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I paid £4k for a nose job – haters say it looks 10 times worse and bigger now but it’s exactly what I asked for

'My biggest fear was changing my whole face'

A STUDENT has been left horrified after being told her nose looks 10 times worse following a £4,500 cosmetic op.

Kendal Bow had been self-conscious of her bumpy beak after people compared it to her dad's 'big nose' when she was seven-years-old.

Kendal Bow loves the results of her £4,500 nose job
Kendal Bow loves the results of her £4,500 nose jobCredit: Kennedy News
Kendal said she hated the bump in her nose so saved up to fix it
Kendal said she hated the bump in her nose so saved up to fix itCredit: Kennedy News
Kendal has been inundated with cruel comments saying her nose looks worse now
Kendal has been inundated with cruel comments saying her nose looks worse nowCredit: Kennedy News

So the 22-year-old, from Glasgow, started saving birthday cash from the age of 14 to fund surgery to fix it.

"It was affecting my confidence and it felt like the only thing holding me back", she said.

After saving for eight years, Kendall finally underwent a rhinoplasty in July to rectify her 'out of proportion' nose.

She was so thrilled with the results that she shared footage on social media, racking up more than 2.5million views.

But she was stunned when she was flooded with cruel comments from trolls who claimed it's been a botched job.

One said: "That's a botched nose job. The tip is also drooping. You will need a revision, sorry to say."

Another wrote: "How are you not depressed [sad emoji]? It looks 10 times worse after… this is NOT how it should look."

While a third added: "It looks bigger than before?!"

And the hate even made Kendal doubt her new nose despite insisting doctors had done exactly as she'd asked.

The performing arts student said: "I was just in shock.

"[They were saying] 'why are you not depressed?', 'you got scammed', 'botched', 'she looked way better before', 'hahaha she's not well', 'you need help'.

"I went straight to panicking. I was trying to make sure I was taping it properly at night and check if my tip was droopy.

"I had no issue with that to start with but the more I was getting comments and staring at my nose I started to hate it even more.

"For someone to come on and try to bring another person down because they chose to do something they didn't like and they're insecure about, it's jealousy."

The wave of mean comments prompted Kendall to contact her surgeon who reassured her the swelling will go down within 12 months and that it was unlikely she'd need a revision.

She said: "When I first saw it I was so happy but when I turned to the front I gasped because it was so swollen and big.

"My surgeon had said 'you shouldn't love it when you first get your cast off because it's still swollen'.

"Friends and family said it looked great. They said it was dead swollen but the side looked great.

"No-one had told me they didn't like my nose in person.

"It just appears droopier and longer in pictures and videos in certain lights because it's swollen and the bone is no longer sticking out my nose, it just makes the shadows different."

Kendal felt inspired by Bella Hadid to undergo the procedure after the celeb had her own bump removed.

"My biggest fear was changing my whole face", she said.

"I liked how I looked but when I saw my side profile, my nose extended my face and I felt like it was out of proportion.

"I made it very clear to the surgeon it was just the bump I wanted done. I 100% trusted that they knew what I wanted."

Despite the trolling she received, Kendal says she still loves her results.

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She said: "The other day I went out for my friend's birthday and I was absolutely feeling myself and I loved it. It's just enhanced me the way I want it to enhance it.

"The more time that goes by I love it even more and more."
