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Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to renegotiate a Brexit deal with the EU is utter fantasy

A Keir danger

BE in no doubt. Brexit is in real danger.

Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to renegotiate a deal with the EU is, like his ideas to tackle illegal migration, utter fantasy.

Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to renegotiate a deal with the EU is utter fantasy
Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to renegotiate a deal with the EU is utter fantasyCredit: PA

There is no appetite in Brussels to give us a better deal.

Why would they?

But what the EU WILL scent from the Labour leader’s promises is Brexiteer blood.

Instead, the price of their demands will be so high — dynamic alignment, for starters — that it will inevitably turn the UK into a rule-taker once more.

We’d be left with what was once dubbed BRINO, or Brexit In Name Only.

Soon enough the cry would go up that we might as well rejoin anyway: Single Market, Customs Union and all.

A total betrayal of the Take Back Control message of 2016, certainly.

But who would bet against staunch Remainer Starmer agreeing to that?

And in the process sending us all straight back to the dark days of endless negotiations and a paralysed Government.

Sir Keir’s willingness to show his hand comes in part because the Tories haven’t yet fully seized the opportunities offered by Brexit.

Had they done so, would the Labour leader be so bold?

Attack of Blob

TWO more crashing examples yesterday of how our elite believe they are above politicians and the people.

A BBC documentary reveals how in 2020 — at the height of the Covid pandemic — officials went to the Queen to raise concerns over Boris Johnson’s “conduct.”

This seems to have boiled down to — at a time of unprecedented national emergency — robustly insisting civil servants do their jobs!

Yet rather than bow to the wishes of their recently elected-by-a-landslide masters, the bedwetters of Whitehall tried to tell tales to the Palace in the hope Her Majesty would take it up with Boris privately.

Meanwhile Mark Carney - the worst Bank of England governor in memory, until Andrew Bailey stepped down to the plate - insists Brexiteer Tories turned Britain into “Argentina-on-Thames”.

In his arrogance he ignored the fact the UK economy is now stronger than France or Germany.

These people are not on your side.

Rogue Force

THE tide of sleaze and corruption engulfing the Met Police threatens to overwhelm new chief Mark Rowley.

Officers and staff facing complaints of violence or discrimination against women and girls now number 1,600.

Any one of them could be another Wayne Couzens.

Read More on The US Sun

It will take many years for Rowley to root out his rogue cops.

He must not be deflected in his Herculean task.
