Climate Change

State to establish KEWASIP plan to combat climate change

Programme seeks to preserve the nation’s rich heritage through the restoration

Breathe Nairobi! How city plans to address pollution menace

Nairobi plans to promote sustainable, low-emission transport by transiting to electric ...

Rising Lake Turkana swallows roads, schools in Marsabit

Climate change has worsened life for the 'forgotten people' of Loiyangalani

When did the climate crisis begin?

Earth is not only hotter, it is also getting hotter at a faster and faster rate.

Trees can absorb 50m tonnes of methane yearly – report

Government has pledged to increase tree cover by growing 15 billion trees by 2032.

Nairobi to launch Breathe Cities initiative for cleaner air

The initiative aims to reduce air pollution and planet-warming emissions by 30 per cent.

Duale: Key issues Africa will champion at COP29 in Baku

Kenya will present Africa’s unified priorities at the upcoming UN summit in Azerbaijan.