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tony parsons

Trashing Boris Johnson over some uneaten birthday cake won’t fix battered Britain

BORIS JOHNSON’S place in our collective memory should not be decided by the people who hate him.

In a perfect world, a democratically elected Prime Minister with an 80-seat majority would have his destiny decided by the voters who first elected him.

Boris Johnson's fate should have been determined by the public who elected him
Boris Johnson's fate should have been determined by the public who elected him

The polling booth at the next General Election would have been the appropriate place to reflect upon the triumphs, sins and cock-ups of Boris Johnson.

The British people voted BoJo in and they should have had the chance to boot him back out again.

Alas, we do not live in a perfect world.

Boris Johnson’s premiership was judged unsustainable by Conservative MPs — many of whom owed him their careers.

So we don’t need Labour’s Harriet Harman to put that unkempt head on a stick for us.

Spare us the BoJo witch-hunt. Spare us the show trial. Spare us the wasted money.

The Partygate investigation cost the Metropolitan Police £460,000 — and who knows how many working hours that could have been spent chasing real criminals.

The Commons Privileges ­Committee grilled Boris for hours this week, supposedly to determine if he misled Parliament about Partygate.

But it feels like they only want to see the man humiliated.

I offer no defence for Boris Johnson’s ship of Partygate fools.

When the Queen was sitting alone at her husband’s funeral, a tiny figure in black hiding behind a face mask, the lax regime in 10 Downing Street should have avoided anything remotely resembling a leaving do or birthday bash.

Not nice. Not respectful. But you know what? It’s also not a hanging matter.

It was never exactly Studio 54 in 10 Downing Street during lockdown. Boris was a PM with a landslide victory whose rule of chaos meant he did not even last one term. Isn’t that punishment enough?

We all made up our minds about a Government policy that apparently decreed one law for them and another for us long ago.

Now we have more urgent matters to worry about than Bojo and his flunkies bending lockdown rules.

Everything in this country feels broken.

Institutions that we have trusted for a lifetime feel they are rotting from the inside. The police. The BBC. The NHS.

The law — leftie lawyers have self- righteously declared they will not ­prosecute climate activists. Where does that end?

Huge sums of public money are ­wantonly wasted.

Too much money has been wasted on the Partygate inquiry
Too much money has been wasted on the Partygate inquiryCredit: AFP

The inquiry into our response to Covid is now up to £114million. Will its findings prepare us for the next pandemic? Fingers crossed, eh?

It is hard to take Harriet Harman’s kangaroo court seriously because Boris Johnson belongs to our past now.

It is Prime Minister Rishi Sunak who is grappling with the very real problems in post-Brexit UK.

Get Brexit done? Brexit will never be done. But Brexit will succeed or it will fail.

There are more serious matters to address than conduct in lockdown
There are more serious matters to address than conduct in lockdownCredit: PA


Rishi has faced down Nicola Sturgeon, gone a long way to finding a solution to Northern Ireland sharing a border with the EU, and vastly improved our relations with our neighbours.

Sunak will not please everyone. But that’s what making hard decisions is about.

That’s what being a good PM is about.

Boris is a great campaigner, but if he truly cared about his party and our ­country, then he would be doing everything in his power to get Rishi Sunak re-elected as our next Prime Minister. But don’t hold your breath.

Rishi Sunak has a hell of a job making Brexit worth all the trouble.

So will every PM who follows him for the foreseeable future.

This great country is at a point of real crisis, and the ritual humiliation of Boris Johnson will not help anyone — no matter how much it pleases the haters who could never beat him in an election.

But a hostile enemy is now threatening this country on a weekly basis with nuclear annihilation.

So let’s stop fretting about Boris ­Johnson’s uneaten birthday cake.

China burning bridges

AS the International Criminal Court declared Vladimir Putin a war ­criminal for deporting Ukrainian children to Russia, any serious statesman would be giving the twitching psychopath a wide berth.

But China’s Xi Jinping went to Moscow and declared his love for Russia’s ­nuclear-armed warmonger.

After unleashing Covid on the world, you would imagine China would seek to rebuild bridges with the West.

Instead, Xi is burning them.

Game needs Kane

Harry Kane's passion for football is a reminder why we love the game
Harry Kane's passion for football is a reminder why we love the gameCredit: Getty

“IT means everything,” said Harry Kane, after putting away the penalty that made him England’s all-time top scorer.

It also went some way to assuaging the pain of his World Cup penalty miss in Qatar, and gave England a first away win against Italy since 1961.

It means everything. In those three little words, you felt all the pride, passion and the never-ending story of our national game.

You feel it every week in the Premier League – it means everything.

Harry Kane represents everything great about the English game.

All that is rotten was seen at Old Trafford last weekend, when Fulham’s Serbian brickhouse Aleksandar Mitrovic laid his hands on the referee.

Passion is what makes English football the best in the world.

But brawny multi-millionaires manhandling the ref doesn’t look like passion. It looks like bullying.

Don't tar all police

THE savage murder of Sarah Everard by serving Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens shocked this country to its core.

Our faith in the police may never recover.

And Baroness Louise Casey’s 363-page review of the culture inside the Met is damning.

But many say the force is rotten to the core. And it’s just not true.

Last Wednesday was the sixth anniversary of the death of PC Keith Palmer, who died from wounds he received preventing a terrorist from entering Parliament on March 22, 2017. He was 48 years old.

If a terrorist attacked Parliament today, there would be another police officer willing to put themselves in harm’s way.

Even if it cost them their life.

So yes – let’s drive the evil scumbags out of the police.

But never slander the memory of heroes like PC Keith Palmer.

Putting it Bluntly, Emily’s just phenomenal

THE English, the BBC’s revisionist western, has been nominated for five Baftas, a reminder that – from Peaky Blinders to Happy Valley and The Gold – this is a genuine golden age for BBC drama.

The English stars Emily Blunt as a sun-baked English aristocrat who is seeking revenge for the death of her son in the lawless Wild West.

Emily Blunt is phenomenal starring in BBC drama The English
Emily Blunt is phenomenal starring in BBC drama The EnglishCredit: BBC

We hear a lot about the future of TV belonging to the streaming platforms.

But there is nothing I have seen in recent years on Amazon, Netflix, Disney and the rest that comes even close to Emily’s phenomenal performance in The English.

The fight is off

TURNS out Tyson Fury will not fight Oleksandr Usyk after all.

Boxing is the only sport that can’t be called a game.

And the only sport where the best frequently do not meet the best.

Imagine if Manchester City wouldn’t play Arsenal, if Liverpool skipped meeting Manchester United. That’s professional boxing.

“Usyk,” posted the Gypsy King, “you little s**tbag, bug-eyed, gappy-teeth, ugly little rat bastard, you slimy f***er. You little p***y. Keep running.”

Yes, it’s definitely off.

Snoop is ready

Snogg Dogg performing atthe Coronation could be remarkable
Snogg Dogg performing atthe Coronation could be remarkableCredit: Getty

SNOOP Dogg, the venerable US rapper, is a huge fan of the British monarchy.

“I’m down to perform at the Coronation,” says Snoop. “Make it happen.”

Oh, they really should.

If Snoop sang, “Bow-wow- wow, yippie-yo, yippie-yay – Doggy-Dogg’s in the motherf***ing house,” on the roof of Buckingham Palace, it would secure the future of the monarchy for the next hundred years.

And make a change from Brian May.

Harry's lucky to stay

Prince Harry is fortunate to be able to stay in America
Prince Harry is fortunate to be able to stay in AmericaCredit: AFP

THE rumblings in America grow louder – how does a self-confessed foreign drug user like Prince Harry get to live in the USA?

Harry has talked openly about his use of cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms. How does he get away with it?

“An admission of drug use is usually grounds for inadmissibility,” says former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani.

“That means Prince Harry’s visa should have been denied or revoked because he admitted to using cocaine, mushrooms and other drugs.”

Brits have been barred from flying to America just for admitting taking drugs. Does a prince get special treatment? Probably.

Read More on The US Sun

It is highly unlikely that border guards will drag Harry kicking and screaming from his Montecito mansion for the next flight back to Blighty.

As we see when Oprah and other sycophants fawn at Harry’s feet, nobody is more deferential to royalty than the Americans.

French leave

KING Charles has postponed his visit to France because the country is in flames after President Macron caused widespread fury by attempting to raise the retirement age – to 64.

The state pension age in the UK is currently 66 with plans to raise it to 68 in the future.

But in France the state pension starts for youngsters of just 62.

Macron’s plans to raise the age has resulted in violent protests from Paris to Marseille.

The vast majority of the French are very keen on keeping the retirement age at 62, but Macron argues that the current pension is unsustainable, with every madame and monsieur now living far longer.

Giving up work at 62 sounds like an incredibly civilised idea.

It’s a wonder that nobody is trying to smuggle themselves into France.
