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Talk about a time you did volunteer work.

You should say:
When was it?
What did you do?
Why did you decide to give your time for free?
How did you feel about it and would you do it again?
Sure! One memorable time I volunteered was during my summer break in
2019. I spent two weeks volunteering at a local animal shelter. My main task
was to help take care of the animals by feeding them, cleaning their
enclosures, and spending time socializing with them.

I decided to volunteer because I've always been passionate about animals and
wanted to give back to my community in a meaningful way. I knew that the
shelter relied heavily on volunteers to provide care for the animals, and I
wanted to contribute my time and effort to help improve the lives of these
abandoned or neglected pets.

Volunteering at the animal shelter was an incredibly rewarding experience. It

was heartwarming to see the animals respond positively to the care and
attention they received. Knowing that I was making a difference in their lives,
even if it was just in a small way, filled me with a sense of fulfillment and

I would definitely volunteer again in the future. The experience taught me

valuable lessons about compassion, responsibility, and the importance of
giving back to the community. Plus, the joy of seeing the animals thrive and
knowing that I played a part in that is something I would love to experience
1. Why do you think people volunteer?
People volunteer for various reasons. Some do it out of a sense of altruism and a
desire to make a positive impact on their community or the world. Others may
volunteer to gain new skills, meet like-minded individuals, or pursue their passions
and interests. Additionally, volunteering can provide a sense of fulfillment, purpose,
and personal growth.
2. Would you like to work as a volunteer?
Yes, I would definitely be open to working as a volunteer again. I believe it's a
meaningful way to contribute to society and make a difference in the lives of others.
Plus, volunteering often provides valuable experiences and opportunities for
personal development.

3. Have you ever done any volunteer work?

Yes, I have done volunteer work in the past. I find it to be a rewarding experience
that allows me to give back to my community and help those in need.

4. Is volunteering worth the time it takes?

Absolutely. Volunteering is definitely worth the time it takes. Not only does it benefit
the individuals or causes being supported, but it also enriches the lives of volunteers
themselves. The sense of fulfillment, personal growth, and connection to others that
volunteering provides often outweighs the time and effort invested.

5. What could you do to help if you had no money?

If I had no money, there are still many ways to help others through volunteering. I
could donate my time and skills to various organizations or community projects,
offer assistance to those in need, or participate in community clean-up initiatives.
Volunteering doesn't always require financial resources; sometimes, giving your time
and effort can be just as impactful.
6. What personalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?
Effective volunteers typically possess qualities such as empathy, compassion,
reliability, and adaptability. They should also be able to work well in a team,
communicate effectively, and be willing to learn and take on new challenges. Having
a positive attitude and a genuine desire to help others are essential traits for being a
successful volunteer
7. Do you think people nowadays should volunteer more?
Yes, I believe people nowadays should volunteer more if they are able to do so.
There are countless organizations and causes in need of support, and volunteering is
a practical way for individuals to contribute to positive social change and make a
difference in their communities.
8. How does modern technologies assist volunteers and volunteering

Modern technologies play a significant role in assisting volunteers and

enhancing their volunteering experiences. Platforms and apps make it easier
for volunteers to find opportunities that match their interests and skills.
Social media allows for greater awareness and promotion of volunteer events
and campaigns. Additionally, technology enables more efficient
communication and coordination among volunteers and organizations,
facilitating collaboration and maximizing impact.

9.What benefits other than personal satisfaction could you personally get by
Volunteering offers benefits beyond personal fulfillment, such as the opportunity to
acquire new skills, expand professional networks, and gain diverse experiences and
10.Can a volunteer be treated the same as paid staff?
Although volunteers and paid staff may perform similar roles, their treatment often
differs due to their respective engagements. While paid staff receive compensation
and benefits, volunteers may receive recognition and opportunities for skill
development instead.
11.Should you volunteer if your main reason is to benefits monetarily or
Volunteering should not be pursued solely for financial or material gain. The main
motivation for volunteering should be a genuine desire to contribute positively to
others or the community, rather than seeking monetary rewards.
12.Can money buy happiness?
Money can contribute to happiness by providing access to basic needs and
opportunities, but beyond a certain threshold, other factors such as social
connections, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose play a more significant role
in overall happiness.
13.(Questions in the textbook)

Describe a time when you experienced a new food for the first time.
You should say:
What the food was?
Where and when you tried it?
How it tasted? Explain whether or not you would try it again?
Certainly! One memorable experience of trying a new food for the first time
was when I tasted sushi. It was during a trip to a Japanese restaurant with
friends in my hometown about three years ago.

The sushi I tried was a classic California roll, which consisted of crab meat,
avocado, cucumber, and rice wrapped in seaweed. I remember feeling a bit
hesitant at first because I had never tried raw fish before, but my friends
assured me that sushi was delicious.
When I took my first bite, I was pleasantly surprised by the combination of
flavors and textures. The rice was slightly sticky and had a subtle sweetness to
it, while the creamy avocado and crunchy cucumber provided a refreshing
contrast. The crab meat added a savory element, and the hint of seaweed tied
everything together perfectly.

Overall, I found the experience of trying sushi to be quite enjoyable, and I

would definitely try it again. Since then, I've explored different types of sushi
and discovered a variety of flavors and ingredients that I appreciate. It's
become one of my favorite cuisines, and I'm always eager to try new sushi
rolls whenever I have the opportunity.

1. Describe what you think is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet, in my opinion, consists of a balanced and varied intake of nutrient-
rich foods. This includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and
healthy fats. It's also important to limit consumption of processed foods, added
sugars, and unhealthy fats. Hydration is key, so drinking plenty of water is also
essential for overall health.
2. .Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
There are several reasons why people choose to become vegetarians. Some do it for
health reasons, as a plant-based diet can be lower in saturated fats and cholesterol
and higher in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Others choose vegetarianism for
ethical reasons, such as concerns about animal welfare or environmental
sustainability. Additionally, some individuals may find that a vegetarian diet aligns
with their cultural or religious beliefs.
3. Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to
eat in the past? If yes, in what ways has it changed?
Yes, the food that people eat today is often different from what was consumed in
the past. One significant change is the increased availability and consumption of
processed and convenience foods, which tend to be higher in calories, sugar, salt,
and unhealthy fats compared to traditional, whole foods. Additionally, modern
agricultural practices have led to changes in the types of crops grown and the
methods used for food production
4. How do we think the way we eat will change in the future?
The way we eat is likely to continue evolving in the future, influenced by factors such
as technological advancements, cultural shifts, and concerns about sustainability and
health. We may see a greater emphasis on personalized nutrition, with tailored
dietary recommendations based on genetic factors or individual health profiles.
Additionally, there may be increased interest in alternative protein sources, plant-
based diets, and sustainable food production methods.
5. It “fast food” popular in your country?
Yes, fast food is quite popular in my country. It's readily available and convenient for
many people, especially those with busy lifestyles or limited time for meal
preparation. However, there is also growing awareness of the health implications of
consuming too much fast food, leading some individuals to seek healthier
6. Do people in your country generally prefer to eat at home or eat out?
In my country, preferences for eating at home or eating out vary depending on
factors such as culture, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status. While some people enjoy
the convenience and social aspects of dining out, others prefer the comfort and
control of preparing meals at home. Additionally, economic factors may influence
whether individuals choose to eat out or cook at home, as eating out can be more
expensive in some cases.
Question in textbook

Describe a businessman you admire.
You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person
Another businessman I greatly admire is Jack Ma, the co-founder and former
executive chairman of Alibaba Group, one of the world's largest e-commerce

I first came to know about Jack Ma through news articles and media coverage
of Alibaba's rise to prominence in the global tech industry.

Jack Ma's primary business ventures revolve around Alibaba Group, which
encompasses various online platforms, including (a leading global
wholesale platform), Taobao (China's largest online shopping website), Tmall
(a premium online shopping destination), and Ant Group (a financial
technology company). Under his leadership, Alibaba has expanded its reach
beyond e-commerce into areas such as cloud computing, digital
entertainment, and artificial intelligence.
I admire Jack Ma for several reasons. Firstly, his entrepreneurial spirit and
perseverance in the face of adversity are truly inspiring. Despite facing
numerous rejections and setbacks early in his career, Jack Ma remained
determined to pursue his vision of empowering small businesses through
technology. Secondly, his innovative approach to business and his foresight in
anticipating and capitalizing on emerging trends have played a significant role
in Alibaba's success and its impact on the global economy. Thirdly, Jack Ma's
commitment to social responsibility and philanthropy is commendable. He has
championed initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, rural
development, and education, reflecting his belief in using business as a force
for good in society.

Overall, Jack Ma's visionary leadership, entrepreneurial achievements, and

dedication to making a positive impact on the world make him a businessman
whom I deeply admire and respect.
Describe a nice place for relaxation that you know and use.
Where and what is this place?
How often do you go there
Why do you go there
Why do you go there with
1. . Why so some people decide to set up their own business
Some individuals opt to establish their own business for various reasons. These
motivations range from a strong entrepreneurial drive and a yearning for
independence to a desire to pursue personal passions, innovate, or seek greater
financial returns compared to traditional employment.
2. What kind of qualities do people need to run their own business
uccessful entrepreneurship necessitates a blend of qualities, including effective
leadership, resilience, creativity, adaptability, determination, and a calculated risk-
taking mindset. Furthermore, adept communication, problem-solving abilities,
financial proficiency, and adept relationship-building skills with customers,
employees, and stakeholders are vital.
3. Are there any disadvantages to running a business?
Despite the potential benefits, entrepreneurship also carries inherent drawbacks.
These may encompass financial instability, demanding work hours, elevated stress
levels, and the weighty responsibility of managing diverse aspects such as finances,
operations, and personnel. Moreover, entrepreneurs face the risk of failure and
must navigate challenges like intense competition and regulatory complexities.
4. What are important factors in making a company successful
Several elements contribute to a company's prosperity, such as a clearly defined
vision and mission, delivering products or services aligned with customer demands,
offering a compelling value proposition, upholding high-quality standards, effective
marketing and branding, efficient operational and supply chain management,
competent leadership and a skilled workforce, financial robustness, and adaptive
innovation in response to market shifts.
5. What do you think about working for big corporations
Employment within large corporations offers various advantages, including job
stability, opportunities for career progression, access to resources and training
initiatives, and the potential for superior compensation packages and benefits.
Additionally, sizable corporations typically boast established structures, processes,
and support mechanisms that provide stability and a sense of belonging.
6. What are the pleasant and unpleasant things about such workplaces?
Positive aspects of working for large corporations may encompass access to
professional growth opportunities, networking avenues, and perks like
comprehensive healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and paid leave. Nonetheless,
potential downsides may entail bureaucratic complexities, hierarchical limitations
that stifle autonomy and creativity, internal politics, and a lack of personal fulfillment
or connection. Furthermore, employees may feel like insignificant cogs in a vast
system, leading to disengagement or a sense of purposelessness.
Question in textbook

Describe a crowded place you’ve been to
You should say
When you went there
Where the place is
Who you went there with
And explain how you feel about the changes.
One crowded place I've experienced is Ben Thanh Market in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam. I visited there during a trip to Vietnam a couple of years ago with my

Ben Thanh Market is one of the oldest and busiest markets in Ho Chi Minh
City, located in the city center. It's a bustling hub of activity, where locals and
tourists alike gather to shop for a wide variety of goods, including clothing,
handicrafts, souvenirs, fresh produce, and street food.

Walking through the narrow aisles of Ben Thanh Market, I was immediately
immersed in a cacophony of sights, sounds, and smells. The market was
teeming with people, vendors calling out to passersby, and the aroma of
freshly cooked street food wafting through the air.

Despite the crowds and the hustle and bustle, there was an undeniable charm
to Ben Thanh Market. It felt like a vibrant and authentic slice of Vietnamese
culture, where locals go about their daily lives and tourists get a glimpse of the
country's rich heritage and bustling street life.

In terms of changes, Ben Thanh Market has evolved over the years to cater to
the growing number of tourists visiting Ho Chi Minh City. While it has retained
its traditional charm and character, there are now more modern amenities
and conveniences available, such as air-conditioned sections, ATMs, and free

Overall, visiting Ben Thanh Market was an immersive and memorable

experience, offering a glimpse into the vibrant culture and bustling street life
of Vietnam. Despite the crowds, I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the market
and sampling the delicious street food, and it's definitely a place I would love
to visit again in the future.

1. Are the changes in the cities good or bad?

The perception of changes in cities as positive or negative depends on factors like
their nature, impact, and individual viewpoints. Enhancements in infrastructure or
new amenities may be seen favorably, while unchecked urbanization or loss of
cultural heritage might be viewed negatively.
2. How do people react to them?
People respond to city changes diversely. Some embrace them as opportunities for growth,
while others resist, especially if they disrupt their lives or livelihoods. Communities often
mobilize to express concerns or advocate for their interests.

3. Which facilities should the government make available for people?

Governments should prioritize providing essential services such as healthcare,

education, transportation, housing, and public spaces. Sustainable infrastructure and
environmental initiatives are also crucial for long-term city resilience.

4. Should a government consider local people’s opinion when deciding on

changes in the city?

It's crucial for governments to consider the opinions of local residents when making
city decisions. Engaging with stakeholders through community consultations fosters
transparency and exclusivity.

5. Should people know about everything the government is planning?

Transparency is vital in governance. While not every detail needs disclosure,
governments should inform citizens about plans and decisions affecting their lives.
Accessible information allows for public understanding, questioning, and
contribution to decision-making processes, fostering trust and accountability.
Questions in the textbook
Describe something you did in your life that was a success:
You should say:
What you did
When you did it
What difficulties you faced
And how you felt when you were successful

The biggest success I have ever had was passing the university entrance
As you know, this exam is very challenging and requires careful
preparation over a long period of time. Therefore, since the very beginning of
high school, I always tried my best to study well.
Every day, I paid attention to every lesson at school and wrote
down important points carefully. Besides the required classes, I attended
some extra ones to broaden my knowledge as well as review what I had
learned before. Moreover, at the weekends, I joined a few study
groups where I could discuss and solve difficult exercises with my friends. I
must say that I worked my fingers to the bone in order to get into
my dream university.
Finally, my efforts paid off. I passed the university entrance exam and became
a student at my favorite school. Of course, my parents and relatives were very
proud of me. And this success has motivated me to set and achieve other
goals in my life.

Example 2:
One of the most memorable successes in my life was passing the university
entrance examination. It was a milestone that marked the culmination of
years of hard work and dedication throughout my academic journey.

I took the university entrance examination during my final year of high school.
Leading up to the exam, I dedicated countless hours to studying, attending
preparatory classes, and completing practice tests. The pressure was
immense, knowing that my performance on this exam would significantly
impact my future academic and career prospects.

One of the main difficulties I faced was managing stress and anxiety. The
stakes felt incredibly high, and I constantly worried about whether I had
prepared enough or if I would perform well under the pressure of the exam.
Balancing my studies with other commitments and maintaining a healthy
work-life balance was also challenging.

When the day of the examination arrived, I felt a mix of nerves and
determination. As I sat down to tackle the exam questions, I focused on
staying calm and applying the knowledge and skills I had acquired over the
years. Despite the challenging nature of the exam, I persevered, drawing on
my preparation and problem-solving abilities to navigate through the

The moment I received confirmation that I had passed the university entrance
examination was indescribable. It was a profound sense of relief and joy,
knowing that my hard work had paid off and that I had secured a pathway to
higher education. Passing the exam opened doors to new opportunities and
possibilities, filling me with a sense of optimism and excitement for the future.
It was a moment that I will always cherish as a significant milestone in my life
1. What’s your definition of success?
Success, to me, is the achievement of goals or objectives that are personally
meaningful and fulfilling. It's about realizing one's potential, experiencing growth,
and finding satisfaction and happiness in one's endeavors.
2. Which do you think is more important for people to become successful?
Hard work or opportunities?
Both hard work and opportunities play significant roles in achieving success. Hard
work is essential for developing skills, perseverance, and resilience, while
opportunities provide avenues for growth and advancement. Ultimately, success
often results from a combination of seizing opportunities and putting in the effort to
make the most of them.
3. Do you think people will happy if they don’t have any goals to achieve?
While some people may find contentment without specific goals, having goals to
strive for can provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. Goals give life
meaning and drive individuals to pursue personal and professional fulfillment.
4. What factors lead to success?
Several factors contribute to success, including hard work, determination, resilience,
adaptability, creativity, resourcefulness, networking, seizing opportunities, and
learning from failures. Additionally, factors such as privilege, access to resources,
mentor-ship, and support systems can also influence one's path to success.
5. What kind of success can students achieve at schools?
Students can achieve various forms of success at school, including academic success
(such as high grades or academic awards), personal growth and development (such
as improved critical thinking skills or self-confidence), extracurricular achievements
(such as sports or leadership roles), and social or community contributions (such as
volunteering or activism).
6. How to measure a person’s success?
Measuring a person's success is subjective and can vary depending on individual
goals, values, and circumstances. Some common metrics for measuring success
include achievements, financial status, career progression, personal fulfillment,
contributions to society, and overall well-being and happiness.
7. Is failure a necessary thing for a person’s success?
Failure can indeed be a necessary aspect of personal growth and eventual success. It
provides opportunities for learning, resilience, and self-reflection. Failure teaches
valuable lessons, fosters resilience, and often leads to innovation and improvement.
Embracing failure as a natural part of the journey can ultimately contribute to
greater success in the long run.
8. Questions in the textbook


Describe how you behaved in a stressful situation

You should say
What the situation was
How you behaved
Have other people might have behaved and explain how you felt about your
behaved afterwards
One memorable stressful situation I faced was during a final exam in college.
The exam covered a significant portion of the course material, and I realized I
hadn’t prepared as thoroughly as I should have. As the exam began, I felt my
heart racing and my mind going blank. However, instead of panicking, I took a
deep breath and reminded myself to stay calm and focused.
In that situation, I managed to control my nerves and approached the exam
methodically. I read each question carefully, answered the ones I knew well
first, and then tackled the more challenging ones. While I felt the pressure, I
resisted the urge to rush through the exam. Looking around, I saw other
students in various states of stress – some were frantically flipping through
their notes, while others seemed frozen with anxiety.
After the exam, I reflected on my behavior and felt proud of how I handled the
situation. Although the stress was certainly there, I didn’t let it overpower me.
I realized that remaining composed under pressure allowed me to think more
clearly and perform better than I would have if I had let panic take over. This
experience taught me the importance of staying calm and collected, not just
in exams, but also in other challenging situations I might encounter.

1. What are some typical situations when individuals feel a lot of pressure?
Individuals often feel a lot of pressure in situations such as exams, job interviews,
public speaking engagements, major life transitions (like moving or starting a new
job), financial challenges, relationship conflicts, and health concerns.
2. What are good ways to cope with this kind of tress?
Good ways to cope with this kind of stress include practicing relaxation techniques
such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness, engaging in regular physical
activity, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and sleep, seeking
support from friends, family, or a therapist, setting realistic goals and priorities,
managing time effectively, and cultivating a positive mindset through self-talk and re
framing negative thoughts.
3. If people run away from difficult situation in life, what may be the
If people consistently avoid difficult situations in life, they may miss out on
opportunities for personal growth and development. Avoidance can lead to
increased anxiety, decreased self-confidence, and a sense of stagnation or
unhappiness. It's important to confront challenges and learn from them in order to
build resilience and adaptability.
4. How can people prepare themselves for the challenging parts of life ? can
you elaborate?
People can prepare themselves for the challenging parts of life by developing
resilience, acquiring problem-solving skills, fostering social connections, maintaining
a healthy lifestyle, setting achievable goals, seeking continuous learning and self-
improvement, and cultivating a positive attitude towards setbacks and failures.
Building a strong support network and practicing self-care are also crucial aspects of
5. Why is it important to manage stress? What are some effective ways of
handling stressful situations?
Managing stress is important for overall well-being as chronic stress can have
negative effects on physical health, mental health, and quality of life. Effective ways
of handling stressful situations include identifying and addressing the source of
stress, practicing relaxation techniques, seeking social support, setting boundaries,
prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities when possible, and maintaining a
healthy work-life balance
6. How has life become more stressful now compared to a generation ago?
What can people do to manage these new pressure?
Life has become more stressful in many ways compared to a generation ago due to
factors such as increased competition, technological advancements, globalization,
economic uncertainty, and societal pressures. To manage these new pressures,
people can focus on building resilience, setting realistic expectations, practicing
mindfulness, disconnecting from technology when needed, seeking social support,
and prioritizing self-care activities. Additionally, learning to adapt to change and
finding healthy ways to cope with stress are essential skills in navigating the
complexities of modern life.
Question in the textbook

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