not very
disastrous adjective /dɪˈzæstrəs/ very bad, harmful, or unsuccessful
disaster noun /dɪˈzæstər/ [countable] an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of
people or causes a lot of damage/ [countable, uncountable] a very bad situation that causes problems/ [countable] (informal) a
complete failure
exposing verb /ɪkˈspəʊz/ show something hidden/to show something that is usually hidden
 expose something He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.
 expose something to somebody He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.
to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be dishonest, illegal, etc.

 expose somebody/something He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force.
 expose somebody/something as something She was exposed as a liar and a fraud.

exposed adjective /ɪkˈspəʊzd/ (of a place) not protected from the weather by trees, buildings, or high ground/ (of a person) not
protected from attack or criticism

radiation noun /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive
substances/ [uncountable] heat, energy, etc. that is sent out in the form of rays

radiator noun /ˈreɪdieɪtər/ a hollow metal device for heating rooms. Radiators are usually connected by pipes through which
hot water is sent./ a device for cooling the engine of a vehicle or an aircraft
scrap noun /skræp/ [countable] a small piece of something, especially paper, cloth, etc./ singular(usually with a negative) a
small amount of something
scrap verb /skræp/ [transitive, often passive] scrap something to cancel or get rid of something that is no longer practical or
useful/ [intransitive] (informal) to fight with somebody

fabrication noun /ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] (formal) false information that is invented in order to trick people; the
act of inventing such information/ [uncountable] (specialist) the process of making or producing goods, equipment, etc. from
various different materials
paradoxical adjective /ˌpærəˈdɑːksɪkl/ (of a person, thing, or situation) having two opposite features and therefore seeming
strange/ (of a statement) containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely, although it is probably true

emit verb /iˈmɪt/ emit something to send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.
emission noun /ɪˈmɪʃn/ [uncountable] (formal) the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc./ [countable] gas, etc. that is
sent out into the air
proponent noun /prəˈpəʊnənt/ proponent (of something) a person who supports an idea or course of action
malfunction verb /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/ (of a machine, etc.) to fail to work correctly
malfunction noun /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/ [countable, uncountable] failure of a machine, etc. to work correctly
assume verb /əˈsjuːm/ to think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it/ assume something (formal) to
take or begin to have power or responsibility
o assume (that)… It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.

o It's probably safe to assume (that) we'll be hearing more about this story.

o Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.

o it is assumed (that)… It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.

o assume something Don't always assume the worst (= that something bad has happened).

o assume somebody/something to be/have something I had assumed him to be a Belgian.

pundit noun /ˈpʌndɪt/ a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public
enrichment noun /ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt/ [uncountable] the act of improving the quality of something, often by adding something to it/ the
act of making somebody/something rich or richer
enrich verb /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ enrich something to improve the quality of something, often by adding something to it/ enrich something
(with something) to improve the quality of food by adding vitamins or nutrients
revival noun /rɪˈvaɪvl/ [uncountable, countable] an improvement in the condition or strength of something/ [countable,
uncountable] the process of something becoming or being made popular or fashionable again
disposal noun /dɪˈspəʊzl/ [uncountable] the act of getting rid of something/ [countable] (business) the sale of part of a business,
property, etc.
dispose verb /dɪˈspəʊz/ dispose something/somebody + adv./prep. to arrange things or people in a particular way or position
dispose of phrasal verb
dispose of somebody/something to get rid of somebody/something that you do not want or cannot keep/ to deal with a problem,
question or threat successfully
repository noun /rɪˈpɑːzətɔːri/ (plural repositories) a place where something is stored in large quantities/ a person or book that
is full of information
combat noun /ˈkɑːmbæt/ [uncountable, countable] fighting or a fight, especially during a time of war
robust adjective /rəʊˈbʌst/ strong and healthy
Passage 2. Women’s work/The wages of equality: A world of unfinished business.
counterpart noun /ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt/ a person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else in a
different place or situation
generous adjective /ˈdʒenərəs/ giving or willing to give freely; given freely/ more than is necessary; large/ kind in the way you
treat people; willing to see what is good about somebody/something
o generous with something You've been incredibly generous with your time.

o generous to somebody He was generous to his friends and family.

o generous in something She was generous in her praise for her co-stars.

o generous in doing something They were very generous in giving help

o it is generous of somebody Thank you for your donation. It was very generous of you.

o it is generous of somebody to do something It was extremely generous of him to offer to pay for us both.

generosity noun /ˌdʒenəˈrɑːsəti/ [uncountable, singular] generosity (to/towards somebody) the fact of being generous (=
willing to do kind things or give somebody money, gifts or time freely)
drop out of phrasal verb to no longer take part in or be part of something/ to leave school, college, etc. without finishing your
studies/ to reject the ideas and ways of behaving that are accepted by the rest of society

favor noun /ˈfeɪvər/ [countable] a thing that you do to help somebody/ [uncountable] approval or support for
somebody/something/ [uncountable] treatment that is generous to one person or group in a way that seems unfair to others

 favour with somebody The suggestion to close the road has found favour with (= been supported by) local people.
 favour among somebody The policy is gaining favour among voters.
 in favour (with somebody) She's not in favour with (= supported or liked by) the media just now.
 out of favour (with somebody) Reality TV has begun to fall out of favour with viewers.
favour verb /ˈfeɪvər/ to prefer one system, plan, way of doing something, etc. to another/ to treat one person, group or
organization better than you treat others, especially in an unfair way
 favour something Many countries favour a presidential system of government.
 favour something over something She favours hugs over handshakes.
 favour doing something Most patients favour seeing the same GP for all their health needs.
macroeconomics noun /ˌmækrəʊˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪks/, /ˌmækrəʊˌekəˈnɑːmɪks/ [uncountable] the study of large economic systems,
such as those of whole countries or areas of the world
persistent adjective /pərˈsɪstənt/ determined to do something despite difficulties, especially when other people are against you
and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable/ continuing for a long period of time, or repeated frequently, especially in
a way that is annoying and cannot be stopped
persist verb /pərˈsɪst/ [intransitive, transitive] to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can
seem unreasonable
o persist in doing something Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?

o persist in something She persisted in her search for the truth.

o persist with something He persisted with his questioning.

persistence noun /pərˈsɪstəns/ [uncountable] the fact of continuing to try to do something despite difficulties, especially when
other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable/ the state of continuing to exist for a long
period of time
inequity noun /ɪnˈekwəti/ [countable, uncountable] (plural inequities) something that is unfair; the state of being unfair
diminish verb /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ [intransitive, transitive] to become smaller, weaker, etc.; to make something become smaller, weaker,
etc./ diminish somebody/something to make somebody/something seem less important than they really are

interrupt verb /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ [intransitive, transitive] to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or
doing/ interrupt something to stop something for a short time

o interrupt with something Would you mind not interrupting with questions all the time?

o interrupt somebody/something I hope I'm not interrupting you.

o interrupt somebody/something with something The President's speech was constantly interrrupted with
boos and jeers.
interruption noun /ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃn/ [countable, uncountable] something that temporarily stops an activity or a situation; a time
when an activity is stopped/ the act of interrupting somebody/something and of stopping them from speaking

interruption to something The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.
interruption in something There's been an interruption in the power supply.
disrupt verb /dɪsˈrʌpt/ disrupt something to make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way
disruption noun /dɪsˈrʌpʃn/ [uncountable, countable] disruption (to somebody/something) a situation in which it is difficult for
something to continue in the normal way; the act of stopping something from continuing in the normal way
brim noun /brɪm/ the top edge of a cup, bowl, glass, etc.
egalitarian noun /iˌɡælɪˈteriən/ a person who believes that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities
stagnate verb /ˈstæɡneɪt/ [intransitive] to stop developing or making progress
stagnation noun /stæɡˈneɪʃn/ [uncountable] the fact of no longer developing or making progress/ the fact of not moving and
therefore smelling unpleasant
inroad noun /ˈɪnrəʊd/ inroad (into something) something that is achieved, especially by reducing the power or success of
something else
intervene /ˌɪntəˈviːn/ [intransitive] to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it
o intervene in something The President intervened personally in the crisis.

o intervene between A and B She went over to intervene between the two men.

o intervene against somebody They would not intervene against the rebels themselves.

o intervene (with somebody) (on behalf of somebody) attempts to intervene with the authorities on the
prisoners' behalf
intervention noun /ˌɪntərˈvenʃn/ [uncountable, countable] action taken to improve or help a situation

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