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Rhiwbina councillors call site meeting

This article is more than 13 years old
Councillors in Rhiwbina have called a public meeting to allow residents to submit comments on sites put up for development across the city

Councillors in Rhiwbina have called a local meeting to allow residents to discuss the implications of the candidate sites put forward for development in their ward.

The public meeting, set to take place on 8 February in All Saints Church, Heol y Felin at 7.30pm, will look at which sites were put up for future development as part of the city's Local Development Plan.

You can see all the sites put up for development in your ward in this post here. The Rhiwbina councillors said although the meeting will focus on sites in their ward, any Cardiff resident will have the opportunity to complete a sheet offering their comments on other sites which will then be presented to the council.

Councillor Jayne Cowan said:

"My colleagues and I have prepared a newsletter for circulation to residents living close to the proposed sites of interest and the leaflets will start to be delivered this week. It is essential for residents to have opportunities to let us know their views, before the LDP is discussed at the full council meeting, which we understand is currently planned for March 2011."

Fellow Rhiwbina councillor Adrian Robson said:

"I am keen to continue engaging with residents regarding the proposals, and will be looking forward to hearing the views at the public meeting in early February."

Councillor Brian Jones said:

"I have had discussions with residents regarding the proposals, and they are keen to make representations. If residents are unable to attend the meeting, they can make representations to us in the usual way - via telephone, fax, e-mail, in writing or in person."

What do you think of the candidate sites put up for development in the list submitted to the council? Leave your comments below.

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