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Net zeroes

IF you thought Parliament’s three-year Brexit war was rancorous, brace yourself.

The Remainer Left will wage a net zero battle every bit as ugly and destructive.

PM Rishi Sunak confidently answered his critics following his speech confirming the relaxing of the UK's net zero commitments
PM Rishi Sunak confidently answered his critics following his speech confirming the relaxing of the UK's net zero commitmentsCredit: AFP

This baying, Tory-hating mob, plus the climate change industry and its tame politicians, and the Labour Party and its broadcasting arm the BBC, have already lost their minds.

Rishi Sunak’s sensible, gentle brake on our headlong charge towards the 2050 net zero target is cynically and falsely portrayed as the act of a dangerous fool.

Their propaganda will now be ceaseless and demented.

The Government will be sued.

Eco-obsessed Tory backbenchers will rebel or resign.

The Radio 4 Today programme’s dismal haranguing of the Prime Minister yesterday set the tone.

This BBC interview gave no credence to Mr Sunak’s true motivation. . . alleviating the ruinous cost of electric cars and heat pumps for ordinary people.

He was merely bombarded with objections from the usual political activists.

Mr Sunak confidently rebutted the lot.

He rightly said that UK carbon emissions are already globally negligible — which is mainly because we have cut them faster than any other country since 1990, with a particular acceleration under the Tories from 2010.

He rightly said too that the delay until 2035 in banning sales of new fossil fuel cars simply matches the EU’s deadline.

Indisputable facts, but they cut no ice with the BBC.

Yet earlier the same presenter listened in respectful silence as Labour eco dud Ed Miliband wibbled on about his vision for the future.

Miliband even asserted without evidence that battery cars would be cheaper than petrol ones by 2030.

Why, then, would we need to ban the latter? Wouldn’t everyone just buy the former?

Get this. Green zealots are now religiously and fanatically devoted to a 2030 target unscientifically plucked from thin air by Boris Johnson — a man they consider a lying charlatan.

The madness of that contradiction cannot be overstated.

And the only explanation which makes sense is this: They thought Labour had the next election sewn up — and are panic-stricken now that Mr Sunak might yet get the Tories’ act together.

The rule taker

HE lacks the guts to say so at home. But thousands of miles away Keir Starmer astonishingly admits that Brexit is NOT safe under him.

Labour’s leader tells fellow lefties in Canada he does not want Britain to go its own way, to “diverge” from EU rules.

But that is the very point of Brexit: To flourish outside the EU, not to still slavishly follow damaging, constricting edicts from Brussels.

Starmer, the Remain ultra, ­campaigned for years to overturn Brexit.

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He hasn’t changed.

By his own admission, he would ensure as PM that it is finally negated.
