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Only a welfare and training revolution will cure our economy of its addiction to foreign workers

Migrant woe

WE will never wean our economy off mass immigration without training Brits to fill jobs. We are simply failing to do so.

That is not some fatal flaw of Brexit, as Remainer bores tediously claim.

We will never wean our economy off mass immigration without training Brits to fill jobs
We will never wean our economy off mass immigration without training Brits to fill jobsCredit: Alamy

It is neither wrong, nor impractical long-term, to control our borders as Leave voters wanted. It is in fact every sovereign country’s right and duty to its citizens.

But we had to become more self-sufficient rapidly after Brexit and we have not. Indeed Covid has made us less so. So here we are, even importing fishermen.

David Cameron rightly calls for welfare reform to prise legions of our 5.2million jobless back into work. We also need far more training and apprenticeship schemes, as he says.

Today’s vast migration total is shocking, even after discounting Ukrainian and Hong Kong refugees.

The Tories’ failure over it has somehow allowed Keir “free movement” Starmer, of all people, to pose as tough on immigration.

The total must be slashed. It is unsustainable for our housing stock and public services. The clamp on foreign students bringing their families is a good start.

But only a welfare and training revolution will cure our economy of its addiction to foreign workers.

Whitehall war

THE only way to stop civil service leakers concocting faux-scandals hoping to get ministers sacked is by refusing to buckle.

So Rishi Sunak did right by his Home Secretary Suella Braverman yesterday.

Rishi Sunak did right by his Home Secretary Suella Braverman
Rishi Sunak did right by his Home Secretary Suella BravermanCredit: Getty

The overblown saga over her speeding points never looked a resigning matter.

The Government’s ethics adviser confirmed that.

But the PM must now be alive to the war being waged against his Government from within Whitehall.

Lefties mock claims of a Labour­backing “Blob” sabotaging No10.

But it is self-evident from the hysterical exaggerations briefed anonymously about Braverman, Dominic Raab and others.

Plus the incessant claims about Boris Johnson — already stripped of his office.

Some political scandals are genuinely grave. But accusations now being thrown at Tory front-benchers are ludicrously thin and designed solely to help Labour.

The PM must face down the Left, their media allies and their Twitter mob . . . and blunt the plotters’ blades.

Hero’s farewell

RAF veteran Peter Brown died a lonely death at 96 — but today hundreds will give him the splendid send-off he deserves.

Flt Sgt Brown came from Jamaica and flew Lancaster bombers in the war.

Today hundreds will give RAF veteran Peter Brown the splendid send-off he deserves
Today hundreds will give RAF veteran Peter Brown the splendid send-off he deserves

He never married or had kids.

But we are delighted to have helped trace his long-lost family . . . and that they will join dignitaries and Forces stalwarts for his magnificent military funeral.

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He was a hero, a lovely man — and a Sun reader. It’s the least we could do.

RIP Peter.
