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Making Boris Johnson the West’s special envoy to Ukraine would send a defiant signal to Russia

Russia will not win

BORIS JOHNSON led the world over Ukraine while his European counterparts flip-flopped.

His departure from office must not weaken Britain’s commitment to defeating murderous Russian tyranny.

Boris Johnson has built up a special rapport with Ukarine's President Zelensky, who hails him as a true friend
Boris Johnson has built up a special rapport with Ukarine's President Zelensky, who hails him as a true friend

Plans are afoot to find a new role for the Prime Minister as the West’s special envoy to Ukraine when he quits Downing Street. What could be a more fitting use of Boris’s skills?

Unlike some cowardly self-servers, he has never faltered in the face of the bloody imperialism of Vladimir Putin.

His passionate calls for the defence of Western values and democracy have stiffened the spines of waverers.

He followed his words with actions by providing billions of pounds of high tech weaponry to the beleaguered Ukrainian army.

Read more on Boris Johnson

And he has built up a special rapport with President Zelensky, who hails him as a true friend.

Putin no doubt hopes the West will grow weary of the war while he grabs more land and slaughters more innocent civilians.

Making Boris Ukraine’s chief cheerleader would ensure this outrage stays on the centre of the world stage.

It would also send out a defiant, crystal clear message: The West will not allow Russia to win.

No time for ego trips

THE Tory party leadership contest must be quick and decisive.

Fringe MPs thinking of throwing their hats into the ring should take a look at the latest polling.

Amongst most voters only one candidate gets more than 10 per cent support and a number record just one per cent.

Time-wasters with no realistic prospects of leading the Tories to a general election victory must be filtered out early.

Otherwise the field will become bogged down with over-ambitious no-hopers who will just slow the selection process.

They cannot be allowed to use the contest as little more than a platform to display their inflated egos.

While there should be proper scrutiny of candidates, we need a new leader in place urgently.

There are too many mounting problems to afford anything else.

For starters Britain needs a massive reduction in public spending to fund tax cuts and a turbo-charged fracking programme.

Read More on The US Sun

We must have fast action from a full functioning Government.

Not some glorified beauty contest for pompous political peacocks.
