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Accessibility Declaration

Socrative strives to foster a caring and inclusive community that builds to the needs of all our users. We recognize that we have work to do in order to improve. There are still barriers within our applications that prevent users with disabilities from experiencing all of the features we offer.

To improve the accessibility of our applications, the team at Socrative is taking the following steps:

  • We are working with a third-party accessibility firm, Level Access, to provide our team with an official audit of our system and assist our team with prioritization of the highest impact issues for our team to fix.
  • We have dedicated resources and focus towards accessibility so that we are able to meet a higher level of compliance sooner.
  • We are educating our team and adjusting our processes so that we can maintain accessibility compliance indefinitely even as our products and the requirements change.
  • We have conducted a self-assessment of our current level of compliance (see below). We will update this assessment as we receive the official audit results from Level Access, and as we make progress towards compliance.

Feedback is always welcome. We all live different experiences, and our team would appreciate it if you would be willing to share your experiences with us.

If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, or general comments that you would like to share about the accessibility of Socrative, please fill out our accessibility contact form.

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_WCAG-sjekkliste for utfylling av tilgjengelighetserklæring – Showbie 25.01.23

WCAG-sjekkliste for utfylling av tilgjengelighetserklæring – Showbie.Socrative 30.01.23

WCAG-sjekkliste for utfylling av tilgjengelighetserklæring – Socrative 30.01.23

Accessibility Requirements

The accessibility declaration is an overview over a service’s current assessment of its accessibility. It is based on 47 criteria from the WCAG 2.1 standard.

NameDescriptionSocrative TeacherSocrative StudentSocrative Comment
1.1.1: Non-text ContentProvide text alternatives for non-text content that serves the same purpose.NoNoThroughout most of the application, we do comply however we have work to do in order to meet compliance everywhere in our application. 
1.2.1: Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)Provide an alternative to pre-recorded video-only and audio-only content.Not RelevantNot Relevant No pre-recorded video or audio in product (excludes user generated content)
1.2.2: Captions (Prerecorded)Provide captions for pre-recorded videos with audio.Not RelevantNot RelevantNo pre-recorded video or audio in product (excludes user generated content)
1.3.1: Info and RelationshipsContent, structure and relationships can be programmatically determined.NoNoThroughout most of the application, we do comply however we have work to do in order to meet compliance everywhere in our application.
1.3.2: Meaningful SequencePresent content in a meaningful order.YesYes 
1.3.3: Sensory CharacteristicsInstructions don’t rely solely on sensory characteristics.YesYes 
1.3.4: OrientationYour website adapts to portrait and landscape views.YesYes 
1.3.5: Identify Input PurposeThe purpose of input fields must be programmatically determinable.NoYes Some input fields may not be programmatically determinable, for example email, password, and credit card are likely missing this element.
There are no applicable fields in the student application.
1.4.1: Use of ColorDon’t use presentation that relies solely on color.NoNoThere are a few areas of the application that rely solely on colour, including links and colour for the various question types. We are looking into a solution for these areas that is apparent through alternative means other than colours. These are minor areas of the application and should not prevent its use.
1.4.2: Audio ControlDon’t play audio automatically.Not Relevant Not RelevantWe do not have any areas in the application that play audio. This excludes user generated content, which does not play automatically.
1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum)Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 4.5:1.NoNoThis is a known issue that we are looking into a holistic design solution to meet this criteria and increase the contrast throughout the application.
1.4.4: Resize textText can be resized to 200% without loss of content or function.NoNoCurrently we have not found an effective way to increase the text size or spacing without losing content or function, so increasing text size is not available. This is an area we would like to fix.
1.4.5: Images of TextDon’t use images of text.YesYes 
1.4.10: ReflowContent retains meaning and function without scrolling in two dimensions.YesYes 
1.4.11: Non-text ContrastThe contrast between user interface components, graphics and adjacent colours is at least 3:1.NoNoThis is a known issue that we are looking into a holistic design solution to meet this criteria and increase the contrast throughout the application.
1.4.12: Text SpacingContent and function retain meaning when users change elements of text spacing.No NoCurrently we have not found an effective way to increase the text size or spacing without losing content or function, so increasing text size or spacing is not available. This is an area we would like to fix.
1.4.13: Content on Hover or FocusWhen hover or focus triggers content to appear, it is dismissible, hoverable and persistent.YesYes
2.1.1: KeyboardAll functionality is accessible by keyboard with no specific timings.NoNoSome of our application is accessible by keyboard, however our entire application is not. The student app lacks this functionality completely. There may be other areas that in the application that do not perform as well. As we make updates to the application, we strive to update and add this functionality wherever possible.
2.1.2: No Keyboard TrapUsers can navigate to and from all content using a keyboard.No NoSome of our application is accessible by keyboard, however our entire application is not. The student app lacks this functionality completely. There may be other areas that in the application that do not perform as well. As we make updates to the application, we strive to update and add this functionality wherever possible.
2.1.4: Character Key ShortcutsAllow users to turn off or remap single-key character shortcuts.YesYesWe do not have any single-key character shortcuts available.
2.2.1: Timing AdjustableProvide user controls to turn off, adjust or extend time limits.Not Relevant Not Relevant There is no functionality in the application that is restricted by time.
2.2.2: Pause, Stop, HideProvide user controls to pause, stop and hide moving and auto-updating content.No NoThe loading screen in an activity does have moving elements that cannot currently be paused, stopped, or hidden.
2.3.1: Three Flashes or Below ThresholdNo content flashes more than three times per second.Not Relevant Not Relevant We do not have any content flashes in our application.
2.4.1: Bypass BlocksProvide a way for users to skip repeated blocks of content.NoNoWe do not currently have an effective way to skip repeated blocks of content in our application.
2.4.2: Page TitledUse helpful and clear page titles.YesYes 
2.4.3: Focus OrderComponents receive focus in a logical sequence.YesYes 
2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context)Every link’s purpose is clear from its text or context.YesYes 
2.4.5: Multiple WaysOffer at least two ways to find pages on your website.YesNot Relevant The student app is a single page, and therefore there aren’t additional pages to navigate.
2.4.6: Headings and LabelsHeadings and labels describe topic or purpose.NoNoThis functionality exists throughout most of our application, however we are working towards consistency throughout the application. This functionality is not available in our Rooms page.
2.4.7: Focus VisibleKeyboard focus is visible when used.NoNoThis functionality exists throughout most of our application, however we are working towards consistency throughout the application. This functionality is not available in our Rooms page.
2.5.1: Pointer GesturesMulti-point and path-based gestures can be operated with a single pointer.Not RelevantNot Relevant 
2.5.2: Pointer CancellationFunctions don’t complete on the down-click of a pointer.Yes Yes
2.5.4: Motion ActuationWhere a component has a text label, the name of the component also contains the text displayed.Not Relevant Not RelevantThis functionality exists throughout some of our application, however we are working towards consistency throughout the application.

3.1.1: Language of PageFunctions operated by motion can also be operated through an interface and responding to motion can be disabled.NoNoWe are not currently confident that this functionality is available throughout our entire application.
3.1.2: Language of PartsEach webpage has a default human language assigned.Not RelevantNot Relevant Our application does not have parts with default language assigned.
3.2.1: On FocusElements do not change when they receive focus.YesYes
3.2.2: On InputElements do not change when they receive input.YesYes 
3.2.3: Consistent NavigationPosition menus and standard controls consistently.NoYes As we are currently making design updates in our application, some elements may appear inconsistent, however through our iterative design and development, this is something that we are working towards consistency throughout the application.
3.2.4: Consistent IdentificationIdentify components with the same function consistently.NoYes As we are currently making design updates in our application, some elements may appear inconsistent, however through our iterative design and development, this is something that we are working towards consistency throughout the application.
3.3.1: Error IdentificationIdentify and describe input errors for users.YesYes
3.3.2: Labels or InstructionsProvide labels or instructions for user input.YesYes
3.3.3: Error SuggestionSuggest corrections when users make mistakes.YesNoWe believe that there are areas in the student application that we could suggest better corrections when mistakes are made. 
3.3.4: Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)Check, confirm and allow reversal of pages that cause important commitments.NoYes We want to add additional confirmation when a user makes a purchase in our application. This does not apply to the student application, as there are no in-application purchases available.
4.1.1: ParsingNo major code errors.YesYes
4.1.2: Name, Role, ValueBuild all elements for accessibility.NoNo This functionality exists throughout some of our application, however we are working towards consistency throughout the application.
4.1.3: Status MessagesDistances between paragraphs, rows, words and characters must be able to be increased to a certain value.NoNoCurrently we have not found an effective way to increase the text size or spacing without losing content or function, so increasing text size or spacing is not available. This is an area we would like to fix.