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Sir Softie Keir Starmer couldn’t care less about fairness – giving EU nationals right to vote here could torpedo Brexit

SIR SOFTIE talks a good game on “fairness”.

He claims it’s because, let’s not forget, he was Director of Public Prosecutions.

Keir Starmer wants to give the vote to millions of foreign nationals living in the UK whose natural inclination would be to vote left
Keir Starmer wants to give the vote to millions of foreign nationals living in the UK whose natural inclination would be to vote left
London Mayor Sadiq Khan isn’t shy about his desire to take Britain back into the single market and reinstate free movement
London Mayor Sadiq Khan isn’t shy about his desire to take Britain back into the single market and reinstate free movement

But his latest plans reveal that he couldn’t care less about fairness.

He wants to give foreign nationals living in the UK the right to vote in British general elections.

There are no EU countries which allow other EU citizens to vote in their elections, let alone Brits.

And even when we were in the EU, European citizens in the UK couldn’t vote in our general elections, so why should they be allowed to now?

Those who have been settled in the UK for several years can already apply for British citizenship.

They have to pass a test which quizzes them on their knowledge of British history and values.

Keir Starmer wants to do away with all this and reduce British citizenship to a meaningless concept.

The reason is obvious — to drag Britain back into the EU by stealth.

He wants to give the vote to millions of migrants whose natural inclination would be to vote for Labour.

Precisely the same reason he wants to reduce the voting age to 16.

But it’s not just Labour’s own electoral successes in their sights.

We shouldn’t forget that Starmer led the campaign for a second referendum when he was Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow Brexit secretary.

His latest ploy would add millions of pro-EU voters to the electorate and reopen the Brexit debate, paving the way for a second referendum and the country going back into the EU.

His cabinet would be reliant on the votes of foreign nationals, and they would govern accordingly.

This isn’t a new tactic either.

Under Corbyn, Labour planned to deploy exactly the same policy in 2019.

And the hapless Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, isn’t shy about his desire to take Britain back into the single market and reinstate free movement, despite it having nothing to do with his job.

Not too long ago, bringing back free movement was one of Starmer’s own Labour leadership pledges, along with giving EU citizens the right to vote.

How many more of these crazy Corbynista pledges will he bring back if he gets his hands on the keys to No 10?

It’s nothing but hypocrisy from the man who once said “it is our duty to accept and respect the outcome of the referendum” and that he wants to “make Brexit work”.

We won the argument in 2016 and we left the EU — that’s democracy.

But now Sir Keir and his North London Remoaner chums are attempting to rig the electorate to rejoin the EU.

Evidently he doesn’t believe in concepts such as borders and citizenship, let alone democracy.

But this is nothing new — he’s a hand-wringing human rights lawyer who has fought to stop the deportation of dangerous foreign criminals.

So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that a leftie lawyer is more interested in foreign national offenders than the people in places like Stoke-on-Trent, who voted to leave.

This is typical Islington dinner-party politics from the same man who said he feels more comfortable in Davos than in Westminster.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are using our new Brexit freedoms to deport migrants who come here illegally.

We’ve broken the gridlock and sorted out the Northern Ireland Protocol.

And we’re levelling up the country by providing new local assets that communities can enjoy and be genuinely proud of.

Hand power back

That’s why people in towns like mine chose to vote Conservative in 2019.

They trusted us to get Brexit done and use the freedoms we took back from Brussels to deliver the people’s priorities.

They didn’t want to hand power back to Labour, a party that would rather let their mates in Brussels decide what’s best for Britain.

If Labour get away with cheating the biggest democratic vote in our history, why should they ever respect democratic votes again?

If Labour can’t be trusted on Brexit, then they can’t be trusted to enact the will of the British people on anything that doesn’t suit them.

This is not “fairness” for EU citizens.

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It’s cheating millions of Brits out of a voice.

  • Jonathan Gullis is the Tory MP for Stoke-on-Trent North.