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Students whose families turned to food banks during the pandemic lost on average half a grade per GCSE subject. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA
Students whose families turned to food banks during the pandemic lost on average half a grade per GCSE subject. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

Pupils who used food banks in pandemic fared worse at GCSEs, study finds

This article is more than 1 year old

Findings prompt concerns about long-term impact of cost-of-living crisis on poorer students’ life chances

Pupils whose families turned to food banks during the pandemic fared worse at GCSE than expected, losing half a grade per subject on average, according to a study.

Researchers said pupils’ grades were lower, even after taking into account their prior attainment and some aspects of household finances.

The findings have prompted concerns about the long-term impact of the cost-of-living crisis – which has resulted in many more families experiencing food insecurity – on the future life chances of poorer pupils.

The research forms part of the Covid social mobility and opportunities (Cosmo) study which is investigating the short-, medium- and long-term impacts of the pandemic on educational inequality, wellbeing and social mobility.

The study, which is led jointly by the UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO), the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies, and the Sutton Trust, is the largest of its kind.

Researchers are tracking the lives of 13,000 young people in England who are due to sit A-levels and other qualifications this summer, and their work has highlighted the damaging impact of financial insecurity on mental health.

According to the study, two out of five (39%) households reported they were in a worse financial situation than before the pandemic.

Four out five (82%) parents and half (53%) of young people in families struggling financially reported poor mental health. Parents in financial difficulties were four times as likely to report poor mental health than those living comfortably.

One in 10 young people were living in households classed as food insecure, with many describing running out of food and skipping meals, while 5% of parents reported going an entire day without eating. Rates of food insecurity were found to be highest in the north-east and the north-west (15% and 12%), compared to the south-east (9%) and the east of England (7%).

Dr Jake Anders, the CEPEO’s deputy director and Cosmo’s principal investigator, said: “The mental health and life chances of young people and their parents are being dramatically affected by post-pandemic cost-of-living pressures. And these impacts are likely to be long-lasting, given the seeming link between food insecurity and performance in exams.”

Sir Peter Lampl, the founder of the Sutton Trust, said: “Unless action is taken, there is likely to be a worsening of mental health which will affect a whole generation. The government should review financial support for families and boost investment in schools so that vulnerable children are not left behind.”

A government spokesperson said: “We understand the pressures that many families are facing and we are working to address some of the long term challenges left in the wake of the pandemic. Our national tutoring programme is helping those pupils most in need of support and has had over three million courses started to date.

“We are also supporting the most vulnerable pupils through pupil premium funding, which is increasing to almost £2.9bn in 2023-24 – the highest cash terms rate since this funding began.”

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