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The West must show united strength to prevent tyrant Putin

Unity is strength against the Russians

VLADIMIR Putin is a power-crazed tyrant who will stop at nothing to extend his empire.

But his actions are only as effective as the West allows him to be.

Putin first saw his chance after President Joe Biden’s authority was fatally undermined by his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan
Putin first saw his chance after President Joe Biden’s authority was fatally undermined by his botched withdrawal from AfghanistanCredit: Reuters

War in Ukraine is frighteningly likely “at any time’’ because the Russian President has been able to to cynically exploit weaknesses in the democratic nations.

Putin first saw his chance after President Joe Biden’s authority was fatally undermined by his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has been a pale shadow in the White House ever since.

Meanwhile, Germany remains horribly compromised by its reliance on Russia for key energy supplies.

And despite his high-profile posturing, the preening French President Emmanuel Macron has failed to draw a line in the snow.

Boris Johnson was commendably swift in supporting Ukraine and nearby Nato countries with military aid. But he must now play a major role in strengthening Western resolve. Despite the distractions of Partygate, Boris can still summon up the spirit his allies are lacking.

Preventing a bloodbath in freedom-loving Ukraine is vital, but even more is at stake. If Putin is not stopped he will only step up his efforts to divide and destabilise the West for his own ruthless ends.

With an increasingly belligerent China watching in the wings, the balance of power across the world is at risk.

Only by united strength can we defend freedom. When the West shows weakness our enemies pounce.

The Met needs the right boss

THE importance of appointing the right Met Police Commissioner is summed up by the state of the Big Apple.

New York has been hit by a wave of shootings, rapes and robberies since softer sentences were introduced under woke judicial guidelines.

London could go down a similar lawless path if a 'soft-on-crime' Met Commissioner replaces Cressida Dick
London could go down a similar lawless path if a 'soft-on-crime' Met Commissioner replaces Cressida DickCredit: EPA

Murder rates have mushroomed, cops have been gunned down in the streets and luxury stores have been ransacked.

London could go down a similar lawless path if a “soft-on-crime” Met Commissioner replaces Cressida Dick.

So it is vital that Priti Patel ensures the next leader of Britain’s biggest force does not sacrifice law and order while tackling appalling levels of racism and sexism.

Brexit price slash

NEW Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg says slashing EU red tape could cut prices in the shops by 20 per cent.

What a great way to prove the value of Brexit while helping with the cost of living.

Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg says slashing EU red tape could cut prices in the shops by 20 per cent
Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg says slashing EU red tape could cut prices in the shops by 20 per centCredit: Reuters

The only problem is delivering.

Over to you, Jacob.

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