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EU flag with question mark on it
Tomorrow Britain will go to the polls over the future of its place in the EU. Which way will you vote? Photograph: Alamy
Tomorrow Britain will go to the polls over the future of its place in the EU. Which way will you vote? Photograph: Alamy

EU referendum: are you in or out? Our readers discuss

This article is more than 8 years old

Join us at 12pm today to discuss where you stand and why. Follow the blog over the morning as we will update it with opinions from our journalists

As our time comes to an end, here is a heartfelt post from humans on both sides of the debate. Thanks for sharing all your views with us over the past few hours.

A plea to vote Leave

For me it is time to take a leap of faith, it is very rare for a people to hold their own destiny in their own hands and I believe we must take advantage of that and vote to leave.

Unfortunately I believe a lot of people are voting for the wrong reasons such as immigration and there has been a real lack of factual information coming out from either side to describe what the EU is and how it operates. The fact is the reason so many business leaders want Remain is because the EU is fast becoming a corporate oligarch, it is a huge tax haven and far from supporting the common worker it actually continues to increase the divide between us the people and those with wealth and control.

We must bring democracy and power back to a base where we can control it.

Josh Head, Bristol

A plea to Remain

I will be voting remain. When I think of what came before the EU in terms of the divisions and fighting in Europe I feel there is strength in unity. The UK has spent so much of the past trying to distance itself from daring to be called ‘European’ just because a small body of water separates us from the continent. It’s the 21st century and we need to work on how we can help each other and the world. If we leave, and Russia continues with the current campaign of aggression it’s been showing I would feel safer as part of the EU than to be left alone.

As well as this, the economic benefits of being in the EU as well as the other milestones (paid holidays, workers’ rights etc) that it has provided for us cannot be denied.

The vicious, hateful and downright untrue rhetoric that has been spouted by the Leave campaign has sown seeds that shouldn’t have been planted in people’s minds.

Anonymous, Manchester

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