Now what can we do as parents and voters in this situation?

It's disgusting

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Reminds me of the Red Hats In Cambodia. Will they be confiscating guns next?

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"old stereotypes where teachers are perceived as the ones with authority and knowledge" - this mindset is popping up everywhere. I fear for my kids' generation.

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"Craighead emailed back: “I, too, am concerned with the antisemitic nature of their opinions. “However,” Craighead continued, “I felt that the benefit of their support for our students outweighed my concerns.”

The fact that an antisemitic organizations grooms antisemitic social justice warriors is not Craighead's concern. But is should be, shouldn't it?

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This reminds me of the children indoctrinated by the Khmer Rouge and trained to spy on their parents and other adults. Scenes from The Killing Fields came to mind reading this article

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There's no end to what 'progressive' Californians will do to ruin their beautiful state.

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Meritocracy should be the prime directive of all schools. This politicization of academia is poisonous, and is being used to divide western nations, in order to make us easier to manipulate, indoctrinate and plunder.

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Good news from a major metropolitan city in the South! As a volunteer assistant teacher at an elementary school in one of the most liberal counties in the Country, I have observed that the entire curriculum is focused on teaching core academic subjects, and that the teachers and administrators do not deviate from the curriculum.

My only negative observation is that most of the parents are not providing necessary academic support. By way of example, less than 10% of the parents participated in parent-teacher conferences last Fall (I know with certainty that if a parent notified a teacher of a work or other conflict and asked to reschedule, the teacher would have accommodated the request.). Additionally, homework is not emphasized, because the teachers know that most of the children will not receive assistance with the work at home, or be encouraged/forced to complete it.

The teachers and the administrators are so devoted to their students, but alone they cannot cause the children to reach their academic potentials. What can be done to motivate these parents to make education a priority?

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Did Diana Craighead, the president of Long Beach school board, go to the same DEI program as Claudine Gay, Liz Magill, and Sally Kornbluth?

Sure sounds like it.

And people wonder why tax payers don’t trust school systems. So much money is spent on things so far removed from classrooms.

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Now I am confused. After school activities are generally a. for an additional cost to the student. or

b. free of charge, compliments of the board of ed. Since when (maybe I am answering my own question) is it necessary to pay students to attend an activity?

So, if it is necessary to pay for attendance, that is a very sad statement. It is like the N.Y. Jets paying some fans to attend a game late in the season in the rain. (also sad)

If one wants to coerce students, perhaps follow a policy my high school shop class teacher offered.

Students who clean up their tools and sawdust before the bell rings get their choice of a free donut.

This really worked. Of course, that was in the 1980's. Presently, it may be illegal since sugar is harmful, the lard used is not vegan friendly, and providing free sugar to some discriminates against diabetics.

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"we're coming for your children." where have i heard that before?

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one goal of cfj is to retain more teachers...that sounds fair, except their other goal is to have more teachers of color. So....I guess they should retain less teachers (white), and then fill the vacancy with teachers of color. Problem solved. Diverse teaching staff will promote better learning outcomes from students of color. If that theory holds, then it is fair to say that the white students would relate better to the teachers of whiteness.

All of this sounds like an underhanded way of promoting segregation.

I taught at risk youth in a N.Y.public high school, and the "hook" for getting students (of all colors, sexes, etc). involved, is mutual respect (challenging) and dynamic, informative subjects. (always challenging). This pie in the sky propaganda does all of us a disservice, especially the students.

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Tonight Biden will tell the "Rich" they need to pay more in taxes to realize their "Fair Share".

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And of course, the word leftist never makes an appearance in this article.

Nor the words "Democrats" not "union".

But it is precisely the horrid combination of those three elements which yields such a result as this.

And the Free Press swings and misses, yet again...

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Yup-the Anti-Semitic is okay in this instance. WHAT?

Only in California have they so distanced themselves from reality that their very words are the antithesis of the truth.

Only in California are they paying students to be indoctrinated with this illiberal progressive crap.

Only in California could CFJ exist and even prosper by spewing hate in the name of social justice.

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Struggle sessions for teachers is how it begins.

Mao’s Little Red Book coming soon to an elementary near you!


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