May 17th is International Child Helpline Day

Stop It Now! joins with Child Helpline International (CHI) to celebrate International Child Helpline Day on May 17, 2012.

This year's theme focuses on the role of child helplines and technologies in protecting children from abuse and violence. According to CHI, in 2010 child helplines worldwide received nearly 28 million contacts from children and youth around the world. One in five contacts in 2010 involved a case of abuse or violence, and six in ten of those calls were from girls. For more details, see CHI's 2010 Violence Against Children report.

The Stop It Now! Helpline is direct service that helps protect children by talking to adults concerned about situations where sexual abuse is possible. Stop It Now! has been a member of CHI since 2008 and participates as part of the Americas and Caribbean Region, as well as a founding member of the North American Alliance for Child Helplines (NAACH).

"Our work is to help adults take action to keep children safe from sexual violence," said Deborah Donovan Rice, Executive Director of Stop It Now! "Every contact with our Helpline is a chance to change the life of a child and keep them safe from sexual harm."

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