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Plot sharing

This article is more than 16 years old
On the second day of our work-life balance week, Nicki Hodges talks about the pressures of work, children and a creative writing course

Not content with juggling work and children, Nicki Hodges decided to take on a creative writing course. She explains how she weaves the different strands of her life together:

My script-writing tutorial didn't go well this week. "The plotting is poor, the time-scheme makes no sense, the characters are not very developed. I've no idea where we are. What is the purpose of this story?" was the tutor's verdict.

I've got a week to get the script into shape, I have to work and there are also my three children to consider. Not for the first time I wonder "why am I putting myself through this?"

I started my degree in creative and media writing because I wanted to write a novel. For most sane people, coursework and bringing up three children - aged 14, seven and 23 months - would be enough. But there are bills to pay and the academic year is short (October to April) with holidays in-between, so I work as a freelance magazine subeditor.

Fitting work in around university and family is a rush. I have to get to the office on time, so mornings are a panic - coats, book-bags, a violin and all manner of paraphernalia is draped across the baby's buggy as I hurry up the road depositing children at school breakfast club and the childminder. Then it's a mad dash through the underground in rush hour.

At university, even when I slide in 15 minutes late there is always a group of students who turn up later still, and some who don't turn up at all. It's the mature students who are the most dedicated.

As soon as my lectures are over I go to the university library and do my coursework before picking up the children two hours later. I have childcare organised for every day of the week so I can work odd days when magazines call me up. But the beauty of being a freelance is being able to turn work down. And during the school holidays I can work full time as my childcare is already in place.

I've never had the heart to tell the children to go away while I'm studying, so I work at night when they are in bed, or my husband keeps them occupied while I lock myself in a room. Sometimes I'm playing with them at the same time as trying to keep a thrilling idea for a story in my head; then they ask me a question and I'm looking at them and my mind is elsewhere entirely.

So here I am with a screenplay that is pants and only a week to make it better, in between working and looking after my children. Why am I doing it? Because I love it and I'm learning so much.

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