Rescinded [2013-06-01] - Communications Policy of the Government of Canada: Procedures for the Depository Services Program and Central Publishing Database

Communications Policy of the Government of Canada: Procedures for the Depository Services Program and Central Publishing Database
Date modified: 2008-05-16

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The Communications Policy of the Government of Canada requires institutions to register their publications in the Government of Canada's central publishing database and to deposit copies of publications with the Depository Services Program (DSP) – see Requirements 27(b) and 27(c).

Both the DSP and the central publishing database are managed by PWGSC. Through the DSP, PWGSC manages the depository services network of libraries.

All publications regardless of format, including maps, must be entered in the database and copies provided to the DSP.

Registering and depositing publications

Government publishers and authors employed by institutions that are required to deposit their publications with the DSP must:

  • Consult withthe DSP to determinethe best methods to ensure uniform public access to Government of Canada information.
  • Consult with the DSP to determine the required number of copies of each publication, prior to the print run, and provide the program with the appropriate number of copies, regardless of format.
  • Consult with the DSP on the most appropriate electronic format (i.e. compressed and packaged electronic files) and ensure DSP has access to these files.
  • Consult with the DSP on the appropriate meta-data functions, and register their meta-data schema with the DSP to ensure that electronic publications can be appropriately captured.

The DSP:

  • In consultation with government authors and publishers, determines the responsibility and methodology for capturing information required for the central database of Government of Canada publications.
  • Issues ISBN and Government of Canada catalogue numbers to government authors and publishers.
  • Compiles Checklists of new publications in print and electronic formats and posts the latter.
  • Compensates, as needed, designated government publishers, suppliers and officially designated agents for the cost of priced products.
  • Purchases, at reduced cost and on an exceptional basis, government information products as required to ensure public accessibility.
  • Purchases, at reduced cost, licensed and co-published products to meet government commitments to public access.


For more information about the Depository Services Program or the central publishing database, please contact at PWGSC:

Christine Leduc
Publishing and Depository Services Directorate

Phone: 613-996-5959
Fax: 613-947-6949
E-mails: [email protected]
[email protected]

Gay Lepkey
Head of Documentation
Publishing and Depository Services Directorate

Phone: 613-943-1389
Fax: 613-941-2410
E-mail: [email protected]

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