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A GARDENING pro has revealed a savvy hack to help banish slugs in the garden - and you may already have it in your fridge. 

The trick, which is “always a success,” has been shared on the online forum Reddit and has since gone viral. 

A gardening professional has revealed a 'standard hack' to help prevent slugs
A gardening professional has revealed a 'standard hack' to help prevent slugsCredit: Getty
The gardener placed a tub of beer in the garden and it wasn't long before the slugs began to smell it out
The gardener placed a tub of beer in the garden and it wasn't long before the slugs began to smell it outCredit: Reddit

The gardening fan even filmed a video of the trick to prove how well it worked. 

It showed the slugs crawling towards a tub which had been filled up with beer and left out for a couple of hours. 

Experts believe that the slugs and snails are attracted by the yeasty aroma, and will fall into the trap, and be unable to get out. 

Commenting on the video, which showed an astonishing amount of snailings crawling into the tub of beer, a Reddit user said: “It’s the yeast. Smells like rotting fruit. They love fruit.”


Many people recommend doing this to help prevent the slugs from chomping away at their cabbages. 

Another gardening fan added: “I saw this video and immediately went outside and put a tupperware of beer next to my cabbages.” 

Someone else wrote: “This is a standard trick gardeners use to get rid of slugs. Pint of beer in some Tupperware in your garden. Job done. 

“Needs to be deeper than shown in the video though, or the slugs just drink it and make pissed up wavy slime trails across your garden.”

Some other gardening fans shared another useful tip. 

One said: “I doubled up with the cardboard trick. Lay down some cardboard (where you want the benefits of mulch or weed killing) and the slugs crawl under it to make their homes.

How to get rid of Bindweed

“Leave the beer next to it.

“Although if you have chickens. Cardboard gets flipped over, chickens get lunch, you drink this beer yourself.”

A gardening expert previously revealed a 49p trick for eliminating stubborn patio weeds—and it also works on slugs and snails.

Patio weeds can become a significant issue during the summer as the hot weather accelerates their growth.

The video showed the slugs crawling into the beer
The video showed the slugs crawling into the beerCredit: Reddit

These weeds can be quite unsightly, especially if you're planning a BBQ or garden party this weekend.

Here’s a simple way to get rid of them and keep your garden looking its best.

Many of us have shelves in the fridge filled with bottles of fizzy drinks that have gone flat and are unlikely to be used.

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However, Neil McKenzie, a home and garden expert at Halton Stairlifts, suggests that you can repurpose the remnants of these drinks as weed killers instead of discarding them.

You can buy store-brand fizzy drinks from Tesco and Sainsbury's, making this an affordable method even if you don't already have any at home.

Gardening mistakes that could get you fined

Gardening experts over at Toolstation have revealed the garden laws you need to be aware of not breaking.

While some of these laws could land you with a fine of up to £20,000 in extreme cases, a friendly chat with your neighbours can usually resolve any issues.

Tree removal and pruning: If you have a tree in your garden you want to get rid of you better think twice and do your research.

The gardening experts reveal: “If one neighbour wishes to remove or heavily prune a tree that the other neighbour values, disputes can arise over the impact on the view, shade, or privacy. "

While it might cause a row, if it is in your property boundary it is ultimately your choice, unless it has a Tree Protection Order on it.

“But, some trees may be protected by a Tree Protection Order which makes it an offence to uproot, top or destroy them, the experts warn.

The maximum fine for breaking this law is £20,000, so make sure you double check if it does have a TPO.

You can find out by contacting your local council for a map that shows this information. Alternatively, you can ask to speak with your local tree officer.

Property boundaries and fences: One of the main causes of neighbours falling out is through arguing over property boundaries and fencing.

To avoid this situation, the gardening pros recommend checking the deeds of your property to determine the correct boundaries

“Most of the time, it’s easy to determine who owns the fence as the fence posts will usually be on the owners side," they add.

“Additionally, the height of fences or hedges can cause disputes between neighbours if one party feels the height has exceeded the two metre guidance.

"Hedges and fences should be no more than two metres high, and you could be asked by the council to take them down if a neighbour complains about the height.

"Luckily, standard fence sizes are less than two metres tall so you shouldn’t have a problem.”

Garden structures and additions: A pergola is the perfect addition to a garden if you want somewhere to relax in the shade.

But if it obstructs your neighbour's view or violates local building regulations it could cause a dispute, as can sheds and other garden structures.

“If you’re not sure, have a chat with your neighbours to let them know what you’re planning and, if there’s an issue, get in touch with your local council who can give you more guidance," advise the gardening experts.

Overhanging branches and plants: “When branches, vines, or roots from one neighbour's tree or plant extend into the neighbouring property, it can lead to disagreements over potential damage to structures, blocked views, or the burden of maintenance," reveal the pros.

However, it's important to note you can only trim overhanging branches up to the boundary of your property otherwise, it could be seen as trespassing.

You can climb into the tree to carry out the work if needed, but only on your property and make sure to stay on your side of the fence if you don't have permission to enter your neighbours garden.
