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Citizen media

August 2013

  • Peter Preston

    Peter Preston on press and broadcasting
    Shield law must cover what journalists do, not who they are

    Peter Preston
    Peter Preston: The US Senate is pondering who is a 'real reporter' – because some of them don't like the taste of activism or real passion in journalism, never mind the knotty issue of whistleblowers

June 2013

  • The Occupy Wall Street protest in Zuccotti Park

    Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state

  • Greenslade
    After Leveson - is citizen journalism the answer?

April 2013

  • Inside the Guardian
    Introducing GuardianWitness, our new platform for content you've created

    GuardianWitness is a new way to collaborate with Guardian journalists by telling us your side of a story in video, pictures or text

January 2013

  • Endgame: Syria

    Games blog
    News as games: immoral or the future of interactive journalism?

    Keith Stuart: Apple's decision to reject an iPhone game exploring the conflict in Syria reflects wider unease about playing with news

November 2012

  • French photojournalist Remi Ochlik

    Syria: film-making and weapons don't mix

    Sakhr al-Makhadhi
    Sakhr al-Makhadhi: As the risks keep larger news groups away, is the blurring of the line between activism and journalism putting all reporters in danger?

October 2012

  • An oversubscribed ConservativeHome debate at the Tory party conference earlier this month

    Blogging enriched the Orwell prize, but times have changed

    Jean Seaton

    Jean Seaton: Though blogging at its best can provide an insightful view from the outside, it has now been subsumed into the mainstream

July 2012

  • London 2012 - public space

    London 2012 Olympics data
    London 2012 Olympics: the impact of commercialisation on the games

  • Greenslade
    How to set up a community radio station

June 2012

  • citizen relay

    Scotland's Olympic torch relay: how citizen journalists have charted the journey so far

    David McGillivary, project lead of Citizen Relay, recounts the achievements of citizen journalists using the olympic torch as a starting point for interviews about Scottish identity

  • citizen relay

    Scottish citizen journalists: charting the Olympic torch relay

    Jennifer Jones describes how and why a 60 strong team of citizen jouranlists will be using the olympic torch as a starting point to explore a deeper sense of identity in Scotland

  • Roy Greenslade

    Local newspapers' crisis: why we should dream the impossible dream

    Roy Greenslade

    Roy Greenslade presents another extract from What do we mean by local?. This is a contribution by Professor Jay Rosen

May 2012

  • Vyclone iPhone app

    Apps blog
    Vyclone video app aims to out-social Viddy and Socialcam

    New iPhone app connects people shooting videos of the same event, and edits their footage together

April 2012

  • James Ball

    You told us
    In defence of online comments

    James Ball

    James Ball: You told us: The internet would be a dull place without readers being able to challenge writers – and journalism would be impoverished

March 2012

  • William Gagan and Geoffery Shivley

    US news blog
    Citizen journalists undertake mission in Syria: 'Bullets don't discriminate'

    Two Americans whose first foray into citizen journalism was filming at an Occupy protest have moved on to one of the most dangerous places in the world for reporters of any skill level

February 2012

  • Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik

    Were Marie Colvin and journalists deliberately targeted by Syria's army?

  • An image from Syrian television shows the scene of a bomb attack in Aleppo

    Syrian government blocks live video streaming site Bambuser

December 2011

  • Tahrir Square protest

    Arab spring leads surge in events captured on cameraphones

    From Tahrir Square to the scene of John Galliano's racist rants, pictures and videos from the public have been increasingly used in media coverage

    Gallery: Cameraphone images of the year
  • A man films the aftermath of a tear gas volley fired by police on protestors in Cairo, Egypt

    Cameraphones capture the images of the year – in pictures

    Cameraphones have entered the mainstream of photojournalism with a huge rise in the number of images published by the media this year

  • Barack Obama 2008

    The citizens agenda: making election coverage more useful

    Jay Rosen and Amanda Michel

    Jay Rosen and Amanda Michel: We invite you to help refresh the media's tired templates of campaign coverage to address issues people really care about

About 172 results for Citizen media