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Post-tropical Cyclone Philippe at 30.7°N - 64.6°W

North Atlantic Ocean

Last observation: 06 Oct 2023 - 23:10 UTC

« 2023 Storms »

23 Sep 2023 - 6 Oct 2023

Approximately 800 miles from the U.S. east coast

Storm images and information

NHC Storm Description:

6 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE BECOMES POST-TROPICAL BUT STILL POSES A RISK OF FLASH FLOODING ACROSS NEW ENGLAND THIS WEEKEND... ...THIS IS THE LAST NHC ADVISORY... As of 11:00 AM AST Fri Oct 6 the center of Philippe was located near 30.7, -64.6 with movement NNE at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

6 Oct 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE BEGINNING EXTRATROPICAL TRANSITION... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS CONTINUE ON BERMUDA... As of 8:00 AM AST Fri Oct 6 the center of Philippe was located near 29.9, -64.9 with movement NNE at 18 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

6 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE TAKING A JOG NORTH-NORTHEAST TOWARDS BERMUDA... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS BEGINNING AND EXPECTED TO CONTINUE OVER BERMUDA THROUGH TODAY... As of 5:00 AM AST Fri Oct 6 the center of Philippe was located near 29.5, -65.3 with movement NNE at 18 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

6 Oct 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE APPROACHING BERMUDA, WHERE TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TODAY... As of 2:00 AM AST Fri Oct 6 the center of Philippe was located near 28.8, -65.7 with movement N at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

6 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE TO BRING TROPICAL STORM FORCE WINDS ON BERMUDA BEGINNING EARLY FRIDAY MORNING... As of 11:00 PM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 28.2, -66.0 with movement N at 16 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

6 Oct 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...RAINBANDS MOVING ACROSS BERMUDA... ...TROPICAL STORM FORCE WINDS EXPECTED TO BEGIN EARLY FRIDAY MORNING... As of 8:00 PM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 27.5, -66.0 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...OUTERMOST RAIN BANDS FROM PHILIPPE REACHING BERMUDA... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ON THE ISLAND EARLY FRIDAY... As of 5:00 PM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 27.0, -66.2 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE CONTINUES NORTHWARD... ...HEAVY RAINS APPROACHING BERMUDA FROM THE SOUTH... As of 2:00 PM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 26.2, -66.3 with movement N at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE STRENGTHENS A BIT MORE... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED TO BEGIN ON BERMUDA EARLY FRIDAY... As of 11:00 AM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 25.6, -66.3 with movement N at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE RESERVE HURRICANE HUNTERS FIND PHILIPPE A LITTLE STRONGER BUT STILL IN A STATE OF DISORGANIZATION... As of 8:00 AM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 24.9, -66.3 with movement N at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE CONTINUES NORTHWARD... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED ON BERMUDA BEGINNING TONIGHT... As of 5:00 AM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 24.8, -65.9 with movement N at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE EXPECTED TO BRING TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS TO BERMUDA ON THURSDAY NIGHT AND FRIDAY... As of 2:00 AM AST Thu Oct 5 the center of Philippe was located near 24.2, -65.9 with movement N at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE STILL PRODUCING RAINS IN PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED ON BERMUDA THURSDAY NIGHT AND FRIDAY... As of 11:00 PM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 23.8, -66.1 with movement N at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

5 Oct 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS DISORGANIZED... ...TROPICAL STORM CONDITIONS EXPECTED IN BERMUDA ON FRIDAY... As of 8:00 PM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 23.1, -66.0 with movement N at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

4 Oct 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE TURNS NORTHWARD... ...TROPICAL STORM WARNING ISSUED FOR BERMUDA... As of 5:00 PM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 22.6, -65.9 with movement N at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

4 Oct 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...AIR FORCE RESERVE HURRICANE HUNTERS INVESTIGATING PHILIPPE... As of 2:00 PM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 22.0, -65.8 with movement NNW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

4 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE TURNS TOWARD THE NORTH-NORTHWEST BUT HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE TO DOUSE THE VIRGIN ISLANDS... ...TROPICAL STORM WATCH ISSUED FOR BERMUDA... As of 11:00 AM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 21.2, -65.7 with movement NNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

4 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS DISORGANIZED AS IT MOVES SLOWLY NORTHWESTWARD... ...HEAVY RAINS AND FLASH FLOODING CONTINUES ACROSS PORTIONS OF THE BRITISH AND U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS... As of 5:00 AM AST Wed Oct 4 the center of Philippe was located near 20.5, -65.5 with movement NW at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

4 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE ACROSS PORTIONS OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS AND PUERTO RICO... As of 11:00 PM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 20.1, -65.5 with movement NW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE BEGINNING TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS... ...HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE ACROSS PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD AND NORTHERN WINDWARD ISLANDS... As of 5:00 PM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 19.6, -64.9 with movement NW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE PASSING BY THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS WITH A POORLY DEFINED CENTER... As of 2:00 PM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 19.0, -64.4 with movement NW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...CENTER OF PHILIPPE PASSING JUST NORTHEAST OF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS... ...FLOODING RAINS CONTINUE OVER PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 11:00 AM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 18.9, -63.9 with movement NW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...FLOODING RAINS CONTINUE OVER PORTIONS OF THE NORTHERN WINDWARD ISLANDS AND THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... ...TROPICAL STORM WATCH ISSUED FOR THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS... As of 8:00 AM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 18.6, -63.5 with movement NW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE BRINGING HEAVY RAINS AND FLASH FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE NORTHERN WINDWARD ISLANDS AND THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 5:00 AM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 18.5, -62.9 with movement NW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING OCCURRING OVER PORTIONS OF THE NORTHERN WINDWARD ISLANDS AND THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 2:00 AM AST Tue Oct 3 the center of Philippe was located near 18.0, -62.4 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING EXPECTED OVER PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS TONIGHT AND TUESDAY... As of 11:00 PM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.8, -62.1 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

3 Oct 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING EXPECTED OVER PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS OVERNIGHT... As of 8:00 PM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.6, -62.0 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 22:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MAKES LANDFALL IN BARBUDA... As of 6:00 PM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.7, -61.8 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WARNING ISSUED FOR ANTIGUA... ...PHILIPPE LIKELY TO CAUSE HEAVY RAINS AND SOME FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS OVERNIGHT... As of 5:00 PM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.6, -61.5 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE FORECAST TO CAUSE HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TODAY... As of 2:00 PM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.3, -61.0 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...TROPICAL STORM WARNING ISSUED FOR BARBUDA... ...PHILIPPE COULD BRING HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TODAY... As of 11:00 AM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.1, -60.7 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 12:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE COULD BRING HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TODAY... As of 8:00 AM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.0, -60.5 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...CENTER OF PHILIPPE TO PASS NEAR THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TODAY... ...COULD BRING HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 5:00 AM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 17.1, -60.0 with movement NW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 6:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE NOW MOVING SLOWLY NORTHWESTWARD... ...COULD BRING HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TODAY... As of 2:00 AM AST Mon Oct 2 the center of Philippe was located near 16.9, -59.5 with movement NW at 6 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...SLOW-MOVING PHILIPPE EXPECTED TO BRING HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING TO PORTIONS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS LATER TONIGHT AND MONDAY... As of 11:00 PM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.6, -59.1 with movement WNW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

2 Oct 2023 - 0:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING SLOWLY... ...HEAVY RAIN AND FLASH FLOOD THREAT BEGINNING OVERNIGHT FOR THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 8:00 PM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.6, -59.0 with movement WNW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

1 Oct 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...HEAVY RAIN AND FLASH FLOOD THREAT BEGINNING OVERNIGHT FOR THE LEEWARD ISLANDS DUE TO PHILIPPE... As of 5:00 PM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.4, -59.0 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

1 Oct 2023 - 18:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING ERRATICALLY WEST-NORTHWESTWARD... ...HEAVY RAIN AND FLASH FLOOD THREAT STARTING OVERNIGHT FOR THE LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 2:00 PM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.2, -58.8 with movement WNW at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

1 Oct 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...TRACK OF PHILIPPE SHIFTING WESTWARD SO TROPICAL STORM WATCHES ISSUED FOR ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA... As of 11:00 AM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.1, -58.7 with movement W at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

1 Oct 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING WESTWARD WITH NO CHANGE IN STRENGTH... ...INTERESTS IN THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS SHOULD MONITOR THE PROGRESS OF PHILIPPE... As of 5:00 AM AST Sun Oct 1 the center of Philippe was located near 16.4, -58.2 with movement W at 7 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

1 Oct 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS DISORGANIZED... As of 11:00 PM AST Sat Sep 30 the center of Philippe was located near 16.1, -57.0 with movement SW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

30 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE STILL SHEARED AND MOVING SLOWLY SOUTHWESTWARD... As of 5:00 PM AST Sat Sep 30 the center of Philippe was located near 16.3, -56.5 with movement SW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

30 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING SLOWLY SOUTHWESTWARD... ...AIR FORCE HURRICANE HUNTERS TO INVESTIGATE PHILIPPE LATER TODAY... As of 11:00 AM AST Sat Sep 30 the center of Philippe was located near 16.9, -56.3 with movement SW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

30 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE FORECAST TO LINGER JUST EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS FOR A FEW MORE DAYS... As of 5:00 AM AST Sat Sep 30 the center of Philippe was located near 17.1, -55.9 with movement SSW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 999 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

30 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MEANDERING EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS... As of 11:00 PM AST Fri Sep 29 the center of Philippe was located near 17.6, -55.8 with movement SW at 3 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

29 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE SLIGHTLY STRONGER... ...EXPECTED TO DRIFT AROUND EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS THROUGH THE WEEKEND... As of 5:00 PM AST Fri Sep 29 the center of Philippe was located near 18.0, -55.9 with movement WSW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

29 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE BARELY MOVING... ...EXPECTED TO DRIFT AROUND EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS THROUGH THE WEEKEND... As of 11:00 AM AST Fri Sep 29 the center of Philippe was located near 18.3, -55.3 with movement WSW at 2 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

29 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE LIKELY TO LOITER JUST EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS FOR ANOTHER 3 TO 4 DAYS... As of 5:00 AM AST Fri Sep 29 the center of Philippe was located near 18.5, -55.2 with movement SW at 2 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

29 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING VERY SLOWLY... As of 11:00 PM AST Thu Sep 28 the center of Philippe was located near 18.3, -55.0 with movement WSW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1004 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

28 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE'S FATE IS UNCERTAIN... As of 5:00 PM AST Thu Sep 28 the center of Philippe was located near 18.9, -55.1 with movement WNW at 2 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

28 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE FORECAST TO MOVE SLOWLY AND REMAIN EAST OF THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS... As of 11:00 AM AST Thu Sep 28 the center of Philippe was located near 18.6, -54.6 with movement WNW at 2 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

28 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE EXPECTED TO DRIFT FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS... ...INTERESTS IN THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO SHOULD MONITOR ITS PROGRESS... As of 5:00 AM AST Thu Sep 28 the center of Philippe was located near 18.8, -54.6 with movement WNW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

28 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...DISORGANIZED PHILIPPE MOVING SLOWLY... ...INTERESTS IN THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO SHOULD MONITOR ITS PROGRESS... As of 11:00 PM AST Wed Sep 27 the center of Philippe was located near 18.2, -54.5 with movement NW at 8 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

27 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING SLOWER... ...INTERESTS IN THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO SHOULD MONITOR ITS PROGRESS... As of 5:00 PM AST Wed Sep 27 the center of Philippe was located near 17.7, -54.0 with movement WNW at 5 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

27 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE SLIGHTLY STRONGER... ...INTERESTS IN THE NORTHERN LEEWARD ISLANDS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND PUERTO RICO SHOULD MONITOR ITS PROGRESS... As of 11:00 AM AST Wed Sep 27 the center of Philippe was located near 17.5, -53.7 with movement W at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 998 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

27 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE LIKELY TO WEAKEN DURING THE NEXT FEW DAYS... As of 5:00 AM AST Wed Sep 27 the center of Philippe was located near 17.6, -52.7 with movement W at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

27 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE EXPECTED TO SLOWLY WEAKEN OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS... As of 11:00 PM AST Tue Sep 26 the center of Philippe was located near 17.4, -52.0 with movement W at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

26 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS DISORGANIZED... As of 5:00 PM AST Tue Sep 26 the center of Philippe was located near 17.1, -51.3 with movement W at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

26 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE... As of 11:00 AM AST Tue Sep 26 the center of Philippe was located near 17.3, -50.3 with movement W at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

26 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS DISORGANIZED... As of 5:00 AM AST Tue Sep 26 the center of Philippe was located near 17.7, -49.0 with movement WNW at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

26 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE AGAINST SHEAR BUT SATELLITE WIND DATA SHOWS HIGHER WINDS... As of 11:00 PM AST Mon Sep 25 the center of Philippe was located near 17.6, -47.8 with movement WNW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1001 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

25 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE WEAKENS A LITTLE... As of 5:00 PM AST Mon Sep 25 the center of Philippe was located near 17.3, -46.7 with movement W at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1002 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

25 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE EXPECTED TO CHANGE LITTLE IN STRENGTH... As of 11:00 AM AST Mon Sep 25 the center of Philippe was located near 17.3, -45.5 with movement W at 13 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

25 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE REMAINS STEADY... As of 5:00 AM AST Mon Sep 25 the center of Philippe was located near 17.4, -43.9 with movement WNW at 10 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

25 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE HOLDING STEADY... As of 11:00 PM AST Sun Sep 24 the center of Philippe was located near 17.1, -43.3 with movement WNW at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

24 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING WEST-NORTHWESTWARD ACROSS THE CENTRAL TROPICAL ATLANTIC... As of 5:00 PM AST Sun Sep 24 the center of Philippe was located near 16.8, -42.5 with movement WNW at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

24 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE FORECAST TO BATTLE WIND SHEAR MUCH OF THIS WEEK... As of 11:00 AM AST Sun Sep 24 the center of Philippe was located near 16.2, -41.7 with movement W at 12 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1000 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 50 mph.

24 Sep 2023 - 9:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE CONTINUES WESTWARD... As of 5:00 AM AST Sun Sep 24 the center of Philippe was located near 15.6, -41.4 with movement W at 9 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1003 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 45 mph.

24 Sep 2023 - 3:00 UTC ...PHILIPPE MOVING WESTWARD... As of 11:00 PM AST Sat Sep 23 the center of Philippe was located near 15.4, -40.9 with movement W at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

23 Sep 2023 - 21:00 UTC ...DEPRESSION STRENGTHENS INTO TROPICAL STORM PHILIPPE... As of 5:00 PM AST Sat Sep 23 the center of Philippe was located near 15.6, -39.7 with movement W at 14 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1005 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 40 mph.

23 Sep 2023 - 15:00 UTC ...NEW TROPICAL DEPRESSION FORMS OVER THE CENTRAL TROPICAL ATLANTIC... As of 11:00 AM AST Sat Sep 23 the center of Seventeen was located near 15.6, -38.8 with movement W at 15 mph. The minimum central pressure was 1007 mb with maximum sustained winds of about 35 mph.

Post-tropical Cyclone Philippe at 30.7°N - 64.6°W


True Color daytime, multispectral IR at night
6 Oct 2023 - 22:50 UTC

Last update > 1 hour


Lightning flash extent over GeoColor
6 Oct 2023 - 22:51 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Day Convection

RGB used to identify areas of rapid intensification
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Day Night Cloud Micro Combo

Day: show phase of cloud tops; night: distinguish clouds from fog
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour

Air Mass RGB

RGB based on data from IR & water vapor
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Sandwich RGB

Blend combines IR band 13 with visual band 3
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 1

0.47 µm
Blue - Visible
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 2

0.64 µm
Red - Visible
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 3

0.86 µm
Veggie - Near IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 4

1.37 µm
Cirrus - Near IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 5

1.6 µm
Snow/Ice - Near IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 6

2.2 µm
Cloud Particle - Near IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 7

3.9 µm
Shortwave Window - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 8

6.2 µm
Upper-Level Water Vapor - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 9

6.9 µm
Mid-Level Water Vapor - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 10

7.3 µm
Lower-level Water Vapor - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 11

8.4 µm
Cloud Top - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 12

9.6 µm
Ozone - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 13

10.3 µm
Clean Longwave Window - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 14

11.2 µm
Longwave Window - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 15

12.3 µm
Dirty Longwave Window - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

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Band 16

13.3 µm
CO₂ Longwave - IR
6 Oct 2023 - 22:40 UTC

Last update > 1 hour