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I always cheat on my boyfriend abroad – what happens on holiday stays on holiday, I never feel guilty

A GIRLFRIEND has told how she only cheats on her partner when she’s abroad - and doesn’t plan on stopping her overseas antics until they’re married. 

Georgie, 34, from Glasgow, reckons it’s more acceptable to stray on holiday than when she’s at home and estimates she’s enjoyed nine brief flings.

Georgie reckons she can keep her affairs a secret
Georgie reckons she can keep her affairs a secretCredit: Getty - Contributor

The cheater, who has been with her boyfriend for five years, doesn’t use her real name and claims she feels no guilt over her actions.

She says: “It's sort of ‘my thing’ when we're on a girls holiday, and I don't feel embarrassed. 

“To borrow that awful boys phrase we have a ‘what happens in Vegas’ attitude. 

“I'm so happy at home in my relationship, it's just something that happens when I'm abroad. 

“It's not happened on every holiday, but I’d say the majority of them. 

“A few times it’s not been sex, just late nights with another man talking, drinking and kissing.

“I don't think I have something wrong with me or anything like that. 

“I don't think there's some sort of root cause. It's just something that happens when I'm in a different place. 

“There's probably loads of little reasons. It's reliving some of my wilder days on party holidays, obviously alcohol, and I just feel free when I'm abroad. 

“I suppose I do have a really high sex drive too and that comes out on holiday. 

“Me and my friends are an attractive group too, so we often get attention from other groups of blokes.”

Georgie, who finds men via Illicit Encounters, only intends on being faithful after getting hitched.  

But she also realises her other half would be devastated if he ever found out about her affairs.

She adds: “There's no way I'd consider behaving like this once we tie the knot and then hopefully have a little one. 

“So maybe I am getting it out of my system as much as I can. 

“I don't feel guilty. I'm good at keeping things separate when I'm back home it's back of mind, or not even back of my mind just out of it. 

“I'm sure my partner would be devastated but it's not something he's ever going to find out so it's not worth thinking about.

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“I'm very careful about giving my real name, and where I live and sharing details and things like that. 

“Most of the men I've pulled have partners too, so there’s a level of trust there.”
