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SWEDES appear to be shunning their first ever lockdown as the country sees a record number of people catching Covid-19.

People in the Scandinavian country, which did not shut down during the first coronavirus wave, are reportedly ignoring strict rules and continuing to cram into buses and party behind closed doors.

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Freedom-loving Swedes are ignoring the lockdown that has been imposed in its three largest cities
Freedom-loving Swedes are ignoring the lockdown that has been imposed in its three largest citiesCredit: Oliver Dixon - The Sun
Coronavirus cases in Sweden have been rocketing for more than a month
Coronavirus cases in Sweden have been rocketing for more than a month

Sweden controversially chose not to lock down in March in favour of a herd immunity strategy.

But with a huge surge infections sparked a rethink and three weeks ago authorities imposed restrictions in its three largest cities. 

While not law, people have been told to stay away from non-essential shops and avoid public transport, gyms and museums.  

Yet Swedes are said to be ignoring the lockdown, according to Johan Nöjd, Uppsala's regional infectious diseases doctor.

He told the Daily Telegraph: "It's difficult to see any impact since we had the highest amount of positive tests ever on Monday, a much higher record than in the spring.

"Perhaps more than 50 per cent are listening very attentively to the advice they hear, perhaps even 80 per cent, but then we have this 20 per cent to 40 per cent that is not listening at all."

We need to bring in tougher restrictions which are backed by law, because we’ve now seen that these recommendations are too toothless.

Dr Johan Nöjd

Buses are crowded and parties were being held, despite people being told to avoid physical contact with people outside your household, Dr Nöjd said.

He added: "We need to bring in tougher restrictions which are backed by law, because we’ve now seen that these recommendations are too toothless."

But Sweden's health minister Lena Hallengren has rejected using the law to force people to obey.

She said: "I don't see us pushing through a law which means we have a total 'lockdown'.

"As far as I'm concerned, we have strict recommendations and guidelines which mean that large parts of society are shut down."

Sweden registered 4,697 new coronavirus cases on Friday, the highest number since the start of the pandemic, Health Agency statistics showed.

Some Swedes are obeying the rules but a large number of people are shunning them
Some Swedes are obeying the rules but a large number of people are shunning them

The same day it registered 20 new deaths from COVID-19, taking the total to 6,022 deaths. 

Its death rate per capita is several times higher than Nordic neighbours, but lower than large European countries.

France has recorded its highest ever number of Covid-19 cases as 90,000 tested positive for the virus in a single day.

The country is gripped by a second wave of coronavirus as the figure of 86,852 cases reported on November 7 was a record high for the third consecutive day.

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Sweden controversially chose not to lock down earlier this year, but is yet to see the second wave of infections that is currently gripping France, Spain and the UK.

Shops, restaurants and schools all remained open as the rest of Europe went into lockdown, with the government advising the population to stick to social distancing and avoid gatherings.

France has recorded its highest ever number of covid-19 cases as 90,000 tested positive for the virus in a single day.
France has recorded its highest ever number of covid-19 cases as 90,000 tested positive for the virus in a single day.
The UK is faring a little better, but the numbers still paint a bleak picture
The UK is faring a little better, but the numbers still paint a bleak picture
UK coronavirus deaths and cases FALL on last week as 156 die and 20,572 test positive in hope second peak is reached