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IF you want to score a toned summer body with as little effort as possible, look no further.

A celebrity trainer has shared her lazy girl workout routine with The U.S. Sun, and the whole thing can be completed without getting on your feet even once.

Celebrity trainer and Pilates pro Ariel Swan shared her go-to lazy girl workout
Celebrity trainer and Pilates pro Ariel Swan shared her go-to lazy girl workoutCredit: Instagram / arielswan

Pilates pro Ariel Swan broke down the best moves for engaging your glutes, thighs, and core.

The expert, who co-founded her own studio, described the workout as a "low-effort, results-driven routine."

Before beginning, she recommends having a comfy pillow or Pilates ball handy as well as a yoga mat.


Swan first syncs her body and mind by "immersing in the present moment" and "connecting with the tranquility of [her] breath."

She suggests finding a cozy position before closing your eyes or softening your gaze.

"Inhale deeply, allowing your belly and chest to expand, then exhale with a satisfying sigh," she said.

Repeat the breathing exercise 10 times before moving on.


Next, she instructed, lie on a yoga mat and place your feet hip-width apart.

She recommends positioning your pillow or ball between your knees for added comfort.

The Pilates professional shared her tips on the best way to channel your breathing.

  • "Inhale deeply, feeling your ribcage expand," she began.
  • "Exhale with a gentle 'shhh' sound, squeezing the pillow or ball between your knees.
  • "Visualize cinching your waistline towards the center of your body while engaging your pelvic floor. It's like a playful game of holding in pee!"

Repeat this sequence 10 times.

I never had a butt until I started lifting - my glute workout gives me the fattest, juiciest lil peaches


Next, "take it up a notch" and place your hands behind your head.

"Inhale to prepare, then exhale as you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor, performing an abdominal curl," she said.

Staying in position with your hands behind your head, focus on activating your core.

"Lower on the inhale and lift on the exhale, aiming for 25 repetitions," she advised.

Swan began by engaging her core as she lifted her upper body while lying on her back
Swan began by engaging her core as she lifted her upper body while lying on her backCredit: Ariel Swan


Next, add a right-side rotation with each lift and maintain her steady breathing.

"Once you've completed 25 reps on the right side, hold the position and engage in small pulses until you feel the burn in your right oblique," Swan said.

For an extra challenge, she suggests adding a one-minute side plank on your right side before repeating the entire sequence on your left.


Move on to toning your inner thighs, which you can also do while lying down.

  • Lie on your left side with your left leg straight and place your right foot in front for stability.
  • Lift your left leg off the ground and keep it straight, engaging your left inner thigh muscles.
  • Inhale as you lower your leg and exhale as you lift it back up, repeating 25 times.
  • Perform 10 slow and controlled circles with your lifted leg in each direction.
  • Follow up with 25 pulses of the left leg.
Swan added an extra element as she began twisting her upper body as she lifted it from the floor
Swan added an extra element as she began twisting her upper body as she lifted it from the floorCredit: Ariel Swan

Next, she focused on strengthening her glute bridge, starting on her left leg.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift your hips into a bridge position, keeping your ribs drawn together to prevent arching.
  • Elevate your right leg, bending at the knee to create a right angle or shift more weight onto your left foot.
  • Inhale as you lower your hips towards the ground and exhale to lift them back up, repeating 25 times.
  • Follow up with 25 small pulses of the same exercise.

For her final leg exercise, Swan broke down the best way to enhance stability.

  • Begin by lying on your right side with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Lift your left leg to hip height and move it in small circles, performing 25 in each direction while focusing on the stability of the pelvis.
  • Inhale as you lower your left leg towards a hover, then exhale to lift it back up to hip height.
  • Repeat this movement 25 times.

For a well-rounded workout, repeat the above sequences in reverse to engage your right leg.

The Pilates pro engaged her back muscles as she focused on her posterior
The Pilates pro engaged her back muscles as she focused on her posteriorCredit: Ariel Swan


Swan emphasized the importance of good posture, calling it the "foundation of strength and grace."

She explained the best way to work on your posterior line, recommending you maintain a tucked chin throughout the process.

Her exercise helps to engage your low abdominals for lumbar support.

  • Lie on your front and lift your arms towards your head, aligning your elbows with your shoulders and facing your palms down.
  • Lift your chest and arms off the ground, pressing your pubic bone into the floor to engage your back muscles.
  • Inhale as you lower your arms to the ground, then exhale as you lift them back up, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Repeat this move 25 times and add 25 pulses afterward.
  • For an extra challenge, elevate your legs off the ground.


Moving on to upper body, Swan said to start in the tabletop position, which involves hunching on all fours with your shoulders directly above your wrists and your hips aligned over your knees.

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  • Bend your elbows halfway, keeping them directed towards your thighs.
  • Inhale as you lower your chest towards the floor, then exhale as you push back up to the starting position.
  • Repeat this move 25 times.
  • Conclude with 25 one-inch pulses to intensify the burn.
  • For an added challenge, hover your knees above the ground, resting your weight on your hands and feet.


The fitness pro recommended concluding your workout with 10 deep breaths in the child's pose.

After completing her workout, Ariel took 10 slow breaths as she held the child's pose
After completing her workout, Ariel took 10 slow breaths as she held the child's poseCredit: Ariel Swan