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A SKINCARE expert has revealed her diet secret that makes her look a decade younger - and fruit is your best friend.

Star Khechara, 48, insists that our skin needs to be fed through food, not expensive lotions and potions.

Star Khechara looks younger now than in her thirties thanks to her Facelift Diet
Star Khechara looks younger now than in her thirties thanks to her Facelift DietCredit: Star Khechara
Star hails fruit for helping to keep her skin glowing and wrinkle-free
Star hails fruit for helping to keep her skin glowing and wrinkle-freeCredit: Star Khechara
Star's skin looks so good people think she's lying about her age
Star's skin looks so good people think she's lying about her ageCredit: Star Khechara

And by munching down on juicy mangoes and pineapples, her face has been left glowing and wrinkle-free.

It looks so youthful that people often mistake Star, a former skincare formulator and beauty author, for someone in their early thirties.

The skin-nutrition expert hails her anti-ageing food hacks as the Facelift Diet.

She told us: "The Facelift Diet is basically a fruit-centric and plant-based anti-ageing diets.

"It’s about eating anti-ageing foods in abundance. It’s not restrictive or calorie counting or anything.

"Certain foods have rejuvenating properties and you can slow down ageing with your diet."

And revealing her shopping list essential from the supermarket, Star added: "It's all about fruit. If you take anything away from this, eat more fruit.

"There are things in fruit that aren’t even in vegetables. It’s the underdog of food groups.

"All fruit, especially the colourful and juicy fruits. Your mangoes, pineapples, oranges, they are the fountain of youth.

"Think about it this way, you want to be a juicy colourful grape not a brown, shrivelled raisin."

I’m nearly 60 but look decades younger - I swear by two supermarket buys for great skin, including a 75p product

Star is set to release a book about her Facelift Diet, and also shares her expert knowledge and educates others at her Skin Nutrition Institute.

But she's a victim of her own success as people often think she's lying about her age instead of believing she's a good example of her work.

She said: "Because I was always working on my own health and nutrition, and made my own skincare, I’ve always looked pretty good.

"I’m quite fit and active, I have long hair, I dress a little bit punk rock and I’ve always hated the fact that no one ever took my knowledge seriously.

"In my twenties it was bad and I thought, I can’t wait until I’m 30 so people take me seriously.

"And then I hit 30 and people still thought I was in my twenties so then I was like I can’t wait until I’m 40.

"Now I’m 48 and I still get people who say well of course you look good you’re only blah, blah, blah age."

She added: "Usually I just tell them my age and then they look visibly shocked.

"It’s a slight humble brag but not really because it has pissed me off at times.

"There’s a lot of times I want to do more speaking gigs and be taken really seriously in my field. I feel like people look at me like I’m a bit of a kid.

"They think I’m just another TikToker in my twenties saying ‘this really worked on my skin’. When you’re 20 everything’s going to work on your skin.

"It's as though I’m not visibly old enough to understand. But I’m 48, I’m perimenopausal, I know exactly what’s going on."

Star's anti-ageing food guide

According to Star, you can’t stop getting older but you can speed up or slow down ageing with your diet and lifestyle choices...

Foods that age you

  • Animal-based foods such as meats, fish, dairy and eggs - and fried bacon's the worst offender
  • High fat and fried foods
  • High heat cooking methods
  • Alcohol and caffeine
  • Lack of fruit and vegetables

Foods that rejuvenate you

  • Plant-based whole-foods
  • Naturally high-carb / low-fat foods (fruit and vegetables)
  • Raw foods and water-based cooking methods
  • Sobriety
  • An abundance of colourful fruits and vegetables

It can work the other way too, with trolls so determined to find flaws and signs of ageing in Star's pictures that they accuse her of using Botox and filters.

"I don’t say my anti-ageing diet makes you look 20, but it slows the ageing down", she said.

"But there’s always a******* on the internet. Once they find out I’m 48 they deliberately try to nit-pick me and then compare me to 20-year-olds. You can’t win.

"I’ve even had people say 'anti-ageing pfft, you’re well in your thirties love'.

"He thought he was insulting me but he’s actually giving me a massive compliment.

Read More on The US Sun

"I've got nothing to hide. I always show my real imperfect human skin."

To find out more about Star's Facelift Diet, visit her Instagram page here.
