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Three scientists in a laboratory
Some scientists are willing to give it all in the pursuit of science. Photograph: Thomas Tolstrup/Getty Photograph: Thomas Tolstrup/Getty
Some scientists are willing to give it all in the pursuit of science. Photograph: Thomas Tolstrup/Getty Photograph: Thomas Tolstrup/Getty

Five fascinating science books to read

This article is more than 10 years old

Fancy a little mind-expansion? Try these tomes, picked by the author of the Science Book a Day blog

Sometimes there are so many great books published that it's hard to keep them in mind at any one time. In my blog, Science Book a Day, I try to keep abreast of all the new scientific tomes that are out there. Here is a selection that you might want to check out at your local bookstore or library soon.

Probably Approximately Correct: Nature’s Algorithms for Learning and Prospering in a Complex World by Leslie Valiant

Some great advancements in science occur when we try to replicate what nature already does so well. In Probably Approximately Correct, Harvard computer scientist Leslie Valiant proposes the idea of "ecorithms", algorithms that interact with and benefit from their environment. Ecorithms are at the core of how we learn to create a hypothesis about our environment, test that hypothesis and from feedback, improve our original ecorithm. Valiant proposes that this process helps organisms to adapt more efficiently than random natural selection and may be important in designing intelligent computers. An ambitious book, Valiant does not claim to have all the answers, but it will definitely get the conversation going.

Do Fathers Matter? What Science Is Telling Us About the Parent We’ve Overlooked by Paul Raeburn

There has been an increase of what is known as "dad-lit", books that tell you how to be a good father. Paul Raeburn’s new book doesn’t so much focus on giving advice but highlights current research that indicates what dads bring to the table – from before birth and on through their children’s lives. He relies on a mass of scientific evidence from genetics to human/animal studies. He is not merely flag-waving for fathers, but rather, highlighting evidence of what fathers do differently to mothers. According to Raeburn “When we rid ourselves of what we think we know about fathers, and replace it with what we’re now learning, we can do more to encourage fathers to become involved with their children.”

Proof: The Science of Booze by Adam Rogers

Alcohol exists at the intersection between objective creation and subjective perception. Wired magazine's Adam Rogers goes into the biochemistry of how alcohol is created, what makes a good head on beer and the lengths alcohol makers will go to to create the perfect drink. In one anecdote he describes how some distillers play loud music to increase the number of molecules that hit the sides of the barrels, speeding up fermentation. He also discusses the psychology of flavour perception and what actually influences the taste sensations we have, from the decor of the bar to the design of the bottle or the label. Fittingly, the book ends with a discussion of hangover cures, what works and what doesn’t. The perfect book to enjoy with a glass of red.

Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence by Thalma Lobel

This new book, written by Professor Thalma Lobel, examines the relatively new field in social science known as "embodied cognition", where our bodily sensations influence the mind. For example, studies indicate that our concept of power is unconsciously related to vertical position (“he looks up to her”) and when power-word pairs (boss-worker”) are presented on a computer screen, we read towards the top of the screen when looking for the powerful and towards the bottom of the screen for the powerless. Lobel infuses the book with many more examples of how our thoughts are influenced by the way we are embodied in the world. Can you feel it?

Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll: The Science of Hedonism and the Hedonism of Science by Zoe Cormier

Zoe Cormier is a founder of Guerilla Science, a science outreach group who try to make science interesting and accessible. As the title of this book, which is out in August, suggests, it looks at the science behind some of the fun things in life. Why does music make us feel the way it does? Why do goats engage in oral sex? But it goes further into the stories about brave, clever and at times weird scientists who are willing to give it all in the pursuit of science.

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