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Wanadoo sales grow 51%

This article is more than 22 years old

Wanadoo, France's largest internet service provider, today reported first-half sales growth of 51%, boosted by acquisitions including last year's £1.6bn purchase of Freeserve.

Revenues rose to £424.13m from £281.01m a year earlier, of which internet access revenues accounted for £188m, more than double that of the previous year.

Directories and business services made up the majority of revenues, with £236.30m in the first six months of this year.

Freeserve contributed £7.57m in portal revenues and £15.52m in internet access revenues, although these figures covered just the four months between March and June.

The number of Freeserve's internet access customers dropped slightly to 2.03m from 2.1m, due in part to a shortening of the active user benchmark from 40 to 30 days, but it also shows that growth has now slowed.

At the end of 2000, around 40,000 people were signing up to Freeserve every week.

"Just over a year ago Wanadoo was floated on the Paris Stock Exchange so that it could continue its growth in Europe," said Nicolas Dufourcq, the chief executive of Wanadoo.

"Through this move we have been able to make two major acquisitions - Freeserve in Great Britain and Indice Multimedia in Spain. Today, Wanadoo is one of the major European internet players."

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