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To the obvious dismay of the Brexit doom-mongers, Britain’s economy continues to defy expectations and grow

Growing for it

TO the obvious dismay of the Brexit doom-mongers, Britain’s economy continues to defy expectations.

For the second successive quarter the UK has confounded predictions by avoiding recession amid modest growth.

To the obvious dismay of the Brexit doom-mongers, Britain’s economy continues to defy expectations
To the obvious dismay of the Brexit doom-mongers, Britain’s economy continues to defy expectationsCredit: Alamy Live News

Remoaner BBC-types appeared desperate to paint this as a temporary boost from more spending on eating out during the June heatwave, attaching predictable warnings about the washout that has followed.

But that is to deny that manufacturing, construction and services as a whole were all growing in the last quarter.

Compare that to the performance of our European neighbours.

Across the EU as a whole growth is zero. Germany and Italy are in the grip of recessions and Britain is only just behind France.

Remainers said we would become an economic basket-case left miles behind Europe if we voted for Brexit.

That simply hasn’t happened.

That’s not to say that everything is rosy.

Growth remains sluggish and our tax and debt burden is crippling.

Both need to be tackled if we are to see genuine recovery.

But if Rishi Sunak and his Chancellor get inflation down without tipping us into recession that will be a significant achievement other European leaders would kill for.

Sick politics

MILITANT junior doctors gave the game away yesterday.

In an attempt to defend their abandonment of patients, leaders of the BMA unwittingly revealed the truth behind their latest four -day strike.

Asked why Scottish doctors weren’t walking out but their English and Welsh counterparts were, BMA co-leader Dr Robert Laurenson replied: “Because it’s a different Government.”

In other words the Marxist medics would rather talk to their fellow travellers in the SNP than the Tories.

Never mind that more than seven million people are waiting for NHS treatment or that the strikes have cost us all £1 billion.

Or that the independent pay review body recommendations have been accepted by almost every other public sector union.

This dispute is now nakedly about smashing the Tory Government.

The surgical mask has well and truly slipped.

Kane so able

FOR so long we used to Cry God for Harry Kane, England and St George.

But Harry Kane’s transfer to Bayern Munich has brought only tears.

No-one can blame Harry for wanting to take on a new challenge.

He has been an incredibly loyal servant to his club and his country and we wish him well.

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Spurs hearts are broken and England’s best striker is now in Germany.

But Harry will always be one of our own.
