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WHY are savages who come here illegally allowed to remain so that they can kill or maim people, rather than be deported?

It’s an interesting question which I daresay has crossed your mind before now.

Why are savages, like Abdul Ezedi, who come here illegally allowed to remain so that they can kill or maim people, rather than be deported?
Why are savages, like Abdul Ezedi, who come here illegally allowed to remain so that they can kill or maim people, rather than be deported?Credit: PA
Allowing criminals like Ezedi to stay is usually the consequence of actions by  truly stupid, gullible people
Allowing criminals like Ezedi to stay is usually the consequence of actions by truly stupid, gullible peopleCredit: PA

Some of it is the consequence of outdated international laws restricting where we can send the miscreants.

But mostly it’s the consequence of truly stupid, gullible people.

Let me introduce you to a couple of them. First there’s Judge W K O’Hanlon, who adjudicates on immigration matters. Still adjudicates, despite what you’re about to read.

And then there’s the former Baptist reverend Roy Merrin, who must be denser than a block of tungsten.

Both of these halfwits were involved in the decision to allow Abdul Ezedi to remain in this country despite overwhelming evidence that he should be booted out, pronto. Not least because — as Judge O’Hanlon well knew — he was a convicted sex offender.

 A sex offender who had applied twice for asylum and twice been rejected. O’Hanlon knew all this. So did Merrin.

Later, as you may remember, Ezedi doused a woman and a child in a horrible alkali solution which left them with life-changing injuries. Then he threw himself in the Thames.

Merrin had made friends with Ezedi. He had been convinced that Ezedi was sincere in his conversion to Christianity. He thought he was a top bloke, despite the old sexual offences stuff. This is because he is stupid and gullible.

He testified on Ezedi’s side before O’Hanlon. He said: “Abdul has established a good relationship with the other Church members, and is always willing to help as required. Apart from that, Abdul has been ready to share his faith in Christ with non-Christians.”

O’Hanlon believed this rubbish. That’s because he is stupid and gullible. He praised Merrin’s testimony and granted this convicted criminal asylum status.

Moment chemical attacker is given Muslim burial despite claiming he was Christian after church backed asylum bid

But that’s not all. The court also heard that Home Office officials who had interviewed Ezedi were aware that he knew bugger all about Christianity. And was not remotely sincere in converting.

The only British institution which did the right thing in the case of Abdul Ezedi was Old Father Thames. It drowned him.

 It was a scam — an increasingly popular scam among Muslim asylum seekers. Tell them you’re a Christian, they’ll let you in.

The Home Office people provided excellent evidence. They showed that Ezedi couldn’t answer the simplest questions about Christianity.

 He thought that the Old Testament was about Jesus Christ, for a start. He thought there was an apostle called Jacob. And when asked what God created on the third day, he replied: “Good Friday and Easter Sunday.”

Everybody knows that on the third day God created Millwall Football Club and Toast Toppers. Oh, and some land and trees and stuff.

Despite hearing all this, despite knowing that this loathsome man who had arrived here illegally was also a sex offender, he granted him asylum. And as happens in all too many cases, Ezedi went on to express his savagery by maiming someone. In this case a woman and child.

How can we have any faith in our asylum process when people like O’Hanlon make the decisions? And are not held to account?

And why do we take any notice at all of dingbat God botherers who tell us that every one of these scrotes is a born-again Christian and a possible shoo-in for Archbishop of York? I don’t care what God they believe in. I care that they are illegally here and are criminals.

The only British institution which did the right thing in the case of Abdul Ezedi was Old Father Thames. It drowned him.

AN industrial tribunal has been stopped because one of the members of the panel was found to be seemingly prejudiced against Christians.

 Former union rep Jed Purkis slagged off Christianity and described the Conservative Party as a “tumour”.

Why is this revolting man sitting in judgment on others?

Incidentally, the tribunal was for a teacher who refused to address an eight-year-old pupil by his or her new gender pronoun. She was sacked.

She should, instead, have been made headmistress.

Platter perils too much to bare

Two near-naked models lying on tables, covered in sushi, served some posh crypto-currency money men
Two near-naked models lying on tables, covered in sushi, served some posh crypto-currency money menCredit: Alamy

THERE was some posh dinner for crypto-currency monkeys in London.

They had two near-naked models lying on tables, covered in sushi.

Tasteful, huh? I have to say, I’m not sure I’d want a slab of mackerel which has been loitering right next to some lass’s front bottom.

And the male model? “Ooh, I think I’ll help myself to that juicy king prawn . . .  oh . . . um . . .  sorry”.

Tories' flop is idiotic

Sir Keir Starmer deserves credit for making his party electable - but not without help of monumental incompetence and idiocy from the Tories
Sir Keir Starmer deserves credit for making his party electable - but not without help of monumental incompetence and idiocy from the ToriesCredit: Getty

APPARENTLY, the Labour Party is 99 per cent certain to win the next General Election.

 That’s according to the polling expert Sir John Curtice. I think he’s being slightly generous to the Tories.

By about one per cent. It is almost impossible to believe that just over four years ago they were elected with an 80-seat majority.

And were expected to be in power for at least two terms. Sir Keir Starmer deserves credit for making his party electable, sure.

But such monumental incompetence and idiocy from the Tories.

 They are not known as the “Stupid Party” for nothing.

OUR relationship with the NHS is “toxic”, according to a new study.

 We support the institution in principle, but are angry about its multitude of failures.

Well, yes. So it’s about time we woke up a bit. The NHS cannot remotely do what we expect of it today.

You can pour money down its gaping maw as much as you like.

It will never be enough. So shouldn’t we explore a few alternatives, much as they have done in Europe?

 Even if the lefties complain?

Tit for tat on China?

SO, China was behind a bunch of cyber attacks on British politicians.

And also hacked into the details of 40million Brits.

We were told about these hostile actions last August, but not who had carried them out.

Presumably our intelligence services were working their way through a long list of possible countries.

“St Kitts and Nevis? Mauritania? Laos? Oooh . . . China! Now there’s a thought.”

 I just hope that we are doing exactly the same to the commies as they are doing to us.

But I wouldn’t bet that we are . . . 

A Banksy, perhaps?
A Banksy, perhaps?Credit: Photo: The National Gallery, London

ANOTHER golden moment from Tipping Point.

The question was: Which English artist painted The Fighting Temeraire?

 Now, OK, not everybody is going to know the answer is Turner.

But the answers from the two contestants were “Picasso” and “Banksy”. Sometimes, you just despair.

Beaten on all levels

Also, I dunno what Gareth Southgate has done to Phil Foden
Also, I dunno what Gareth Southgate has done to Phil FodenCredit: Rex

ENGLAND were pretty shocking against that Brazil B team.

 An almost complete lack of creativity. And a defence with more holes than a block of Emmental.

Also, I dunno what Gareth Southgate has done to Phil Foden. One of the most talented Premier League players almost always looks ordinary in an England shirt.

 Truth be told, it could and maybe should have been 0-3 to Brazil inside the first 25 minutes. We were a little better against the Belgians, but not very much.

Still too few chances created. But what bothered me more than the performances was the crowd.

England fans were outsung by both the Belgians and the Brazilians. There seemed to be no fervour.

Maybe it’s because they’re not really allowed to sing anything in case it’s considered offensive.

 Twenty years ago we’d have been chanting: “If it wasn’t for the English, you’d be Krauts.” And “You’re French, and you know you are.”

 A bit rude, I know. But also quite funny . . . 

To sort out our appalling water companies we need nationalisation
To sort out our appalling water companies we need nationalisationCredit: Getty

TWICE as much sewage was dumped in our water courses last year than in the year before.

And don’t think the situation is going to get better if we have a Labour government.

 To sort out our appalling water companies we need nationalisation.

 Take them into state control. Then they will be properly accountable and we can invest in new infrastructure.

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Labour originally promised this. But it’s become yet another policy on which they have changed their minds.

So the problem will continue to get worse and worse.
