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WWE deny employee’s claims he was being ‘forced to work’ during coronavirus pandemic amid fear of getting the sack


WWE has denied shocking allegations a member of staff was forced to work during the coronavirus pandemic under fear he would be fired if he refused.

WWE has incredibly managed to continue functioning during the global crisis, with events being filmed behind closed doors.

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 Vince McMahon's WWE have denied claims allegedly from one of their employees the company were forcing staff to work tapings for fear of being fired if they complained
Vince McMahon's WWE have denied claims allegedly from one of their employees the company were forcing staff to work tapings for fear of being fired if they complainedCredit: WWE

But a statement read out at the Orange County Board of Commissioners in Florida claiming to be from a employee identified as “John”, has asked the local government to shut down WWE's television tapings and broadcasts.

It also claimed WWE’s tapings, which were deemed as “essential business” last week amid the coronavirus crisis, make it impossible to practice social distancing.

However, Vince McMahon’s organisation has hit back at those accusations by denying they are true.

A statement said: “These accusations aren't true. Employees know they can confidentially go to Human Resources, not the public.

“Notwithstanding the appropriate protocol, no one would be fired if they were uncomfortable with their surroundings. We've made accommodations for individuals upon request.”

Roman Reigns was allowed to miss WrestleMania 36, despite being lined-up to win the WWE Universal Title, after he raised fears over his safety amid the Covid-19 outbreak.


The statement from “John” said: “My employer, World Wrestling Entertainment, aka WWE, is forcing me to work at TV tapings for its weekly shows despite stay-at-home orders for coronavirus.

“I am unable to speak out as I need this job, and I know I will be fired if I approach my higher-ups. Despite sanitary precautions, we cannot maintain social distancing and have to touch other people.

“I request the government to shut down these tapings and enforce so my colleagues and I may follow social distancing rules without fear or repercussions of losing our jobs.”


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Last week WWE axed over 50 wrestlers and off-camera staff during the middle of the pandemic due to cost-cutting.

The company then paid their shareholders a stock dividend that could have covered the recently-released superstars salaries for a year.

And the company’s CEO McMahon’s payout was worth £2.8million - which could have covered those wages for around FIVE MONTHS alone.

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