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Obama's first 100 days

Comment is free writers look back at Barack Obama's first 100 days as US president
  • 100 daze: President McCain's reign

    Melissa McEwan
  • 100 days: Republicans in exile

    James Antle
  • 100 days: Tim Geithner's travails

    Tim Fernholz
  • 100 days: Bitter in defeat

    Jeremy Lott
  • 100 days: Danger ahead for Obama

    Anthony Painter
  • 100 days: Obama's big green dream

    Kate Sheppard
  • 100 days: Obama the politician

    Lola Adesioye
  • 100 days: The will of the people

  • Tomasky Talk special: 'He definitely wants to become a transformative president'

  • 100 days: Setting the tone for America

    Michael Tomasky
  • Labour's sorry fate can remind Obama to keep using all his power now, fast

    Jonathan Freedland
  • Barack Obama: A good start

    Editorial: The American president is making huge strides to change old American policies, but challenges lie ahead

  • 100 days: Living in Obamaland

    Nicolaus Mills

    Nicolaus Mills: The Obama era puts to rest Bush's every-man-for-himself values. Americans are embracing a sense of shared responsibility

  • 100 days: The media's Obamania

    Dan Kennedy

    Dan Kennedy: Barack Obama has been good for the news business, and coverage of him is changing the journalism landscape

  • Gary Younge

    Obama has had an epoch-defining 100 days. But vultures are gathering

    Gary Younge

    Gary Younge: We have seen the scale and scope of his ambition. But every element in the president's agenda carries a clear possibility of failure

  • Obama's excellent 100 days

    Editorial: President Obama has already restored to his country much of the international authority it lost under President Bush