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No one seems to know how to stop small boat migrants – if our laws don’t work, change them… it’s as simple as that

No notice should be taken when the European Court of Human Rights tables an emergency injunction designed to stop us sorting out our migrant problem

GAWD help us! If I never hear the word Rwanda again I will die a happy man. I suspect half of the Government think the same.

Everybody has been trying to prevent any strategy devised to stop boats full of young male migrants arriving here from across the Channel.

Rishi Sunak needs to tell the civil servants and his own left-wing backbenchers: 'We make the law, and this is what we are doing'
Rishi Sunak needs to tell the civil servants and his own left-wing backbenchers: 'We make the law, and this is what we are doing'Credit: AP
Everybody has been trying to prevent any strategy devised to stop boats full of young male migrants arriving here from across the Channel
Everybody has been trying to prevent any strategy devised to stop boats full of young male migrants arriving here from across the ChannelCredit: PA

And sometimes killing themselves in the process.

The lawyers, the charities, opposition parties, none of these have a method for stopping this human trafficking.

Least of all Labour, which has no plan whatsoever.

They just mumble something about arresting the traffickers.

How are you going to do that, Sir Keir?

Ask them nicely to come accompany you down to the nick?

No plans have been revealed.

For all these people, there is no genuine wish to stop this hideous and dangerous trade which is costing us all an arm and a leg.

But the Government has also copped it from its own MPs.

A lot of them were worried that in an attempt to reach a compromise with the ridiculous wet Tories, the bill to deport asylum seekers has been watered down beyond repair.

They have a very good point.

It was a point made by Priti Patel in this very newspaper.

It is very straightforward what needs to be done.

First, the Government needs to get the civil service on side.

That’s quite a task, because over the past eight years our public servants have been trying to thwart government policy at every turn.

They are ideologically opposed to the Conservatives.

They need to be reminded of their duties.

And the civil service code needs to be tweaked a little bit to remind them where their loyalties lie.

Henceforth, no notice should be taken when the European Court of Human Rights tables an emergency injunction designed to stop us sorting out our migrant problem.

Just ignore them. Let them pursue the matter if they wish. But it shouldn’t stop us doing what we want to do.

We elect a government because we agree, more or less, with its policies.

They are directly accountable to us.

We can get rid of them every time a general election crops up.

Not fit for purpose

But none of this applies to the very highly paid justices in the European courts.

They are accountable to precisely nobody.

So they should have no sway whatsoever over how we run our country. And what laws we pass.

As the Brexit vote showed, we don’t want bureaucrats and lawyers in mainland Europe telling us what to do.

Some of those left-wing Tories worry that this might all put us on the wrong side of international law.

Well, maybe, but so what?

If laws are not fit for purpose — and those covering illegal migrants most certainly are not — we should change them. And not be afraid to do so.

At the moment our attempts to deal with this debilitating problem are being blocked at every turn.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak needs to tell the civil servants and his own left- wing backbenchers: “We make the law, and this is what we are doing.”

If he does do that, well, you never know, but the word Rwanda might just be the word that makes the Conservative Party a little more popular.

Wiser ways to put the boot in, Ed

A SHORT note to Ed Balls.

Listen, Ed mate. We are all tempted, from time to time, to kick a TV presenter in the head.

Ed Balls kicks Susanna Reid on Good Morning Britain
Ed Balls kicks Susanna Reid on Good Morning Britain

For me, it happens every time Graham Norton hoves into view.

But the thing needs planning, Ed.

And most important is that you try to avoid kicking a presenter in the head when the cameras are rolling.

Bide your time a little.

And be judicious about your choice.

Is Susanna Reid really that annoying?

I can list about 75 presenters who are far worse.

Next time, just think about it a while longer. Then kick away.

HERE’S another piece of great news.

Chinese scientists have apparently developed a new strain of Covid.

Which attacks the brain and results in a 100 per cent death rate in mice.

Thank you, China.

You have given the world so much.

How kind to go that extra yard and create something which could wipe us all out.

Is there anyone in the world who still believes that Covid wasn’t begun in that lab in Wuhan, by the way?

Vote's a Don deal

IT’S election year in America, as well as here, and Donald Trump is soaring ahead.

He won a crushing victory in the first primary.

Donald Trump won a crushing victory in the first primary
Donald Trump won a crushing victory in the first primaryCredit: Getty

Over the next ten months, the Lefties will fling everything they’ve got at him.

They will drag him into court on, ’scuse the pun, trumped up charges, time and again.

And every time they do so, his opinion poll ratings will rise a little.

The Yanks are not the most sophisticated electorate in the world, and Trump ain’t the most sophisticated candidate.

But the people smell a rat in the Left’s persecution of the bloke.

My guess is he’ll end up President once again.

IT was a pleasure to see my dog, Jessie, scampering in the snow yesterday.

Even if I was freezing my gonads off.

I also commend her choice of mid-walk snack when the snow is on the ground.

She likes nothing better than licking a large plug of deep-frozen sheep s**t.

It’s kind of like an ice lolly for her – a Mivvi, maybe, or a Fab.

Lovely creatures, dogs, aren’t they?

Let for pile in on foe

PRETTY blood-curdling stuff from our Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps.

He says the world is in a “pre-war” phase.

And that sooner or later armed conflict will be upon us.

This didn’t cheer me up particularly.

But then, you look at our enemies.

They clearly hate us, sure. They hate each other even more, though.

Iran has started shelling Pakistan, for example.

A war between Iran and Pakistan, then – who do you want to lose more? It’s a tricky one, isn’t it?

And then there’s the Yemenis. They’ve started firing rockets at our shipping.

But they’re far happier when murdering each other.

Because one group has a slightly different interpretation of Islam to the other group.

We may be soft and useless these days.

But we are lucky in having enemies so psychotic they’re likely to destroy each other before they get around to us.

Pray by the rules

THE Michaela School in London is a working miracle.

Run by Katharine Birbalsingh – sometimes called Britain’s strictest headmistress – it gets astonishing academic results with kids from often very poor backgrounds.

Katharine Birbalsingh is sometimes called Britain’s strictest headmistres
Katharine Birbalsingh is sometimes called Britain’s strictest headmistresCredit: Stewart Williams

But it is now being sued by a Muslim pupil because the school rules forbid her praying in the manner she wants to pray.

If you don’t like the rules, get out of the school.

COUNCIL bosses and the police let down hundreds of girls in Rochdale.

For years they were preyed upon by Asian “grooming gangs”.

A new report says there was “compelling evidence” of widespread, organised sexual abuse of children in Rochdale from as early as 2004 onwards, citing multiple reports of the involvement of groups of Asian men.

Why did the authorities do nothing?

You know why. Political correctness isn’t just annoying, it can be lethal.

JK’s ok by me

AN odious little posh-boy nonentity called Nick Hilton has described JK Rowling as “Britain’s nastiest novelist”.

He was reviewing her latest book in a magazine with a circulation that is so low it may as well not exist.

JK Rowling was described as 'Britain’s nastiest novelist'
JK Rowling was described as 'Britain’s nastiest novelist'Credit: Getty

The liberals continue being vile to Rowling because she has entirely sensible views on the transgender issue.

And she refuses to back down when they start their bullying.

Read More on The US Sun

I was never a huge fan of Harry Potter.

But I’ve become a very big fan of Rowling, for her courage and her glorious “f*** you!”        attitude.
