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Rishi Sunak’s crushing Commons victory was the moment Brexit FINALLY got done

Brexit’s done

RISHI Sunak’s crushing victory yesterday was the moment Brexit finally got done.

We know plenty will disagree. Not least the DUP and Tory MPs who rebelled against the Windsor Framework.

The Brexit war is finally over after seven fractious years
The Brexit war is finally over after seven fractious yearsCredit: UNPIXS

We understand their concerns, though it is odd to see a few oppose this deal when they backed previous ones palpably less good for Northern Ireland.

It is true too that it will not yet resurrect the Stormont parliament.

We hope pragmatism eventually prevails and the DUP return to share power.

This agreement is not perfect. But it is far better than the Protocol and may in due course be improved further still.

Many Tories who were once Brexit purists know they have to move on and we hope the rest join them.

They made their point in the ­Commons vote today. But after decades of discontent inside the EU — and seven fractious years since the vote to leave — it’s time finally to accept this:

The Brexit war is over.

Thugs’ friend

POLITICIANS reveal their true character when the public’s not looking.

Today Keir Starmer, desperate for power, poses as tough on crime. But cast your mind back to February 2020.

Cast your mind back a few years and it's clear Starmer's crime stance is just him wanting power
Cast your mind back a few years and it's clear Starmer's crime stance is just him wanting powerCredit: PA

Boris Johnson looked set for a decade in power. Starmer was merely a defeated Corbynite.

As such, the ex-human rights lawyer backed a deranged but successful campaign to prevent 50 convicted foreign thugs being deported. Seven went on to commit further serious crimes.

Starmer, through blind left-wing dogma, had made Britain less safe.

It is just one example of his frequent blunders and misjudgements.

They happen because he is not driven by facts, data, analysis and solutions.

He is carried along by a far stronger force . . . the fashionable but dangerous whims of the metropolitan Left.

Secret cops

IF one single measure could make Britain more dangerous overnight it’s the insane police guidance not to name certain ­suspects even AFTER they are charged.

Even for our infamously secretive cops this breaks shameful new ground.

The new police guidance breaks shameful new ground even for our infamously secretive cops
The new police guidance breaks shameful new ground even for our infamously secretive copsCredit: Getty

It is the corrosive legacy of the idiotic “Leveson Inquiry” — and you can read online today the full extent of the disaster it would wreak on the vital principle of transparent, open justice.

Police would be able to arrest and charge suspects without a soul knowing . . . all for “data protection”.

Neighbours could remain in the dark about dangerous predators near them.

Further victims of a suspect would never know to come forward. That alone could collapse a case.

Read More on The US Sun

This draft guidance from the College of Policing must be rewritten.

The Home Secretary must insist.
