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A WWE employee has tested positive for coronavirus, the first of the kind confirmed within the company

WWE confirm first case of coronavirus after individual exposed to two infected heath care workers


WWE have confirmed their first case of coronavirus after an individual within the company was exposed to two infected health care workers.

The wrestling organisation released a statement to announce the news but the identity of the person who tested positive for Covid-19 remains confidential.

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 A WWE employee has tested positive for coronavirus, the first of the kind confirmed within the company
A WWE employee has tested positive for coronavirus, the first of the kind confirmed within the companyCredit: Getty Images - Getty

It is understood, though, that the WWE worker did not come into contact with any other employees from WWE after being infected.

The statement read: “A WWE employee has tested positive for Covid-19.

"We believe this matter is low risk to WWE talent and staff, as the individual and a room-mate became symptomatic in the days following exposure to two people working in acute health care on the evening of March 26, after WWE’s TV production on a closed set was already complete.

"The employee had no contact with anyone from WWE since being exposed to those two individuals, is doing well, and made a complete recovery.”

According to Fightful, a memo was sent out through the WWE internal app on April 5 to stars and other workers.

That note read: "We have just been notified that (name redacted) was diagnosed with Covid-19.

"WWE doctors spoke with (redacted) this morning and reported (they) last had contact with anyone at WWE on March 26 at the Performance Center.

"As you know, (redacted) is not an in-ring performer and we believe this matter is low-risk to you.

"Those of you who were potentially exposed would be cleared for travel by the evening of Thursday, April 9 at the latest, since the last possible exposure to any WWE talent personnel should have been at least 14 days prior."


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The memo was then signed off by Triple H.

It also stated that the infected individual consented to their name and status being shared internally.

They are also thought to be feeling much better now, the Fightful report adds.

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