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Press intrusion

February 2019

  • The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at London’s Natural History Museum on 12 February.

    Meghan 'vilified and chased' by press like Diana, says George Clooney

    The duchess – whose first child is due soon – gets a ‘raw deal’ from media, the film star tells an Australian magazine

November 2018

  • Kate and Gerry McCann were two of four individuals who brought the legal challenge.

    Madeleine McCann's parents fail in bid to revive Leveson inquiry

    Court rules that government had met its obligations when it ditched inquiry into the press

September 2018

  • ‘MIA’s film and Allen’s memoir arrived at the optimum moment. Finally, they stand a long-awaited chance of being heard.’

    The music essay
    ​MIA and Lily Allen: staying loud in a world that silences women

  • The Duchess of Cambridge

    French magazine loses appeal over Duchess of Cambridge topless photos

August 2018

  • shredded newspaper pages illustration

    The long read
    Alan Rusbridger: who broke the news?

    The long read: The former editor-in-chief of the Guardian looks back on two decades that changed journalism for ever

July 2018

  • Alan Rusbridger

    After Cliff Richard, what price privacy and the public’s right to know?

    Alan Rusbridger
  • Sir Cliff Richard (centre) with his lawyer, Gideon Benaim, outside the Rolls Building in London.

    Media experts alarmed at consequences of Cliff Richard ruling

  • Sir Cliff Richard speaks outside the Rolls Building in London, where he was awarded more than £200,000 in damages after winning his high court privacy battle against the BBC over its coverage of a police search of his home in Sunningdale, Berkshire, in August 2014.

    The Guardian view on Cliff Richard’s court victory: a threat to journalism

  • Roy Greenslade

    The Cliff Richard ruling is a chilling blow to press freedom

    Roy Greenslade

June 2018

  • The fire damage to Behailu Kebede’s kitchen in flat 16, Grenfell Tower.

    Grenfell Tower inqury: kitchen fire resident ‘did nothing wrong’

    Behailu Kebede, occupant in whose flat the blaze erupted, was media scapegoat, says QC

May 2018

  • WPTV Thomas-Keesee-and-Sahar-Sarid

    Say cheese: men who allegedly published thousands of mugshot photos arrested for extortion

  • Lord Falconer speaking in the Lords debate on a new Leveson inquiry

    Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    MPs vent frustration about Tory response to Grenfell Tower tragedy - Politics live

  • Lord Falconer speaking in the Lords debate on a new Leveson inquiry

    Lords overturn MPs with vote for second Leveson inquiry

  • Emily Bell

    Media blog
    Keeping a free and fair press is one of the defining political issues of our age

    Emily Bell
  • Lords could defy government over Leveson inquiry

  • Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    Labour accuse Tories of 'shameless capitulation to press barons' after vote against Leveson 2 inquiry - Politics live

  • We don’t need another inquiry into the press after Leveson

  • The Leveson inquiry must be completed. The victims of phone-hacking deserve nothing less

    Ed Miliband
  • Mirror Group pays undisclosed sum to phone-hacking victims

April 2018

  • Jane Martinson

    Media blog
    Press standards: the vital bond of trust that journalists have to win back

    Jane Martinson
    Amid the shock and grief of the Manchester Arena attack one local paper got it right. This is why
About 2,682 results for Press intrusion