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September 2024

  • Max Chandler-Mather speaks to media, backed by Sarah Hanson-Young and Adam Bandt

    Greens appeal to renters with regulator that could fine real estate agencies

    Creating a national renters protection authority is one of several policies party is taking to election as possible kingmakers in a hung parliament

August 2024

  • Three way composite: before garden renovation, during garden renovation and after garden renovation

    Is my rented garden an act of resistance to the precarity of my living situation? Possibly

    Jaimee Frances Edwards
    I know when I leave, no longer able to afford the increasing rent, it will be a record of my love, not for property or possession, but for tending and care
  • A blue for rent sign outside a house

    NSW moves to outlaw asking tenants to pay for their own background checks on renter ‘blacklists’

    Minns government announces reforms to end practice of rental property platforms soliciting payments from applicants
  • Residential properties in Melbourne

    Melbourne is the only Australian capital to see a drop in house prices. What’s going on?

    The Victorian city seems to be on a different trajectory to others – what might that mean for housing affordability?

July 2024

  • Stock image at a supermarket

    The five areas of life where Australians might notice inflation rise the most

  • Aerial view of homes in Sydney

    Australia's rental crisis
    Fears NSW renters could be mass-evicted ahead of proposed law change

  • Chris Minns

    NSW Labor rejects conference motion to repeal anti-protest and youth bail laws – as it happened

  • Protestors held placards during a rally for public housing in Sydney

    NSW landlords may be fined if they evict tenants for ‘non-genuine’ reasons

  • For most young Australians, the dream of owning a home has moved into the realm of fantasy

    Rebecca Huntley
  • Full Story
    Why are Australian homes so cold? – Full Story podcast

  • Anger over delay to end of no-grounds evictions in NSW as renters face ‘perfect storm’

June 2024

  • Man with hot water bottle

    Baby it’s cold inside: here’s how to warm up your chilly old Australian home

  • Irvine and Patricia Somerville standing outside their home

    ‘Bad landlords’: families face eviction as Queensland government hits Fig Tree Pocket tenants with rent hikes

  • Max Chandler-Mather

    Negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts to cost Australian budget $165bn over 10 years, analysis reveals

  • A woman and a cat warming themselves in front of an electric heater

    If you’re cold and miserable this winter in your freezing Australian home, try this fun game

    Deirdre Fidge
  • It’s just as hard at 70 to buy your first home in Australia

    Ken Haley
  • The Agenda
    Should Australia recognise housing as a human right? Two crossbenchers are taking up the cause

    Paul Karp
  • Louise was evicted so her landlord could move in. A year later, the house remains empty

  • Change by degrees
    Budget-friendly tips to keep rented homes warm in winter

  • Thousands of short-stay rentals flouting registration rules in Sydney, research finds

About 276 results for Renting