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LAWMAKERS have responded to a spike in illegal parking by assembling a task force to remind drivers of the rules.

Vehicles with expired registration tags will be part of the new effort, too.

A major northwestern city has announced increased parking enforcement efforts
A major northwestern city has announced increased parking enforcement effortsCredit: Getty
Twenty-two officers have been hired to focus their efforts on illegally parked cars
Twenty-two officers have been hired to focus their efforts on illegally parked carsCredit: PBOT

Portland, Oregon announced the hiring of 22 officers for the Portland Bureau of Transportation to crack down on illegally parked cars.

Vehicles with expired registrations are included in the officers' orders too, after new data revealed an "alarming" increase in cars parked illegally or without renewed registration.

In May, the city said officers cited 2,400 vehicles with expired registrations, and 670 cars for not having visible license plates.

Vehicles without valid tags will be written $145 tickets if it's expired for longer than 91 days.

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For 90 days or fewer, the ticket is $75.

According to the release, officers will be seeking vehicles with missing plates, parked facing the wrong way, and those blocking intersections.

Parking too close to an intersection can make it less likely for a pedestrian to be seen crossing the street.

If a vehicle is parked facing the opposite direction of traffic, the vehicle is forced to pull into oncoming traffic to pull out of the spot.

This increases the chances of a head-on collision or accidentally hitting a pedestrian.

Blocking the visibility of an intersection will result in an $85 ticket, the same cost as missing plates.

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If a vehicle is facing the wrong direction, it means a $55 ticket.

Commissioner Mingus Mapps said the increased enforcement is to inspire Portland drivers to drive and park safely.

"Every Portlander deserves safe, well-maintained roads," said Mapps in a press release.

"When everyone follows the rules of the road and pays their fair share, we can keep our city moving smoothly. Vehicle registration fees are a crucial part of funding our transportation system."

It was also noted that Oregon has required valid registration with the state for over 100 years.

"Valid registration has been a requirement to legally drive in Oregon since 1905, ensuring our roads stay safe and reliable for everyone," said Mapps.

What to do if a car is parked illegally in your neighborhood?

Here are best practices if drivers find illegally parked car in their neighborhood:

  • Assess the safety risk: Before taking any action, assess the situation to determine the severity of the issue. Is the car obstructing traffic flow, blocking driveways, or posing a safety hazard?
  • Check local regulations: Read the local parking regulations, especially in an HOA or apartment complex. This will help with finding available actions.
  • Approach with compassion: If it's safe to do so, try speaking with the owner of the vehicle. They may not be aware that they're parked illegally or causing inconvenience.
  • Snap a pic: Take photos or videos of the illegally parked car, especially if it's causing a significant disruption.

Additionally, officers will boot vehicles with orders from Multnomah County Circuit Court.

Millicent Williams, the director of PBOT, said the tickets will be an important reminder to residents and visitors.

"Addressing expired tags and other parking violations is of critical importance as we seek to maintain order and ensure safety in the public right-of-way," he said.

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However, it isn't just downtown Portland that will see all 22 officers working.

All of Portland will be subject to the increased enforcement as of July 8.
